教皇、史上初めて少年院で洗足式 2013/3/28
ローマ発 AFP:
教皇フランシスコは 28 日、ローマ市内の少年院を訪れ、聖木曜日のミサの洗足式で、二人の少女と二人のイスラム教徒を含む 12 人の若い受刑者の足を洗った。これは、伝統的なイースターの儀式では初めてのやり方で、「弱者に寄り添うカトリック」を目指す教皇の試みのひとつと見られる。
「最も高い地位にいる者は、誰であれ、他者に奉仕しなければならない。」 ラテンアメリカから初めて選ばれて 2 週間目の教皇フランシスコは、カサル・デル・マルモの少年院でのミサでこう述べた。
「わたしはこのつとめを、司祭として、司教として、心をこめて行いました。わたしは奉仕者でなければなりません。主が教えてくださったとおりにしているのです。」 76 歳の教皇はこう語った。
ミサの様子は、バチカンのメディアだけに取材を許されたが、バチカン報道官のフェデリコ・ロンバルディによれば、ミサの会衆の多くは涙を抑えられなかったという。一人の若者は直前に洗足の対象から交代させられたが、それは、彼が感情を抑えきれなかったからである。ミサのビデオには、教皇が足に水を注ぐ場面が映っている。――ひとりの足には刺青がある――教皇はかがんで(足に)接吻し、 12 人の一人ひとりと視線を交わしてから、次へ移動する。
聖木曜日の儀式は、死を前にしたキリストが、最後の晩餐の席で 12 人の弟子たちの足を洗い、謙遜の模範を示したことを記念するもので、ふつうはローマの中心にある聖堂で行われている。
地方刑務所のチャプレンをしているガエタノ・グレコは、今回の洗足式が、 14 歳から 21 歳までの少年を収容する国内 50 か所の少年院の受刑者たちにとって「生きる希望のしるし」になってほしいと言う。
Pope washes prisoners' feet in unprecedented Easter rite
On March 28, 2013 ・ In News
ROME (AFP) ? Pope Francis washed the feet of 12 young offenders including two girls and two Muslims at a Rome prison on Thursday in an unprecedented version of an ancient Easter ritual, seen as part of efforts to bring the Catholic Church closer to those in need.
The pope knelt down, washing and kissing the young prisoners' feet in the first Holy Thursday ceremony of its kind performed by a pontiff in prison, and the first to include women and Muslims.
“Whoever is the most high up must be at the service of others,” Francis said at the mass in the Casal del Marmo youth prison, a fortnight after being elected Latin America 's first pope.“I do this with all my heart because it is my duty as a priest, as a bishop. I have to be at your service. I love doing it because this is what the Lord has taught me,” the 76-year-old said.
Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said many of the participants broke down in tears at the ceremony, which was open only to Vatican media. One young man had to be replaced at the last moment because he was too overcome with emotion.Video footage from the ceremony showed the pope pouring water over the feet ? one of them with tattoos ? bending down to kiss them and looking each of the 12 prisoners in the eye before moving on.
Lombardi said that while this was the first time a pope had washed women's feet, Francis had performed this type of ceremony in his native Argentina many times before becoming pope including in jails, hospitals and old people's homes.
The Holy Thursday ceremony is usually held in a basilica in the city centre and commemorates the gesture of humility believed to have been performed by Jesus Christ before his death to his 12 disciples at their last meal.
Popes performing the ritual have usually washed the feet of priests.
Catholic traditionalists are likely to be riled by the inclusion of women because all of Jesus' disciples were male ? the same justification used to explain why only men can be Catholic priests.
Francis has already broken with several Vatican traditions with his informal style, although he is yet to begin tackling the many problems assailing the Roman Catholic Church including reform of the scandal-ridden Vatican bureaucracy and bank.
Local prison chaplain Gaetano Greco said he hoped the ritual would be “a positive sign in the lives” of the young offenders at the prison, which has around 50 inmates aged between 14 and 21.
Earlier on Thursday, the pontiff told Catholic priests at a mass in St Peter's Basilica to stop their “soul-searching” and “introspection”.
“We need to go out… to the outskirts where there is suffering, bloodshed, blindness that longs for sight and prisoners in thrall to many evil masters,” he said.