年間第 19 主日福音黙想 2009/08/09 トマス・ロシカ師
わたしはいつも列王記の中の、一連のエリヤの物語を読むのが楽しみです。列王記上の 18 章は、エリヤを不屈の預言者として描きます。彼は、王たちと預言者たちに敢然と立ち向かいますが、そのプロセスはきわめて人間的なものでした! 今日の、列王記上 19 章からの第一朗読は、わたしたちに偉大な預言者の姿を示しますが、彼は、傷つきやすく、落胆と恐れにさらされているのです。
まず列王記上の朗読箇所を見てみましょう。 19 章には( 18 章の)カルメル山上での王妃イゼベルとバアルの預言者との競争でエリヤが大勝利を収めた後の物語があります。エリヤが意気揚々としていたに違いないまさにその時に、王妃が自分を殺そうとしているとの知らせを聞いて、彼は「恐れ」ます。( 3 節) エリヤは、その誠実さと神への完全な従順の故に迫害されました。なぜなら、そのような忠実さは、権力者たちを脅かしたからです。権力者たちは礼拝すべき対象をだれに、何にするかについて、彼ら独自の考えを持っていたからです。
炎のようなイスラエルの預言者は、ただちにネゲブの砂漠の荒地を南に逃がれます。彼の気分は戦いに敗れ、絶望する者のそれでした。結局、彼はイスラエルの神に尽くしたのに、その勝利は空しいものに思われました。彼は、約束された神の保護を得られず、ただ死にたいと願いました。「主よ、もう十分です。わたしの命を取ってください。わたしは先祖にまさる者ではありません。」 そして、不毛の砂漠の中で、彼は「たった一本生えているエニシダの木」 の下で、「わたしの命を取ってください。」と神に願い、横になって眠ってしまいました。エリヤは、イスラエルの民が神に忠実であるようにと励ましたのですが、それに失敗したことで落胆し嘆き悲しみました。
突然、主の御使いが、エリヤを起こし、「起きて食べ、飲みなさい。」と命じます。邪悪な王妃イゼベルがエリヤに死の使者を送ったのに対して、イスラエルの神である主は、命の使者を送り、厳しい砂漠の中で耐え抜くための食物と水を与えました。エリヤは飲み、食べましたが、再び眠りに落ちます。 それはエリヤがまだ、無気力と意気消沈から回復していないことを示しています。使者はエリヤを再び起こして、食べ、飲むように促し、さらに「この旅は長く、あなたには耐え難いからだ」 ( 列上 19:7) と理由を述べます。
この砂漠の荒地の中でのエリヤから、わたしたちは何を学ぶのでしょうか? ここにいるのは、イスラエルの神への誠実さをもって、全面的に命をささげている一人の男です。彼は、「主を熱望」 しています。「わたしは先祖にまさる者ではありません。」 という彼の絶望の叫びはすでに自信を失った人の叫びを表しています。彼はそれまで、自分が模範的な神の僕であるという自信を持っていました。その熱心さにおいて、他の誰もが比肩できないと信じていました。しかし今では、すべてが虚しいと思い込んでいます。
しかし、イスラエルの神は、エリヤを見捨てません。名高いエリヤの豊かな才能が枯れ果てたとき、神の教えのときが始まります。彼の弱さには、神の使いたちの援けが必要です。 「エリヤは起きて食べ、飲んだ。その食べ物に力づけられた」 のでした。それから神は、荒れ野での黙想の時を通じてエリヤを導かれます。彼はネゲブの荒れ野を、「四十日四十夜歩き続け」 ます。以前に、ヘブライ人が神を求めて荒れ野をさまよったように、この最もひたむきな預言者である主の僕は、それと似た旅路をたどり、ついに神の山ホレブに着きます。そこで彼は、暗い洞穴に入り夜を過ごします。それは、彼の「魂の暗い夜」を表しています。ホレブ山は、一部の旧約聖書の伝統では、神の出現を連想させるシナイ山の名前です。エリアのシナイ山での四十日四十夜は、モーセの 2 回にわたるシナイ山での四十日四十夜の滞在を思い出させます。 ( 出 24:18; 34:28 ) .
エリヤにとって、イエスにとって、そしてまた、わたしたちにとって、パンはいのちの基本です。パンは、いのちの中心にあり、パンはいのちです。今日の福音 ( ヨハネ 6:41-51) の中で、わたしたちは、いのちのパンであるイエスについて聞きます。キリストはいのちのパンです。イエスの身体を食べ、その血を飲むことには、イエスを信じる以上の意味があります。「いのちのパン」としてのイエスのイメージは、キリストの神秘において「新たにされる」という意味の核心です。
イエスが、自分は「いのちのパン」であると述べるとき、そのポイントは、パンそのものにではなく、それを宣言する「わたし」であるイエスご自身におかれています。イエスは、人々が飢えを満たすために求めるものはイエスご自身の中に見出される、と言っておられます。そのご自身とは、「わたしが与えるパンとは、世を生かすためのわたしの肉のことである。」 (cf. ヨハネ 6:51) 、の言葉に示される 「わたし」 ご自身です。イエスは身体の飢え渇きのためのパン以上の方です。イエスは、感情的な渇きを充たす愛以上の方です。イエスは、真理への飢え渇きを充たす言葉です。イエスはいのちそのもののためのパンです。すなわち、わたしたち人間の全ての飢え渇きを充たすものです。
イエスは何も与えるものがなくなるまでお与えになり、そして「成し遂げられた」 ( ヨハネ 19:30) という言葉を以ってご自分のいのちと御業の成就を宣言されました。それから、頭を垂れて息を引き取り、霊を委ね、死から復活されたとき、その同じ霊をわたしたちに与えたのです。 ( ヨハネ 20:23 参照 )
祈りましょう。 聖体のパンとぶどう酒を分かち合うことによって、わたしたちが次第に、食べ飲むものに変えられますように。そしてわたしたちがほんとうに生きているパンに、全ての人々が分かち合う、裂かれたパンになりますように。
Elijah's Power Food, and Ours
Biblical Reflection for 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time B By Father Thomas Rosica, CSB
TORONTO, JULY 30, 2009 (Zenit.org). - I have always loved reading the Elijah cycle in the Book of Kings. The first book, Chapter 18, portrays Elijah as an invincible prophet who fearlessly stands up to king and prophets, but he remains extremely so human in the process! Today's first reading from 1 Kings 19 presents us with the great prophet who is vulnerable and subject to discouragement and fear.
Let us situate today's story in 1 Kings. In Chapter 19 we have the aftermath of Elijah's brilliant victory in the contest with Jezebel and the priests of Baal atop Mount Carmel. Just when Elijah should have been triumphant, he receives a message telling him of Jezebel's murderous intentions, and he is “afraid” (v. 3). Elijah is persecuted for his faithfulness and for demanding total obedience to one God because such loyalty threatens the powers that be who have their own ideas about whom or what people should worship.
Israel's fiery prophet immediately flees south into the wilderness of the Negev Desert. His mood is one of defeat and desolation. After all he had done for the God of Israel, his victory now seems vitiated. He has not been given divine protection he was promised and he only wants to die: “It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life, for I am no better than my ancestors.” There, in the barren desert, Elijah lies down under “a solitary broom tree” and asks God to take his life, claiming that he is no better than his fathers. Elijah bemoans his discouragement at his lack of success in encouraging the Israelites to be faithful.
Energy from above
Suddenly, a messenger (angel) of the Lord awakens him and tells him to eat and drink. Whereas the wicked Jezebel sends a messenger of death to Elijah, the Lord God of Israel sends him a messenger of life, who serves Elijah food and water, two essentials for survival in the harsh wilderness. Elijah eats, drinks, but then falls asleep again, indicating that he has not yet recovered from his lethargy or depression. The messenger wakes Elijah again and urges him to eat and drink, this time providing a reason, “or the journey will be too much for you” (19:7).
What can we learn from Elijah in the desert wilderness? Here is a man who has given his life totally in faithfulness to the God of Israel. He has been totally “zealous for the Lord.” His desperate cry, “I am no better than my ancestors” reveals a man who no longer believes in himself. He had believed himself to be a spectacularly exemplary servant of God. No one could outdo him in his zealousness. Now he believes it has been all in vain!
Dark night of the soul
Yet the God of Israel does not give up on Elijah. God's teaching moment begins when Elijah's famed resourcefulness runs out. Angels from God are needed to feed him in his weakness. Then God leads him through a time of reflection in the wilderness. His journeying through Negev wilderness lasts for the significant time of forty days and forty nights. As the Hebrews wandered earlier in the wilderness in search of God, this most zealous prophet and servant of the Lord is led on a similar journey.
Eventually Elijah comes to the sacred mountain of Horeb, where he spends the night in a dark cave. The dark cave and the dark night are reflective of his “dark night of the soul.” Mount Horeb is in some Old Testament traditions the name for Mount Sinai, the mountain associated with God's appearance. Forty days and nights in connection with Mount Sinai recalls the two sojourns of Moses on Sinai for forty days and nights (Exodus 24:18; 34:28).
The point of this moving story is not just that Elijah makes a physical trip to Mount Horeb or Mount Sinai, but rather something much more significant. In an act of sheer grace God intervenes, provides the prophet with life-giving food and water, and suggests a pilgrimage to mountain that is the place forever associated with the source and essence of Israelite faith.
The Elijah story speaks powerfully to those who are worn-out, fearful, or in need of renewal and recommitment to their original call. The story suggests a way forward—eat and drink of God's life-giving sustenance, return to the core of faith, listen for God's still small voice. That may be the way to find new energy, new vision, and a new sense of purpose. Elijah must learn that God is not encountered in the sound and fury of loud and spectacular events. God will not be conjured up by the zealous or boisterous activity of the prophet who now stands quiet and broken atop the Lord's mountain.
Elijah discovers that God is encountered when the activity ceases and the words stop, when the heart is sad and the stomach is filled with pangs of hunger. When Elijah's mind and heart are finally empty of ambition and self-promotion, God is ultimately heard.
Bread of Life
For Elijah, for Jesus, and for us, bread is fundamental to life. Bread stands at the center of life. Bread is life. And in today's Gospel (Jn. 6:41-51) we hear about Jesus who is the Bread of Life. Christ is life: He is the bread of life. To eat Jesus' body and to drink his blood means more than just to believe in him. The image of Jesus as the “bread of life” is at the heart of what renewal in the mystery of Christ is about.
When Jesus says that he is “the bread of life” his emphasis is not on the bread as such, but on himself as the ‘I” who declares it. Jesus is saying that what we long for to nourish our hungers is found in himself, the “I” who identifies his life with the bread he gives (cf. in 6:51). Jesus is more than mere bread for our bodily hunger. He is more than love to satisfy our emotional needs. He is the word that will satisfy our hunger for truth. He is bread for life itself; the total satisfaction for all our human hungers. He is bread for life itself; the total satisfaction for all our human hungers.
For all baptized believers the Eucharist is the primary way of celebrating and sustaining contact with the risen Lord. Let us consider for a moment the highly symbolic actions of Jesus as he gives us the living bread from heaven. Jesus took the bread. He has taken the bread of our lives and joined it with his own. Jesus blessed the bread. He has blessed us with his life. Baptism was the first moment of that blessing. Every other moment of contact with Jesus Christ is a deepening of that blessing.
Jesus broke the bread. Like Jesus, there are moments in our lives when we feel hurt, broken, lost, discouraged, disillusioned, empty, rejected and without energy and hope. We are like Elijah under the broom tree, waiting for our life to end. Yet even in these fractured moments, the Lord Jesus is present to us.
Jesus gave the bread. He gave of his time and his touch. He gave encouragement, but also his challenge. He gave both word and bread to feed and nourish. He gave most fully in giving himself. He gave till there was no more to give, declaring his life and work complete with the words, “It is finished” (John 19:30). Then bowing his head, he handed over his spirit, the same spirit he gave us when he appeared risen from the dead (cf. in 20:23).
In life, death, and resurrection, Jesus has given us a profound example, and challenges us to do the same. “Go and do likewise” is both a challenge and a commission. It is the commission to live the mystery of being bread blessed and broken for others. When life seems to be breaking apart, we should not forget the lesson of the bread broken for us. It cannot be broken without being firmly held in both hands. When it comes to the breaking of bread, or of our lives, both hold the challenge of the mystery of faith.
Let us pray that our sharing in the Eucharistic bread and wine may transform us more and more into what we eat and drink, and that we might truly become living bread, broken and shared with all people.