教皇フランシスコ 2013 年 3 月 17 日 サンピエトロ広場でのスピーチ 


愛する兄弟姉妹の皆さん、お早うございます。( 3 13 日の)水曜日のわたしの最初の集い(ミサ)以来、今日再び、皆さんに挨拶を送ります。そして、この主日に挨拶を送ることに幸せを感じます!



四旬節第五の主日の福音は姦通の女性の物語です。イエスは死刑を宣告された女性を救われます。物語はイエスの態度の魅力を語ります: そこには、侮蔑も、非難の言葉もなく、ただ愛とあわれみの言葉だけです。それはわたしたちを回心に導きます。



   訳注:詩編 145:8 “The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.”






わたしたちは、神のあわれみを正しく理解する必要があります。慈愛あふれる父は、このように忍耐強い方です。預言者イザヤは「たとえ、お前たちの罪が緋(ひ)のようでも、(神の愛は)雪のようになることができる。」( 1:18 新共同訳 )と断言しました。


わたしが司教になった直後の 1992 年に、ブエノスアイレスにファティマの聖母像が来て、病人のための盛大なミサが行われました。わたしは告解聴聞師としてそのミサに出ました。ミサの終わり近くに、わたしは按手を与えるために立ち上がりました。 80 過ぎの女性が、それは慎み深く、わたしの前にやってきました。わたしは彼女に尋ねました。

ノンナ (おばあさん…アルゼンチンで高齢女性への呼びかける言葉)告解をなさりたいのですか?」
「主はだれでも全てお赦しになります。」 彼女はきっぱりと言いました。











主が皆さんを祝福し、乙女マリアがあなた方を守ってくださいますように! そしてこのことを忘れないでください: 神は、赦すことに決して倦み疲れないということを。わたしたちの方が、赦しを求めることに飽きてしまうのです。今日が皆さんのよい日曜となりますように! そして楽しいランチをどうぞ!














"Pope: first week of addresses and sermons"


Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! After our first meeting last Wednesday, today I again give my greetings to you all! And I am happy to do it on Sunday, the Lord's Day!
This is beautiful and important for us Christians: to meet on Sunday, to greet one another, to talk as we are doing now, in the square. This square that, thanks to the media, takes on worldly dimensions.

In this Fifth Sunday of Lent, the Gospel presents us with the story of the adulterous woman whom Jesus saves from being condemned to death. It captures Jesus' attitude: we do not hear words of contempt, we do not hear words of condemnation, but only words of love, of mercy, that invite us to
'Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more!'

Well, brothers and sisters! God's face is that of a merciful father who is always patient. Have you thought about God's patience, the patience that He has with each of us? That is His mercy.
He always has patience, is always patient with us, understanding us, awaiting us, never tiring of forgiving us if we know how to return to him with a contrite heart. 'Great is the Lord's mercy', says the Psalm.

In these days, I have been able to read a book by a cardinal?Cardinal Kasper, a talented theologian, a good theologian?on mercy. And it did me such good, that book, but don't think that I'm publicizing the books of my cardinals.
That is not the case! But it did me such good, so much good...
Cardinal Kasper said that hearing the word mercy changes everything.

It is the best thing that we can hear: it changes the world. A bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just.

We need to understand God's mercy well, this merciful Father who has such patience... Think of the prophet Isaiah who asserts that even if our sins were scarlet red, God's love would make them white as snow.
That is beautiful, [this aspect of mercy].

I remember when, just after I was made bishop, in 1992, the Madonna of Fatima came to Buenos Aires and a large Mass for the sick was celebrated. I went to hear confessions at that Mass. Near the end of the Mass I got up because I had to administer a confirmation. An over 80-year-old woman came up to me, humbly, very humbly. I asked her:

'Nonna [grandmother]?because that's how we address our elderly?Nonna, you want to confess?'
'Yes', she told me.

'But if you haven't sinned...'

And she said to me: 'We have all sinned...'
'But perhaps the Lord will not forgive you...'

The Lord forgives everyone', she told me, with certainy.


'But how do you know that, ma'am?'

'If the Lord didn't forgive everyone, the world would not exist.'
I wanted to ask her: 'Tell me, have you studied at the Gregorian [ Pontifical University ]?',

because that is the wisdom that the Holy Spirit gives: the inner wisdom of God's mercy.
Let us not forget this word: God never tires of forgiving us, never!

'So, Father, what is the problem?'
Well, the problem is that we get tired, we don't want to, we get tired of asking forgiveness.
Let us never get tired. Let us never get tired. He is the loving Father who always forgives, who has that heart of mercy for all of us. And let us also learn to be merciful with everyone.
Let us call upon the intercession of the Madonna who has held in her arms the Mercy of God made human.


Thank you for your welcome and your prayers. I ask that you pray for me. I renew my embrace to the faithful of Rome and extend it to all of you who have come from various parts of Italy and the world just as to those who are joining in with us by means of the media.

I have chosen the name of the Patron Saint of Italy, St. Francis of Assisi , and this reinforces my spiritual ties to this land that, as you know, is where my family originated. But Jesus has called us to be part of a new family: his Church. [He has called] this family of God to walk together the paths of the Gospel.

May the Lord bless you and the Virgin protect you! And don't forget this: The Lord never tires of forgiving. We are the ones who tire of asking forgiveness. Have a good Sunday and enjoy your lunch!


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