8/30 カステル・ガンドルフォにて。 Zenit
多くの人々が「異教的( 俗世的)スタイル 」 の生活を送っているのに対して、ベネディクト 16 世は、もう一つの生き方、すなわち「神のスタイル」で自分の生活を鍛えなおすように励ましている。
これは、教皇の昔の教え子たちが、毎年 カステル・ガンドルフォ に集まって週末の研究会を行うのを機会に、日曜日のミサの前に教皇が行った訓戒である。「ラッツィンガーの弟子たち( Ratzinger Schulerkreis )」と名付けられた この研究会の、今年のテーマは、「第二バチカン公会議とその成果の実現」であった。
研究会のメンバーであるウィーン大司教の Christoph Schönborn 枢機卿は、この日の説教の中で、「辱めを恩寵に変える」謙虚さの重要性を強調した。「教皇さまに感謝します。あなたは、心が柔和で謙虚なキリストの振舞いを、具体的に示してくださったからです。」
さらに枢機卿は、「これはキリスト者の信仰とキリスト者としての体験の、すばらしい要素ではないでしょうか? 天の国のパラメーター(条件、尺度)が、わたしたちのものとは全く違うという事実を喜びましょう。」と語った。
この研究サークルのメンバーは約 40 人で、教皇がドイツの幾つかの大学で教鞭をとっていた当時、「ラッツィンガー教授」に博士論文を提出した人たちである。
Benedict XVI Recommends "God's Style" Meets With Group of Former Students
CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, AUG. 30, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Noting that people frequently live according to a "style of pagans," Benedict XVI is encouraging forging one's life in another mode: "the style of God."
This was the exhortation the Pope made Sunday at the beginning of a Mass he celebrated in Castel Gandolfo with a group of his former students, who were gathered for their annual study weekend. The "Ratzinger Schulerkreis" looked this year at the theme of the implementation of the Second Vatican Council.
The Holy Father's reflection focused on Sunday's Gospel, in which Christ tells the parable of those who seek the places of honor at a wedding banquet, Vatican Radio reported.
He noted that in this passage, "the Lord brings us to understand that in reality we still live according to the style of the pagans: We invite reciprocally only those who will return the invitation; we give only if we will get back."
"The style of God is different," the Pontiff continued. "He invites us to his table, we who are lame, blind and deaf; he invites us who have nothing to give him."
The divine style, he added, is experienced above all in the Eucharist, during which we are called to allow ourselves to be touched by gratitude to God, who invites us to his table even though we are full of faults.
"But we want to learn as well to experience the guilt of too infrequently turning away from the pagan style, because we live very little the novelty, the style of God," Benedict XVI continued. "And because of this we begin holy Mass asking forgiveness: a forgiveness that changes us, that makes us more similar to God, in his image and likeness."
In his homily, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, archbishop of Vienna, and a member of the group of the Pope's former students, highlighted the importance of humility that "transforms insults into grace."
"Thank you, Holy Father, because you incarnate for us the attitude of Christ, who is meek and humble of heart," he said.
And the cardinal reflected: "Is this not a marvelous element of the Christian faith and the Christian experience? Joy at the fact that the parameters of heaven are so different than ours."
The study circle is made up of some 40 people who presented their doctoral theses to Professor Ratzinger during his tenure at various German universities.