「学び合いの会−海外ニュース」 250号
† 主の平和
第13回通常シノドス 2012 年 10 月 10 日
わたしたちは、すべてのことに、すべての出来事に、そしてすべての状況の中に神を見出すことへと促され、養成されています。わたしは、そのようなキリスト教の伝統に生きています。聖イグナチオが、この点を、新約聖書から受け取ったことは確かです。新約聖書では、たとえば、聖パウロはアレオパゴスでの演説で、ギリシャの詩人の言葉を引用してこう述べています。「我らは神の中に生き、動き、存在する」(使徒言行録 17-28 ) 神は、人間のあらゆる共同体のうちに現存し、活動しておられます。たとえわたしたちが、その現存がどのようなものか、またどれほど深いものか、すぐには理解できないとしても・・・。
わたしたちが、他の文化や伝統を肯定的にとらえようとしてきたのは確かです。しかし、実際には、「西欧的、ヨーロッパ的」な信仰と神聖さの徴(しるし)しか見てこなかったように思います。(信仰の実りについて述べた「討議要綱( Instrumentum Laboris )」でさえも、 122 項から 128 項で、「いくつかの徴(しるし)はそれ自体優れており、西方教会が容易に受け入れられるものである。」と記しています。)
訳注: 討議要綱 Instrumentum Laboris : シノドス(世界代表司教会議)の前にローマから示される提題説明(リネアメンタ)に対して、世界各国の司教団から返送される回答(アンケート結果)をまとめたもの。
これは、現代世界における「新しい福音宣教」ばかりでなく、「諸国の民への使命」 Missio ad Gentes にもあてはまることだと確信しています。わたしが知る限り、どの世代も次世代について不平を言い、過去の知恵の何かが失われようとしていると考えてきました。けれども、神の霊はその働きをまだ失ってはおらず、人々の心の中に、そして賢人たちの洞察の中に働いています。より注意深く、限りない謙虚さで耳を傾け、思いもよらないところで主のみ声を聞き分けるのが、わたしたちのつとめです。
神学校時代に、当時の教授カール・ラーナーとジョセフ・ラッツィンガーが、トリエント公会議における神の啓示について発表した研究に深い感銘を受けたことを覚えています。二人によれば、「トリエント公会議が聖書について話すときには、それは旧約聖書のことを指したが、その一方で、第 2 バチカン公会議が福音について話すときには、福音は二つの場所に現存すると見做される。一つは新約聖書の記述の中、(そして、驚くべきことに)もう一つは信者の心の中に現存する。」というのです。
訳注: Missio ad Gentes (「諸国の民への宣教の使命」; Ad Gentes は第二バチカン公会議の「宣教活動教令」(略称)。
何を語り、何を宣言しようとも、「わたしたちは限界のある不完全な人間であるという真実」を述べる必要があります。そこには勝利主義 (訳注:特定の教義を絶対とする信念・主張) の片鱗もあってはなりません。
「福音のメッセージを簡潔に」伝えるよう努めること。 複雑な表現や行きすぎた理由付けは、メッセージを不明瞭にし、分かりにくくします。
アドルフォ・ニコラス S.J. 10/10/2012
Synod of Bishops ? 2012.10
Intervention by Adolfo Nicolas SJ [General of SJs]
Coming from a Missionary Order, I feel the obligation to reflect on our past history. We can hardly think of a New Evangelization, unless we are sure we have learnt something from the First Evangelization, from the things we did well and from the mistakes we committed as well as the insufficiencies we suffered in our desire to communicate the Gospel.
I come from a Tradition where we are encouraged, and trained for this purpose, to find God in all things , in all events, in all situations. Saint Ignatius took this point, without doubt, from the New Testament, where, for instance, Saint Paul in his famous speech at the Areopagus quotes one of the Greek Poets as saying: “In Him (that is, in God) we live, and move, and have our being” (Act 17:27 ‐ 28). God is present and active in every human community, even if we do not readily see the how or the depth of this presence.
Well, I am afraid that we, missionaries, have not done it with sufficient depth, and, thus, have not contributed with these discoveries to the life of the Church. I am not projecting any kind of blame on the missionaries in general; I am only speaking from my own tradition, my own experience and my own missionary group. I am sure that many missionaries, even other Jesuits, have done better than I have done.
We have certainly tried to be positive in our view of other cultures and traditions. But I am afraid that we have seen mostly Western, European signs of Faith and Sanctity (even the Instrumentum Laboris, speaking of the fruits of Faith, indicates in Numbers 122 to 128 a few signs that are excellent in themselves and easily recognizable by the Western churches.).
We have not entered with sufficient depth into the cultures where the Gospel was proclaimed in order
to see that part of the Kingdom of God that was already there, rooted and active in the hearts and
relationships of people. We have not been very willing to find the “surprise factor” in the work of the Holy Spirit, who makes the seed grow even while the farmer is asleep or the missionary is absent.
I am convinced that this can be applied to the Missio ad Gentes as well as to the New Evangelization in the modern World. As far as I know, every generation has complained about the next generation and considered that something of the wisdom of the past was being lost. And yet the Spirit of God has not been idle, but working in the hearts of people and the insights of its sages. It is for us to listen with greater attention and with an immense humility to recognize the voice of the Lord where we did not expect that it could be heard.
In my Seminary years I remember being greatly impressed by a study that the then Professors Karl Rahner and Joseph Ratzinger published about Revelation in the Council of Trent. According to them, when the Council of Trent spoke of Scripture, it referred to the Old Testament; while when the Council spoke of Gospel it considered that the Gospel was present in two places: In the writings of the New Testament and ? here was the surprise ? in the hearts of the faithful.
By not paying sufficient attention to how God was present and had been working in the peoples we encountered, we missed important clues, insights and discoveries. It is now, therefore, the time to learn from this history, from what was missing in the First Evangelization, before we move ahead in the New.
Many good things have happened, that we want to keep, develop and celebrate. At the same time, we know that many mistakes have also taken place, particularly in terms of not listening to the people, in judging with great superficiality the merits of old and rich cultures and traditions, in imposing forms of worship that did not, in the least, express the relationship and sensibility of the people in their turning to God in prayer and praise.
The fullness of Christ needs the contribution of all peoples and all cultures. There are many lessons that we can learn from the past, and that can be of great help in any New Evangelization. Allow me just to, briefly, mention a few before I finish:
The importance of “ The way of humility” to communicate the Gospel.
2. The need of stating “ the truth of our limited and imperfect humanity ” in everything we say and proclaim, without any trace of Triumphalism.
The simplicity of the Message we try to communicate, without complications or excessive
rationalizations that make it opaque and not understandable.
4. Generosity in acknowledging the work of God in the life and history of people, accompanied by sincere admiration, joy and hope whenever we find in others goodness and dedication .
5. That the most credible message is the one that comes from our life , totally taken and guided by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
6. That Forgiveness and Reconciliation are the most helpful shortcuts to the heart of the Gospel.
7. That the Message of the Cross is best communicated through the death (to the self and to limited goals) of the missionary .
Thank you for your attention.
Adolfo Nicolas s.j. 10/10/2012
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