神に開かれた大きな心 教皇フランシスコ・独占インタビュー 2013年9月19日発表
編集者ノート: これは2013年8月にローマ行われた3回にわたる教皇フランシスコとのインタビューの記録である。インタビューはイタリア・イエズス会の会報「La
Civilta Cattolica(カトリック文明)」誌の編集長Antonio Spadaro, S.J. 本人が行った。 Spadaro師は、このインタビューをLa
Civilta Cattolica誌, イギリスThinking Faith誌を始め、アメリカなど世界各国のイエズス会が発行する主要会報を代表して行った。各会報の編集チームは質問を準備してSpadaro師に送り、師がそれらの質問を取りまとめた。インタビューはイタリア語で行われた。イタリア語のテキストが承認された後、フリーの専門家5人によるチームに英訳が委任され、アメリカでも公表された。
インタビューは、教皇が選挙の後に住居に定めたCasa Santa Martaのアパートで行われた。
Mario Bergoglio(教皇の本名:ホルヘ・マリオ・ベルゴリオ)の霊性の源は、彼が言うところの「harmonised energies(ハーモナイズド・エナジーズ)」ではなく、キリストや聖フランシスコ、聖ヨゼフとマリアといった、人間の顔を持つ存在にあるようだ。
訳注:Our Lady of Lujan (Spanish: Nuestra Senora de Lujan) is a celebrated 16th-century
icon of the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. The image, also known as the
Virgin of Lujan (Spanish: Virgen de Lujan) represents a famous Marian apparition.
The image still exists; it is on display in the Basilica of Lujan in Argentina.
The feast day of Our Lady of Lujan is May 8.
教皇はブラジル訪問旅行について語った。彼にとって、あのWorld Youth Dayは「神秘」であり、真の恵みと考えられた。彼はあのような大勢の人びとに語りかけたことはなかったと言う
: 「わたしは同時に一人の人しか相手に出来ず、目の前にいる人と一対一の関わり方をしてきた。わたしは群衆に慣れていないのです。」と教皇は語る。
質問1: Jorge Mario Bergoglio とは、どんな人物か?
答え1: 彼は頷いて答えた: 「どう言ったら最も適切な表現になるかわかりませんが・・・わたしは一人の罪人です。これが最も正確な定義です。それは修辞的表現でも文学的表現でもありません。わたしは一人の罪人なのです。」
そして彼は繰り返した: 「わたしは主から見られている者です。自分のモットーである Miserando atque Eligendo (あわれみをもつことにより、そして神を選ぶことにより…)」をいつも自覚しています。」
このモットーは、Bede the Venerable(ベーダ・ヴェネラビリス=尊者ベーダ)の説教集からとられたものだ。この中で尊者ベーダは、マタイの召命に関する福音物語についてこうコメントしている:
『イエスは収税吏に目をやった。そしてその男が愛の心をもって自分を見ていたのでこの男を選ばれた。イエスはこの男に“わたしに従いなさい”と声をかけた。』 教皇はこれに加えて、「わたしは、ラテン語の動名詞miserandoはイタリア語にもスペイン語にも翻訳できないと思います。だからこの言葉を、存在しない動名詞misericordiando
(“mercy-ing”) で訳したいのです。」と語った。
訳注:ベーダ (672- 735)はイングランドのキリスト教聖職者・歴史家・教会博士。カトリック教会・聖公会・ルーテル教会・正教会の聖人。9世紀以降から「尊敬すべきベーダ」
della Scrofa(の近く)に泊まりました。そこからは時々、フランス王聖ルイ教会を訪れ、天井に描かれたカラヴァッジョ(Caravaggio)の「聖マタイの召命」の絵を見ながら瞑想したものです。」
訳注:サンタ・マリア・マッジョーレ大聖堂The Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore (English: Basilica of
Saint Mary Major,), or church of Santa Maria Maggiore, is the largest Catholic
Marian church in Rome, Italy. Other churches in Rome dedicated to Mary include
Santa Maria in Trastevere, Santa Maria in Aracoeli, and Santa Maria sopra Minerva,
but the greater size of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major justifies the adjective
by which it is distinguished from the other 25. According to the 1929 Lateran
Treaty, the basilica located in Italian territory is owned by the Holy See and
enjoys extra-territorial status similar to that of foreign embassies. The building
is patrolled internally by police agents of Vatican City State, not by Italian
police. It is located on Piazza del Esquilino, number 34, some five blocks southwest
of the Stazione Termini.
訳注:Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571 - 1610)は、バロック期のイタリア人画家。1593年から1610年にかけて、ローマ、ナポリ、マルタ、シチリアで活動し、カラヴァッジョ(Caravaggio)という通称で広く知られている。その作品に見られる肉体面、精神面ともに人間本来の姿を写実的に描く手法と、光と陰の印象的な表現はバロック絵画の形成に大きな影響を与えた。
「そこに描かれたイエスの指はマタイを指さしています。それはわたしを指しているのです。わたしは彼のように、マタイが感じたように感じるのです。」 ここで教皇は、自分が探していたイメージを見出したかのように、居ずまいを正してこう言った。「わたしの心を捉えたのは、マタイの身振り(動作)です:
彼は、金をしっかりと握って、“いいえ、わたしは違います! いいえ、この金はわたしのものです!” と言っているかのようです。この姿こそわたしです。主が目を向けられた罪人です。そしてこれが、教皇選出の際、受諾を求められた時に答えた言葉です。」
質問2: なぜイエズス会士になったのか?
教皇さま、なぜあなたはイエズス会に入る選択をしたのですか? イエズス会のどこに惹かれたのですか?
答え2: 「わたしはもっと何かを求めていたのです。しかし、それが何かは分かりませんでした。わたしは教区の神学校に入りました。ドミニコ会が好きで、ドミニコ会の友人がいました。けれども結局イエズス会を選びました。教区の神学校がイエズス会に委託されていたので、イエズス会のことはよく知っていました。その中でも特に三つのことがわたしの心を惹きつけました。その宣教の使命に燃える精神、その共同体、その秩序ある規律です。これは奇妙なことでした。なぜなら、わたしはおよそ規律に縁のない人間だったからです。しかし、イエズス会の規律や時間の過ごし方といったものに心を動かされたのです。」
Martaに居るという事実によってお分かり頂けるでしょう。あのコンクラーベの時、わたしは207号室にいました。(居室はくじ引きで決められた。) 今わたしたちが居るこの部屋は客室でした。わたしはこの201号室に住むことにしました。というのは、教皇用の住まい(the
papal apartment) を与えられた時、心の中ではっきりと、「ノー」と言う声を聞いたからです。使徒宮殿 (the Apostolic Palace)
訳注: The Pope's window from which he delivers the angelus. The Papal Apartments
is the non-official designation for the collection of apartments, both private
and state, that wrap around a courtyard (the Courtyard of Sixtus V, Cortile di
Sisto V)on two sides of the third floor (the top floor) of the Apostolic Palace
in Vatican City. Since the 17th century the Papal Apartments have been the official
residence of the Pope in his religious capacity (as Supreme Pontiff). Prior to
1870, the Pope's official residence in his temporal capacity (as sovereign of
the Papal States) was the Quirinal Palace, which is now the official residence
of the President of the Italian Republic. The Papal Apartments are referred to
in Italian by several terms, including appartamento nobile and appartamento pontificio
訳注:The Apostolic Palace (Italian: Palazzo Apostolico) is the official residence
of the Pope, which is located in Vatican City. It is also known as the Papal Palace
and the Palace of the Vatican. The Vatican itself refers to the building as the
Palace of Sixtus V in honor of Pope Sixtus V. The building contains the Papal
Apartments, various government offices of the Catholic Church and the Holy See,
private and public chapels, Vatican Museums and the Vatican library, including
the Borgia Apartment now used to house artworks.
「イグナチオの霊性の下に働くようにと召命を受けたあなたは、(教皇に選出されて)普遍教会に対する奉仕の役割をどのように理解されますか? イエズス会士にとって、教皇に選出された意味は何ですか? あなたの使命を果たす上で、イグナチオの霊性のどのような要素が援けになるしょうか?」
答え3: 「それは識別です。」 教皇は答えた。「聖イグナチオの内面に働いているものの一つは、識別です。聖イグナチオにとって識別は、主を知り、より近く主に従って生きるための「戦いの道具」(an
instrument of struggle)です。わたしは、イグナチオの想念を表す “non coerceri a maximo, sed contineri
a minimo divinum est” という表現に、いつも心を打たれます。その意味は“最大のものによって限定されることなく、なお最小のものの中に含まれる全体―それが神である”
(“not to be limited by the greatest and yet to be contained in the tiniest ? this
is the divine”) ということです。
「このモットーは、」と教皇は続けた。「識別のための正しい位置をとるパラメーター(要因)を示してくれます。すなわち、神の“視点” から神の語りかけを聴くためのパラメーターです。聖イグナチオによれば、偉大な原理は、場所、時、人々の様々な状況の中で生かされなければならないのです。
ヨハネ23世は、教会の統治に関して、自分の流儀でこのやり方を通しました。その際、彼は口癖のようにこのモットーを繰り返しました。「全てをよく見ること; 多く見ないふりをすること; 誤りを正すのは少なめに。」
質問4: イエズス会について
答え4: 「イエズス会は、緊張状態にある組織です。」と教皇は言う。「基本的にいつも緊張の中にあります。イエズス会士は自己中心的ではありません。イエズス会自体も、その外側に中心を見ています。その中心とは、キリストとその教会です。そこで、イエズス会が、キリストとその教会に中心を置くならば、その寄って立つ基本点は、バランスを保つためと、教会の外縁部、辺境で生きることを可能にするためという、二点になります。
Deus semper maior(常により偉大な神)を面前に置き、神の偉大な栄光を追い求め、主キリストのまことの花嫁である教会と、人間を支配し、不出来な素焼きの壺にすぎないわたしたちの全人格と労苦とを捧げるべき、王であるキリストを、その面前に置かねばなりません。
教皇は、『自己の良心を明示しなければならない』 というイエズス会の会憲の要求についてふれている。それは、メンバーが自分の霊的状態を明示することを意味しているが、それを上司が良く意識し理解すれば、ミッションへの派遣を適切に行うことができるというのである。
訳注: Epitome Instituti:「会憲要旨」「会憲手引き」であろうか? “epitome”は「縮図、概要」を意味し、”institute”は「組織、制度,法令,施設」を意味する。教文館の「イエズス会会憲」には次の説明がありますが「要約」は書かれていません。:「会憲は修道会のあり方を基本的に定める法である。イエズス会にとって、聖イグナティウス(1491〜1556)の霊操は魂であり、会憲は骨格である。聖イグナティウスは精力的に会憲を作成し、彼の死の2年後に公布された。会憲自体には一切修正が加えられていないが、時代の流れの中で、さまざまな総会は会憲を解釈したり、補足を加えたりしてきた。
Chinese Rites controversy was a dispute among Roman Catholic missionaries over
the religiosity of Confucianism and Chinese rituals during the 17th and 18th centuries.
They debated whether Chinese ritual practices of honoring family ancestors and
other formal Confucian and Chinese imperial rites qualified as religious rites
and thus incompatible with Catholic belief. On one side, the Jesuits argued that
these Chinese rites were secular rituals that were compatible with Christianity,
within certain limits, and should thus be tolerated. On the other side, the Dominicans
and Franciscans argued otherwise and reported the issue to Rome.
訳注:インドマラバー地方典礼論争:Malabar rites is a conventional term for certain customs or practices
of the native Catholics of South India, concerning the liturgical rites, which
the Jesuit missionaries allowed their Indian neophytes to retain after conversion,
but which were afterwards prohibited by Rome. The missions concerned are not those
of the coast of southwestern India, to which the name Malabar coast properly belongs,
but rather those of nearby inner South India, especially those of the former Hindu
"kingdoms" of Madura, Mysore and the Carnatic.
Reductions in Paraguay: A Jesuit Reduction was a type of settlement for indigenous
people in Latin America created by the Jesuit Order during the 17th and 18th centuries.
The strategy of the Spanish Empire was to gather native populations into centers
called Indian Reductions (reducciones de indios), in order to Christianize, tax,
and govern them more efficiently. The Jesuit interpretation of this strategy was
implemented primarily in an area that corresponds to modern day Paraguay amongst
the Tupi-Guarani peoples. Later reductions were extended into areas now part of
Argentina, Brazil, and Bolivia.
ペドロ・アルペ師(1965 ~1983のイエズス会総長)の総長在任時に確信を得たことは、彼が祈りの人であり、祈りに多くの時間を割く人であるという事実でした。祈る時、日本式に膝を折って地面に座る彼の姿を覚えています。このことによって彼は正しい態度を得、正しい決定をなし得たのでした。」
訳注:ペドロ・アルペ師(Fr. Pedro de Arrupe y Gondra , S.J., 全名ペドロ・デ・アルペ・イ・ゴンドラ, 1907年11月14日
- 1991年2月5日)はスペイン・ビスカヤ県ビルバオ生まれのカトリック司祭、イエズス会第28代総長 (1965年 - 1983年) 。元上智大学教授。
質問5: ‘新たにされた司祭’ のモデルPeter Faber師
Faber (1506-46)であった。彼は聖イグナチオの最初の仲間の一人であり、それが言葉通りである理由は、パリ大学の学生時代に部屋を分かち合った仲であるからだ。そして三人目のルームメイトがフランシスコ・ザビエルであった。
訳注:サヴォイア家(Casa di Savoia)は、かつてイタリアのピエモンテとフランス及びフランス語圏スイスにまたがるサヴォワ一帯を支配していた辺境伯貴族であった家系。1713年、スペイン継承戦争の結果シチリア王国の王位を獲得、1720年にハプスブルク家とシチリア 島、サルデーニャ島の交換を行い、サルデーニャ王国の王位を代わりに得た。イタリア統一運動時に核となり、統一後はイタリア王国の王家となった。
訳注:Peter Faber, S.J. (1506 ?1546) was a French Jesuit priest and theologian, who
was a co-founder of the Society of Jesus. He was beatified by the Roman Catholic
Church on 5 September 1872. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Faber
答え5: 教皇はFaberの著書の一つを引用した。それは教皇がイエズス会のアルゼンチン管区長時代に、イエズス会の二人の学者、Miguel A. Fiorito
とJaime H. Amadeoに編纂と出版を依頼したものである。教皇が特に好むのはミシェル・ド・セルトーによる版である。わたし(Spadaro)は、なぜそれほどFaberに傾倒するのか訊ねた。
訳注: ミシェル・ド・セルトー(Michel de Certeau, 1925年 - 1986年1月9日)は、フランスの歴史家、社会理論家、哲学者。サヴォワ県に生まれ、1950年にイエズス会士に。1986年に他界するまでカトリック司祭。パリ・カトリック学院、パリ第7大学、パリ第8大学で教えたのち、カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校教授、パリ社会科学高等研究学院教授を歴任。1986年にパリで没する。(Wikipedia)
「感心するのは、“彼の、すべての人との対話”です。」と教皇は言う。「それは、もっとも遠く離れている人や、彼の反対者も含みます。彼には、素朴な信仰と、多分、ある種の単純さ、 近づきやすさ、内面の識別への配慮が備わっています。 また彼は、偉大で強力な決断できる人物であり、同時に優しくて愛情溢れる人物でもありました。」
ミシェル・ド・セルトーは、Faberを単純に “the reformed priest”(「刷新された司祭」または「改心した司祭」)と特徴付けた。Faberにとって内面的経験、教義上の表現、および構造的改革は分かちがたいものであったからである。
「イグナチオは禁欲主義者ではなく、神秘主義者です。」と教皇は言う。「沈黙のうちに行われる霊操(Spiritual Exercises)は ‘Ignatian’(イグナチアン=イエズス会士)だけのものと聞くとき、わたしは苛立ちを覚えます。実際には、Ignatianは霊操を沈黙なしに日常生活の中でも行います。苦行、沈黙、償いを強調する霊操の解釈は歪曲されたものですが、それが会の中、特にスペインのイエズス会の間でに広まっているのです。わたしはむしろLouis
Lallement やJean-Joseph Surinの神秘主義運動に近い考え方です。そして、Faberも神秘主義者でした。」
訳注:Louis Lallemant (1578 ?1635) was a French Jesuit. After making his studies
under the Fathers of the Society of Jesus, Lallemant entered that order in 1605.
As the director of the fathers in third probation he broke down in health, and
was sent to the college of Bourget, in the hope that change of occupation would
restore him. The hope was not to be fulfilled; he died after a few months.
Lallemant has been called the Balthazar Alvarez of France; Like Alvarez, Lallemant
expected of others what he did himself. He set the high ideal before his disciples,
especially the Fathers of the third probation, and required them to rise to such
ideals. He is known today chiefly by his “Doctrine Spirituelle”, a collection
of his maxims and instructions gathered together by Father Jean Rigoleuc, one
of his disciples, and detailing very thoroughly his spiritual method.
訳注:Jean-Joseph Surin (1600-1665) was a French Jesuit mystic, preacher, devotional
writer and exorcist. He is remembered for his participation in the exorcisms of
Loudun in 1634-37. Surin was reared in a cloister. At the age of eight he took
a vow of chastity, and at ten he was taught to meditate by a Carmelite. He entered
the novitiate with the Jesuits in 1616. From 1623 to 1625 and from 1627 to 1629
he studied at the College de Clermont in Paris. As a priest he practiced severe
self-denial, and cut himself off from nearly all social contact.
質問6: 教会運営における経験 イエズス会の長上として、後にはイエズス会の管区長として、教会管理におけるどのような経験が、ベルゴグリオ神父を作り上げる大きな要素となったのか? イエズス会の組織管理の方式には、長上による意志決定が含まれているが、一方で、公式アドバイザーとの広範囲にわたる意見交換も含まれる。そこで、わたしはこう尋ねた。「あなたは、過去の管理運営の経験が、普遍教会の運営に役に立つとお考えになりますか?」
答え6: 「正直なところ、イエズス会の長上としての経験の中では、仰るようなやり方でいつも行動してきたわけではありません。というのは、常にアドバイザーたちと必要な相談(意見交換)をしていたとは限らないのです。これは良いことではありませんでした。」
訳注:Cordova : アルゼンチン・コルドバ在のイエズス会伝道所(Jesuit Reductions)イエズス会宣教
The Jesuit Block and Estancias of Cordoba are a former Jesuit reduction built
by missionaries in the province of Cordoba, Argentina. The farm and the complex,
started in 1615, had to be left by the Jesuits, following the 1767 decree by King
Charles III of Spain that expelled them from the continent. They were then run
by the Franciscans until 1853, when the Jesuits returned to The Americas. Nevertheless,
the university and the high-school were nationalized a year later. Each Estancia
has its own church and set of buildings, around which towns grew, such as Alta
Gracia, the closest to the Block. The Estancia San Ignacio no longer exists. The
Jesuit Block and the Estancias can be visited by tourists; the Road of the Jesuit
Estancias has around 250 kilometres of length. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who would
later become pope Francis lived there.
訳注:Blessed Imelda [a goody-goody]:福者イメルダとは、初聖体の聖女で有名Imelda Lambertiniのことと思われる。
Blessed Imelda Lambertini (1322 ? May 13, 1333) is the patroness of First Holy
Imelda was born in 1322 in Bologna, the only child of Count Egano Lambertini and
Castora Galuzzi. Her parents were devout Catholics and were known for their charity
and generosity to the underprivileged of Bologna. As a very young girl, Imelda
had a burning desire to receive Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist. On her fifth
birthday, she requested this privilege; however the custom at the time was that
children did not receive their First Holy Communion until age 12. Imelda was sorely
disappointed but knew the time would come soon enough. She would sometimes exclaim:
"Tell me, can anyone receive Jesus into his heart and not die?" As time
went by, her desire for the Blessed Sacrament grew, and she loved Christ more
than ever. To show this love, she joined a cloistered Dominican community at age
nine in Valdipietra, near Bologna, which was unusual to do for a girl at her age.
There it would be easier to wait for her First Communion, in deep prayer and conversation
with God. On May 13, 1333, the day of the vigil of the Ascension, she finally
got her wish. As she knelt in prayer the "Light of the Host" was witnessed
above her head by the Sacristan, who then fetched the Priest so he could see.
After seeing this miracle, the priest felt compelled admit her to receiving the
Eucharist. Immediately after receiving it, Imelda fell to the floor and died in
complete ecstasy. Her remains are kept in Bologna at the Church of San Sigismondo,
beneath the wax effigy of her likeness. There still remains some controversy as
to whether Blessed Imelda can be classified as incorrupt. Many argue that contrary
to popular belief, she is not truly incorrupt. Many other sources, including the
Church of San Sigismondo, steadfastly claim that she is incorrupt.
訳注:司祭評議会(Council of Priests、羅 : Consilium Presbyterale)は、カトリック教会の教区司教の諮問機関。教会法495条に基づく組織。司教区ごとに置かれる。司祭により選挙された司祭の代表者と司教が選任した司祭で構成される。司教総代理と教区事務局長は職務上の構成員となる。
「たとえば、枢機卿会議 (consistories) や司教会議(シノドスsynodos)は、この諮問のシステムを現実化し活性化する大切な場所です。しかし、それらをもっと堅苦しくない形式にしなければなりません。形だけの諮問ではなくて、本物の諮問が欲しいのです。8人の枢機卿による諮問グループ――『部外者』による助言グループ――の設置は、わたしの決定によるだけではなく、枢機卿方の要望の結果でもあります。この枢機卿方の意向は、コンクラーベの前の全員集会で表明されていました。
A Big Heart Open to God The exclusive interview with Pope Francis
Editor’s Note: This interview with Pope Francis took place over the course of
three meetings during August 2013 in Rome. The interview was conducted in person
by Antonio Spadaro, S.J., editor in chief of La Civilta Cattolica, the Italian
Jesuit journal. Father Spadaro conducted the interview on behalf of La Civilta
Cattolica, Thinking Faith, America and several other major Jesuit journals around
the world. The editorial teams at each of the journals prepared questions and
sent them to Father Spadaro, who then consolidated and organised them. The interview
was conducted in Italian. After the Italian text was officially approved, a team
of five independent experts were commissioned to produce the English translation,
which is also published by America.
Father Spadaro met the pope at the Vatican in the pope’s apartments in the Casa
Santa Marta, where he has chosen to live since his election. Father Spadaro begins
his account of the interview with a description of the pope’s living quarters.
The setting is simple, austere. The workspace occupied by the desk is small. I
am impressed not only by the simplicity of the furniture, but also by the objects
in the room. There are only a few. These include an icon of St. Francis, a statue
of Our Lady of Lujan, patron saint of Argentina, a crucifix and a statue of St.
Joseph sleeping. The spirituality of Jorge Mario Bergoglio is not made of “harmonised
energies,” as he would call them, but of human faces: Christ, St. Francis, St.
Joseph and Mary.
The pope speaks of his trip to Brazil. He considers it a true grace, that World
Youth Day was for him a “mystery.” He says that he is not used to talking to so
many people: “I can look at individual persons, one at a time, to come into contact
in a personal way with the person I have before me. I am not used to the masses,”
the pope remarks. He also speaks about the moment during the conclave when he
began to realise that he might be elected pope. At lunch on Wednesday, March 13,
he felt a deep and inexplicable inner peace and comfort come over him, he said,
along with a great darkness. And those feelings accompanied him until his election
later that day. The pope had spoken earlier about his great difficulty in giving
interviews. He said that he prefers to think rather than provide answers on the
spot in interviews. In this interview the pope interrupted what he was saying
in response to a question several times, in order to add something to an earlier
response. Talking with Pope Francis is a kind of volcanic flow of ideas that are
bound up with each other. Even taking notes gives me an uncomfortable feeling,
as if I were trying to suppress a surging spring of dialogue.
Q1 Who Is Jorge Mario Bergoglio? I ask Pope Francis point-blank: “Who is Jorge
Mario Bergoglio?” He stares at me in silence. I ask him if I may ask him this
A1 He nods and replies: “I do not know what might be the most fitting description....
I am a sinner. This is the most accurate definition. It is not a figure of speech,
a literary genre. I am a sinner.”
The pope continues to reflect and concentrate, as if he did not expect this question,
as if he were forced to reflect further. “Yes, perhaps I can say that I am a bit
astute, that I can adapt to circumstances, but it is also true that I am a bit
naive. Yes, but the best summary, the one that comes more from the inside and
I feel most true is this: I am a sinner whom the Lord has looked upon.” And he
repeats: “I am one who is looked upon by the Lord. I always felt my motto, Miserando
atque Eligendo [By Having Mercy and by Choosing Him], was very true for me.”
The motto is taken from the Homilies of Bede the Venerable, who writes in his
comments on the Gospel story of the calling of Matthew: “Jesus saw a publican,
and since he looked at him with feelings of love and chose him, he said to him,
‘Follow me.’” The pope adds: “I think the Latin gerund miserando is impossible
to translate in both Italian and Spanish. I like to translate it with another
gerund that does not exist: misericordiando [“mercy-ing”].
“That finger of Jesus, pointing at Matthew. That’s me. I feel like him. Like Matthew.”
Here the pope becomes determined, as if he had finally found the image he was
looking for: “It is the gesture of Matthew that strikes me: he holds on to his
money as if to say, ‘No, not me! No, this money is mine.’ Here, this is me, a
sinner on whom the Lord has turned his gaze. And this is what I said when they
asked me if I would accept my election as pontiff.” Then the pope whispers in
Latin: “I am a sinner, but I trust in the infinite mercy and patience of our Lord
Jesus Christ, and I accept in a spirit of penance.”
Q2 Why Did You Become a Jesuit? I continue: “Holy Father, what made you choose
to enter the Society of Jesus? What struck you about the Jesuit order?”
A2: “I wanted something more. But I did not know what. I entered the diocesan
seminary. I liked the Dominicans and I had Dominican friends. But then I chose
the Society of Jesus, which I knew well because the seminary was entrusted to
the Jesuits. Three things in particular struck me about the Society: the missionary
spirit, community and discipline. And this is strange, because I am a really,
really undisciplined person. But their discipline, the way they manage their time
? these things struck me so much.
“And then a thing that is really important for me: community. I was always looking
for a community. I did not see myself as a priest on my own. I need a community.
And you can tell this by the fact that I am here in Santa Marta. At the time of
the conclave I lived in Room 207. (The rooms were assigned by drawing lots.) This
room where we are now was a guest room. I chose to live here, in Room 201, because
when I took possession of the papal apartment, inside myself I distinctly heard
a ‘no.’ The papal apartment in the Apostolic Palace is not luxurious. It is old,
tastefully decorated and large, but not luxurious. But in the end it is like an
inverted funnel. It is big and spacious, but the entrance is really tight. People
can come only in dribs and drabs, and I cannot live without people. I need to
live my life with others.”
Q3 What Does It Mean for a Jesuit to Be Bishop of Rome? I ask Pope Francis about
the fact that he is the first Jesuit to be elected bishop of Rome: “How do you
understand the role of service to the universal church that you have been called
to play in the light of Ignatian spirituality? What does it mean for a Jesuit
to be elected pope? What element of Ignatian spirituality helps you live your
A3 “Discernment,” he replies. “Discernment is one of the things that worked inside
St. Ignatius. For him it is an instrument of struggle in order to know the Lord
and follow him more closely. I was always struck by a saying that describes the
vision of Ignatius: non coerceri a maximo, sed contineri a minimo divinum est
(“not to be limited by the greatest and yet to be contained in the tiniest ? this
is the divine”).
I thought a lot about this phrase in connection with the issue of different roles
in the government of the church, about becoming the superior of somebody else:
it is important not to be restricted by a larger space, and it is important to
be able to stay in restricted spaces. This virtue of the large and small is magnanimity.
Thanks to magnanimity, we can always look at the horizon from the position where
we are. That means being able to do the little things of every day with a big
heart open to God and to others. That means being able to appreciate the small
things inside large horizons, those of the kingdom of God.
“This motto,” the pope continues, “offers parameters to assume a correct position
for discernment, in order to hear the things of God from God’s ‘point of view.’
According to St. Ignatius, great principles must be embodied in the circumstances
of place, time and people. In his own way, John XXIII adopted this attitude with
regard to the government of the church, when he repeated the motto, ‘See everything;
turn a blind eye to much; correct a little.’ John XXIII saw all things, the maximum
dimension, but he chose to correct a few, the minimum dimension. You can have
large projects and implement them by means of a few of the smallest things. Or
you can use weak means that are more effective than strong ones, as Paul also
said in his First Letter to the Corinthians.
“This discernment takes time. For example, many think that changes and reforms
can take place in a short time. I believe that we always need time to lay the
foundations for real, effective change. And this is the time of discernment. Sometimes
discernment instead urges us to do precisely what you had at first thought you
would do later. And that is what has happened to me in recent months. Discernment
is always done in the presence of the Lord, looking at the signs, listening to
the things that happen, the feeling of the people, especially the poor. My choices,
including those related to the day-to-day aspects of life, like the use of a modest
car, are related to a spiritual discernment that responds to a need that arises
from looking at things, at people and from reading the signs of the times. Discernment
in the Lord guides me in my way of governing.
“But I am always wary of decisions made hastily. I am always wary of the first
decision, that is, the first thing that comes to my mind if I have to make a decision.
This is usually the wrong thing. I have to wait and assess, looking deep into
myself, taking the necessary time. The wisdom of discernment redeems the necessary
ambiguity of life and helps us find the most appropriate means, which do not always
coincide with what looks great and strong.”
Q4 The Society of Jesus Discernment is therefore a pillar of the spirituality
of Pope Francis. It expresses in a particular manner his Jesuit identity. I ask
him then how the Society of Jesus can be of service to the church today, what
are its characteristics, but also the possible challenges facing the Society of
A4 “The Society of Jesus is an institution in tension,” the pope replied, “always
fundamentally in tension. A Jesuit is a person who is not centred in himself.
The Society itself also looks to a centre outside itself; its centre is Christ
and his church. So if the Society centres itself in Christ and the church, it
has two fundamental points of reference for its balance and for being able to
live on the margins, on the frontier.
If it looks too much in upon itself, it puts itself at the centre as a very solid,
very well ‘armed’ structure, but then it runs the risk of feeling safe and self-sufficient.
The Society must always have before itself the Deus semper maior, the always-greater
God, and the pursuit of the ever greater glory of God, the church as true bride
of Christ our Lord, Christ the king who conquers us and to whom we offer our whole
person and all our hard work, even if we are clay pots, inadequate. This tension
takes us out of ourselves continuously.
The tool that makes the Society of Jesus not centred in itself, really strong,
is, then, the account of conscience, which is at the same time paternal and fraternal,
because it helps the Society to fulfil its mission better.“
The pope is referring to the requirement in the Constitutions of the Society of
Jesus that the Jesuit must “manifest his conscience,” that is, his inner spiritual
situation, so that the superior can be more conscious and knowledgeable about
sending a person on mission.
“But it is difficult to speak of the Society,” continues Pope Francis. “When you
express too much, you run the risk of being misunderstood. The Society of Jesus
can be described only in narrative form. Only in narrative form do you discern,
not in a philosophical or theological explanation, which allows you rather to
discuss. The style of the Society is not shaped by discussion, but by discernment,
which of course presupposes discussion as part of the process.
The mystical dimension of discernment never defines its edges and does not complete
the thought. The Jesuit must be a person whose thought is incomplete, in the sense
of open-ended thinking. There have been periods in the Society in which Jesuits
have lived in an environment of closed and rigid thought, more instructive-ascetic
than mystical: this distortion of Jesuit life gave birth to the Epitome Instituti.”
The pope is referring to a compendium, made for practical purposes, that came
to be seen as a replacement for the Constitutions. The formation of Jesuits for
some time was shaped by this text, to the extent that some never read the Constitutions,
the foundational text. During this period, in the pope’s view, the rules threatened
to overwhelm the spirit, and the Society yielded to the temptation to explicate
and define its charism too narrowly.
Pope Francis continues: “No, the Jesuit always thinks, again and again, looking
at the horizon toward which he must go, with Christ at the centre. This is his
real strength. And that pushes the Society to be searching, creative and generous.
So now, more than ever, the Society of Jesus must be contemplative in action,
must live a profound closeness to the whole church as both the ‘people of God’
and ‘holy mother the hierarchical church.’ This requires much humility, sacrifice
and courage, especially when you are misunderstood or you are the subject of misunderstandings
and slanders, but that is the most fruitful attitude. Let us think of the tensions
of the past history, in the previous centuries, about the Chinese rites controversy,
the Malabar rites and the Reductions in Paraguay.
“I am a witness myself to the misunderstandings and problems that the Society
has recently experienced. Among those there were tough times, especially when
it came to the issue of extending to all Jesuits the fourth vow of obedience to
the pope. What gave me confidence at the time of Father Arrupe [superior general
of the Jesuits from 1965 to 1983] was the fact that he was a man of prayer, a
man who spent much time in prayer. I remember him when he prayed sitting on the
ground in the Japanese style. For this he had the right attitude and made the
right decisions.”
Q5 The Model: Peter Faber, ‘Reformed Priest’
I am wondering if there are figures among the Jesuits, from the origins of the
Society to the present date, that have affected him in a particular way, so I
ask the pope who they are and why. He begins by mentioning Ignatius Loyola [founder
of the Jesuits] and Francis Xavier, but then focuses on a figure who is not as
well known to the general public: Peter Faber (1506-46), from Savoy. He was one
of the first companions of St. Ignatius, in fact the first, with whom he shared
a room when the two were students at the University of Paris. The third roommate
was Francis Xavier. Pius IX declared Faber blessed on September 5, 1872, and the
cause for his canonisation is still open.
A5 The pope cites an edition of Faber’s works, which he asked two Jesuit scholars,
Miguel A. Fiorito and Jaime H. Amadeo, to edit and publish when he was provincial
superior of the Jesuits in Argentina. An edition that he particularly likes is
the one by Michel de Certeau. I ask the pope why he is so impressed by Faber.
“[His] dialogue with all,” the pope says, “even the most remote and even with
his opponents; his simple piety, a certain naivete perhaps, his being available
straightaway, his careful interior discernment, the fact that he was a man capable
of great and strong decisions but also capable of being so gentle and loving.”
Michel de Certeau characterised Faber simply as “the reformed priest,” for whom
interior experience, dogmatic expression and structural reform are inseparable.
The pope then continues with a reflection on the true face of the founder of the
“Ignatius is a mystic, not an ascetic,” he says. “It irritates me when I hear
that the Spiritual Exercises are ‘Ignatian’ only because they are done in silence.
In fact, the Exercises can be perfectly Ignatian also in daily life and without
the silence. An interpretation of the Spiritual Exercises that emphasises asceticism,
silence and penance is a distorted one that became widespread even in the Society,
especially in the Society of Jesus in Spain. I am rather close to the mystical
movement, that of Louis Lallement and Jean-Joseph Surin. And Faber was a mystic.”
Q6 Experience in Church Government What kind of experience in church government,
as a Jesuit superior and then as superior of a province of the Society of Jesus,
helped to fully form Father Bergoglio? The style of governance of the Society
of Jesus involves decisions made by the superior, but also extensive consultation
with his official advisors. So I ask: “Do you think that your past government
experience can serve you in governing the universal church?” After a brief pause
for reflection, he responds:
A6 “In my experience as superior in the Society, to be honest, I have not always
behaved in that way ? that is, I did not always do the necessary consultation.
And this was not a good thing.“
”My style of government as a Jesuit at the beginning had many faults. That was
a difficult time for the Society: an entire generation of Jesuits had disappeared.
Because of this I found myself provincial when I was still very young. I was only
36 years old. That was crazy.“
”I had to deal with difficult situations, and I made my decisions abruptly and
by myself. Yes, but I must add one thing: when I entrust something to someone,
I totally trust that person. He or she must make a really big mistake before I
rebuke that person. But despite this, eventually people get tired of authoritarianism.“
“My authoritarian and quick manner of making decisions led me to have serious
problems and to be accused of being ultraconservative. I lived a time of great
interior crisis when I was in Cordova. To be sure, I have never been like Blessed
Imelda [a goody-goody], but I have never been a right-winger. It was my authoritarian
way of making decisions that created problems.“
“I say these things from life experience and because I want to make clear what
the dangers are. Over time I learned many things. The Lord has allowed this growth
in knowledge of government through my faults and my sins. So as Archbishop of
Buenos Aires, I had a meeting with the six auxiliary bishops every two weeks,
and several times a year with the council of priests. They asked questions and
we opened the floor for discussion. This greatly helped me to make the best decisions.
But now I hear some people tell me: ‘Do not consult too much, and decide by yourself.’
Instead, I believe that consultation is very important.“
“The consistories [of cardinals], the synods [of bishops] are, for example, important
places to make real and active this consultation. We must, however, give them
a less rigid form. I do not want token consultations, but real consultations.
The consultation group of eight cardinals, this ‘outsider’ advisory group, is
not only my decision, but it is the result of the will of the cardinals, as it
was expressed in the general congregations before the conclave. And I want to
see that this is a real, not ceremonial consultation.“
・・・To be continued