
Economists and Theologians Tackle Poverty:The Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at USC College hosts international conference exploring the moral conditions for the generation of wealth.  By Pamela J. Johnson  July 2008


In a major shift in Catholic social thought, Pope John Paul II argued that the creation of wealth in a market-driven economy ? or capitalism ? could under certain conditions promote the common good for all of humanity.


Building on the late Pope John Paul’s belief, the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies (IACS) at USC College has launched a multiyear, international research project exploring the strengths and weaknesses of Catholic social teaching as it relates to the complex issues of capitalism.


The cross-disciplinary project will bring together social ethicists and economists, and political philosophers of many religions from around the world. It involves conferences in which scholarly papers are debated, and will publish books to help in the fight against poverty.


“Distributing wealth; giving to the poor. Most people hear those exhortations regularly when they go to synagogues or mosques or churches,” said Father James Heft, Alton M. Brooks Professor of Religion in the College, and president and founding director of the IACS. “But what’s happened in the last 300 years with the development of capitalism is that we have a new phenomenon. Now there’s not just the exhortation to be generous with what you have. There’s the need to generate wealth.” So the questions become: Is capitalism just a ticket to greed? Does capitalism simply exploit the poor? “Or would it be possible for a person with talent and resources who generates wealth to escape the clutches of greed and truly benefit the larger community?” Heft asked. “What we’re doing with this project is exploring the moral conditions of the generation of wealth.”

USCで宗教学を教え、IACSの理事長であるJames Heft神父は「貧者へ与える冨の分配。多くの人々は、シナゴグやモスクや教会に行くと、日常的にこの訓戒を耳にする。」と語る。
「しかし、資本主義の発展とともに過去300年間に起こってきたことは、新しい現象である。今や、我々がもつ物に寛大であるべきことは単に訓戒に留まるものではなく、そこには冨を創造する必要がある。」 そこで、「資本主義は貪欲に過ぎないのか?資本主義は単に貧困者を利用するだけなのか?」という課題になる。
「または、冨を創造する能力と資源のある人間にとって貪欲の枷から逃れ、真に大きな共同体の利益のとなること可能だろうか? Heftは求めた:このプロジェクトで我々がしようとすることは、冨のジェネレーションについての倫理的条件を探求することにある。

The first phase of the True Wealth of Nations project was launched June 18 with a four-day conference held at the Davidson Executive Conference Center, where theologians, economists, sociologists and businesspeople met to debate scholarly papers on topics from “What Africa Can Learn From Catholic Social Teaching About Sustainable Economic Prosperity” to “An Ecofeminist Approach to the True Wealth Project.”

「眞の国富論」プロジェクト(the True Wealth of Nations project)の第一段階は2008年6月18日にDavidson Executive Conference Centerで行われた4日間の会議で着手された。そこには、神学者、経済学者、社会学者および実業家の人々が会した。「持続可能な繁栄についてのカトリックの社会的教理からアフリカが学びえるものは何か」から「眞の国富論プロジェクトについてのエコフェミニズム的アプローチ」にいたる種々の発議についての学術的論議が行われた。

USC Provost C.L. Max Nikias welcomed the international guests during a speech at the University Club. In his speech Nikias said that the True Wealth of Nations project holds immense promise for both public policy and private enterprise and “can make the kind of impact that is central to USC’s mission to build up our society.” The IACS is a fitting setting for such a conference, Nikias said, noting that some 6,000 Catholic students attend USC. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles, encompassing Ventura and Santa Barbara and including about 5 million members, is the largest diocese in the United States, he added, and is a “global crossroads for Catholicism.” “I salute the IACS for having brought together so many leaders from so many disciplines who think in so many different ways in order that we might benefit from a perspective that is new and surprising yet also ancient and steadfast, a perspective that is grounded in the deepest parts of the human experiment ? and a perspective that transcends today’s conventional wisdom.”

USCのC.L. Max Nikias総長は、ユニバーシティ・クラブでのスピーチの間に、海外からのゲストを歓迎し、眞の国富論プロジェクトが、公的政策と私的企業への膨大な約束をもつことを述べた。そして「このプロジェクトは、USCの社会を築く使命の中心となる一種のインパクト与えることができる」と述べた。 USCには約6,000人のカトリック学生がいることに注目し、IACSはそのような会議の設定用具である、とNikias学長は述べた。ロスアンジェルス大司教区は、VenturaとSanta Barbara地区を含み、5百万人の信者を擁する米国最大の司教区であり、「カトリックの世界的な十字路である」と彼は述べた。

USC College Dean Howard Gillman also praised the IACS and its efforts. “This conference is an exciting and important example of how the core academic mission of a great College is enhanced by taking seriously the contributions, experiences and traditions of faith communities,” Gillman said.  The project was named after the famous magnum opus, The Wealth of Nations, written in 1776 by the father of economics, Adam Smith. “True” was added because exactly what “wealth” means is hotly debated. “We hope to make a contribution to Catholic social teaching and social ethics,” Heft said. “What you would say in a poorer developing nation about what needs to be done and what you would say in the United States are not the same thing. So [Catholic social thought] has the benefit in one sense of having universal principles, but it lacks the attention to local situations that differ greatly, necessary for application. “So we want to bring into sustained conversation first-rate economists who have more insight into local differences with ethicists and theologians who often articulate the general principles.”

USCカレッジの学長Howard Gillmanも、IACSとその努力を称賛した。

このプロジェクトは、1776年に経済学の祖アダム・スミスによって書かれた有名な最高傑作「国富論」(The Wealth of Nations)からその名前を取った。「眞の」が追加されたのは、まさに「富」が意味するものが何か熱心に論議されるからである。

「我々はカトリックの社会的教理と社会倫理に貢献することを希望する。なされるべき必要のあるものについてより貧困な開発途上国に中であなたが述べるであろうもの、そして米合衆国の中においてあなたが語ろうとするものは、同じものではない。 そこで〔カトリックのお社会的思想〕』はある意味では普遍的諸原理をもつことになる利益があるが、それは。大きく異なり、応用が必要となるローカルな状況への配慮を欠く」とHeftは述べた。


The True Wealth research project directors include Heft; Paul Caron, retired head of JP Morgan banks in Belgium and Switzerland; and Daniel Finn, professor of economics and theology at St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minn. All are IACS Board of Trustee members. The directors also served as conference steering committee members along with Clifford Longley, an author, broadcaster and journalist in Britain.

眞の国富論調査プロジェクトの指揮者(directors)には、Heft、Paul Caron(ベルギーとスイスのJP Morgan銀行の元頭取)、Daniel Finn(ミネソタ州CollegevilleのSt. John’s Universityの経済学と神学の教授)を含む。この全員は、USCのカトリック高等研究所(IACS)の理事会メンバーである。これら指揮者たちは、また、Clifford Longley(英国の作家、放送ジャーナリスト)と共に、会議の舵取り委員会のメンバーとして働く。

After the papers debated at the conference are revised, they will be included in a book to be published in early 2009, said Longley, who will act as co-editor.


“Everywhere in the world, economists are under challenge for ignoring the human dimension of economic growth,” Longley said. “And all over the world, people are asking questions about what ought to be the principles that regulate economic growth to make more humane the way it treats people ? not just rich people, but poor people.


“We’re going to produce a book we hope will end up in the hands of those who need that kind of knowledge. Not only Catholics. Not only other Christian denominations, but people with similar concerns about how to make economics human.”


Kevin Starr, University Professor, professor of history and policy, planning, and development, and IACS Board of Trustee member, said the topic of global wealth creation from a Roman Catholic perspective is virtually unexplored territory for the academy.

USCの歴史と政策・企画・開発学の教授であり、IACS 理事会メンバーの Kevin Starrは、ローマ・カトリックの展望からの世界の富の創造論は、学界の予期せぬ事実上未着手の領域である、と述べた。

Since its creation in 2002, the IACS has hosted three additional international conferences addressing Catholicism and science, violence in the name of religion and religious identity in the next generation. The last two conferences brought together Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars and resulted in two widely read books.


“The Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at USC is once again demonstrating the contribution that university-based research can make to a broad variety of social, cultural and economic issues,” said Starr, who is writing a book about the American Catholic experience. “In the years to come, the institute, in fostering this line of inquiry, will help apply the Catholic tradition to a wide variety of topics that require not only science, not only social science and the humanities, but also the great traditions of faith ? and especially that of Catholicism.”




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