
主の洗礼 福音黙想 2010/1/10  トマス・ロシカ師





今日の福音の物語(ルカ 3:15-16 21-22 )で、イエスは、ヨハネから洗礼を受けた後、ガリラヤで伝道を始めます。ルカは、民衆の期待を述べることによって 3:15 ヨハネの宣教の時代を描写しています。それは、以前、幼子イエスの物語で、二人の敬虔なイスラエル人(シメオンとアンナ)の様子を描いたのと同じ方法でした。 2:25-26, 37-38 )  洗礼者ヨハネは、自分よりもはるかに優れた方、より力ある洗礼を授ける方を告げ知らせます。


ヨハネの水による洗礼と違って、イエスは、聖霊と火で洗礼を授けると言われています ルカ 3:16 。初代教会の視点から見ると、聖霊と火は、五旬祭の聖霊降臨のときに、聖霊から流れ出た火が象徴的な意味を持つものとして理解されたのでしょう。 










イエスはヨルダン川で、そして十字架の上で、その両腕を拡げました。イエスはヨルダン川でその任務を受け取りました。そして、十字架上でその任務を完成させました。 ヨルダン川でのヨハネによる洗礼によって、イエスは、贖いの対象である人々と深く結びつきます。わたしたちも又、預言者的な生き方に呼ばれているのです。









わたしたちが、信仰の求めるところを遅まきながら理解する時、また回心の道が導くままに善悪を見分ける時; わたしたちの生活の中で、神がなさりたいと望んでいることを捜し求め、それを達成できるように神の助けを求める時; わたしたちが神とその言葉を出来る限り学ぶ時; わたしたちが、神に近づいた時; …そのとき、その瞬間に…その人のために天が開いたという「その人」が、わたしたちにも明かされるのです。









しかし、この際あらためて、「洗礼を授け、説教し、教えよ」という福音宣教の求めに耳を傾けてはどうでしょうか? 人々がわたしたちのところに来るのを待つのではなく、混乱する現代世界に生きる人々の所へ、こちらから会いに行ってはどうでしょう?




わたしには、尊者ヨハネ・パウロ2世が、 "Duc in altum!" (訳注: 沖に漕ぎ出し、網を下ろしなさい。広く、そして深く!) と叫ぶ声が聞こえます。

あなたを最も必要としている人がいるのは、見慣れた浅瀬ではありません! 信仰の行いが見られないからといって不適当とされた人々から、洗礼とその他の秘跡を受ける権利を奪うという矛盾は、いつの世にも教会内に存在していました。


それは、ヨゼフ・ラッツィンガー枢機卿自身が若い頃に体験し、後年になってやっと解決した難問です。 北イタリア Bressanone の司祭の質問に対する、ラッツィンガー、現在のベネディクト 16 世の答え聴きましょう。それは、 2008 8 6 日、教区の聖職者たちとの公開質疑応答での事です。この司祭、 Paolo Rizzi は、司牧者であり神学の教授で、ベネディクト 16 世に洗礼と堅信と初聖体について質問しました。


「教皇様、 35 年前、わたしは、ヨーロッパの至る所で、大なり小なり、わたしたちが、小さな群れ、少数派の共同体になり始めていると考えていました。そこでわたしは、キリスト者の生活に真につながっている人々にだけ秘跡を施すべきだと考えていました。それから、ある程度は、ヨハネ・パウロ 2 世が教皇職におられたときのやり方の故なのですが、再度考え直してみました。もし将来を予知することが可能なら、教皇様は、どのようにお考えになりますか? どんな司牧的取り組みを提案なさいますか?」


教皇ベネディクト 16 世は、次のように答えました。今年の主の洗礼の祝日にふさわしい言葉です。


「わたしは、あなたと同じような道をたどったと言わねばなりません。若い頃、わたしはいささか厳しかったのです。 わたしはこう言いました。『秘跡とは、信仰の秘跡である。そして、信仰のないところ、信仰の行いのないところには、秘跡を授けることができない。』 ミュンヘンの司教であったとき、わたしは教区司祭たちにいつも次のように言いました。『ここにも二つの分派があります。一つは厳しく、もう一つは寛大です。』















カテケーシス(教え)の本来の意味は、実際、次のようでなければなりません: それがどれほど小さくとも、子どもの心にイエスの愛の炎を灯すこと。そして、子どもを通して親たちへと、わたしたちの時代の信仰の場を再び開くことです。」









Baptism Is a Call to a Prophetic Career

Gospel Reflection for Feast of the Lord's Baptism Year C

By Father Thomas Rosica, CSB



TORONTO, JAN. 6, 2010 Zenit.org .-

The theme of Christ's epiphany -- of Jesus inaugurating his divine mission on earth -- reaches its fulfillment in the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. The feast seemingly brings an end to the Christmas season, but Christmas really ends with the feast of the Presentation of the Lord on Feb. 2.


In today's Gospel story Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 , Jesus begins his ministry in Galilee after the baptism preached by John. In describing the expectation of the people 3:15 , Luke is characterizing the time of John's preaching in the same way as he had earlier described the situation of other devout Israelites in the infancy narrative 2:25-26, 37-38 . John the Baptist tells of one far greater than he, one with a more powerful baptism.


In contrast to John's baptism with water, Jesus is said to baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire Luke 3:16 . From the point of view of the early Christian community, the Spirit and fire must have been understood in the light of the fire symbolism of the pouring out of the Spirit at Pentecost Acts 2:1-4 .


As part of John's preaching, the Spirit and fire should be related to their purifying and refining characteristics Ezekiel 36:25-27; Malachi 3:2-3 .


When Jesus is baptized, the voice from heaven booms out and names him: "You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased."


This affirmation is the defining moment for the prophet from Nazareth . It is God's declaration of love to God's new Israel ; it is God's naming to supreme accountability; it is God's surprise for the world of the proud and powerful.


Through his baptism by John in the muddy waters of the Jordan , Jesus opens the possibility to us of accepting our human condition and of connecting with God the way we were intended to. Jesus accepts the human condition, and this includes suffering and death.


He stretched his arms out in the Jordan River and on the cross. In the Jordan, Jesus received his commission. On the cross he completed it. Jesus' baptism by John in the Jordan identifies him deeply with the people he has come to redeem. We, too, are called to a prophetic career.


When we were baptized into Christ Jesus, we were baptized into his death. Our baptism is a public, prophetic and royal anointing. We receive the life of the Church and are called to sustain that faith life. Faith is about concern for others. Faith is a public -- not private -- responsibility.


Baptism is a call to a prophetic career. How we live that out may vary from person to person. The ways may not be as dramatic as the adventures of an Isaiah or a John the Baptist, yet they are in that same great prophetic tradition. To be prophetic is to become involved and to get our hands and feet dirty.


Through our own baptism, we can become a light to others, just as Jesus is a light to us, and to the world. Our own baptism fills us with a certain boldness, confidence and enthusiasm, reminding us that the Gospel must be proclaimed with gratitude for its proven beauty.


When we slowly discover the demands of that faith, and where the way of repentance leads, when we can tell good from evil; when we search for what God wants to do in our lives and ask him to help us accomplish it; when we learn as much as we can about God and his world; when we come near to God, then -- at that moment -- the person for whom the heavens opened is revealed also to us.


Baptism in today's Church

In many parts of the world today, baptizing children has already become the exception.


The number of unbaptized infants, children, young people, and adults is on the rise. The decline in the practice of baptism is the result of an erosion of family ties and a departure from the Church.


During numerous priests' retreats, gatherings of priests and pastors, I have often heard it discussed that when the priest does not see visible signs of the practice of faith, then the Church would have the right to refuse the sacraments to people, especially baptism. It is a very complex question.


Could we not, however also listen anew to the Gospel missionary injunction to "baptize, preach and teach" not by waiting for the people to come to us but by going out to meet the people where they are in today's messy world?


What is demanded of us is a new missionary fervor and zeal that do not require extraordinary events. It is in ordinary, daily life that mission work is done. Baptism is absolutely fundamental to this fervor and zeal.


The sacraments are for the life of men and women as they are, not as we

would like them to be! I can hear Venerable Pope John Paul II crying out to us: "Duc in altum!"

It is not in the shallow, familiar waters that you will find those who most need you! The dilemma of withholding baptism and other sacraments from those believed to be unfit because they are not practicing has always been present in the Church.


It is a dilemma that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger experienced personally as a young man, and finally resolved later in life. Listen to what Ratzinger, now Benedict XVI, said in replying to a related question from a priest of Bressanone in northern Italy, in a public question-and-answer session with

the clergy of the diocese on Aug. 6, 2008. The priest, Father Paolo Rizzi, a pastor and professor of theology, asked Benedict XVI a question about

baptism, confirmation, and first communion:


"Holy Father, 35 years ago I thought that we were beginning to be a little flock, a minority community, more or less everywhere in Europe ; that we should therefore administer the sacraments only to those who are truly committed to Christian life. Then, partly because of the style of John Paul II's Pontificate, I thought things through again. If it is possible to make predictions for the future, what do you think? What pastoral approaches can you suggest to us?"


Benedict XVI responded with these words, so fitting for us on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord this year:


"I must say that I took a similar route to yours. When I was younger I was rather severe.

I said: the sacraments are sacraments of faith, and where faith does not exist, where the practice of faith does not exist, the Sacrament cannot be conferred either. And then I always used to talk to my parish priests when I was Archbishop of Munich: here too there were two factions, one severe and

one broad-minded.


Then I too, with time, came to realize that we must follow, rather, the example of the Lord, who was very open even with people on the margins of Israel of that time. He was a Lord of mercy, too open -- according to many official authorities -- with sinners, welcoming them or letting them invite him to their dinners, drawing them to him in his communion. [...]


"I would say, therefore, that in the context of the catechesis of children, that work with parents is very important.


And this is precisely one of the opportunities to meet with parents, making the life of faith also present to the adults, because, it seems to me, they themselves can relearn the faith from the children and understand that this great solemnity is only meaningful, true and authentic if it is celebrated in the context of a journey with Jesus, in the context of a life of faith.


Thus, one should endeavor to convince parents, through their children, of the need for a preparatory journey that is expressed in participation in the mysteries and that begins to make these mysteries loved. [...]


"I would say that this is definitely an inadequate answer, but the pedagogy of faith is always a journey and we must accept today's situations. Yet, we must also open them more to each person, so that the result is not only an external memory of things that endures but that their hearts that have truly been touched.


The moment when we are convinced the heart is touched -- it has felt a little of Jesus' love, it has felt a little the desire to move along these lines and in this direction, that is the moment when, it seems to me, we can say that we have made a true catechesis.


The proper meaning of catechesis, in fact, must be this: to bring the flame of Jesus' love, even if it is a small one, to the hearts of children, and through the children to their parents, thus reopening the places of faith of our time."


May today's feast of the Lord's Baptism be an invitation to each of you to remember with gratitude and renew your own baptismal promises.


Relive the moment of the water that rushed over you. Pray that the grace of your own baptism will help you to be light to others and to the world, and give you the strength and courage to make a difference in the world and in the Church.






イザヤ 42:1-4, 6-7:慰めよ、わたしの民を慰めよと/あなたたちの神は言われる。エルサレムの心に語りかけ/彼女に呼びかけよ/苦役の時は今や満ち、彼女の咎は償われた、と。罪のすべてに倍する報いを/主の御手から受けた、と。呼びかける声がある。主のために、荒れ野に道を備え/わたしたちの神のために、荒れ地に広い道を通せ。谷はすべて身を起こし、山と丘は身を低くせよ。険しい道は平らに、狭い道は広い谷となれ。主の栄光がこうして現れるのを/肉なる者は共に見る。主の口がこう宣言される。




見よ、あなたたちの神 見よ、主なる神。彼は力を帯びて来られ/御腕をもって統治される。見よ、主のかち得られたものは御もとに従い/主の働きの実りは御前を進む。主は羊飼いとして群れを養い、御腕をもって集め/小羊をふところに抱き、その母を導いて行かれる。


テトス 2:11-14, 3:4-7(原文はActs 10:34-38, or Timothy 2:11-14; 3:4-7;)(略)


福音朗読 ルカ 3:15-16, 21-22:(そのとき)民衆はメシアを待ち望んでいて、ヨハネについて、もしかしたら彼がメシアではないかと、皆心の中で考えていた。そこで、ヨハネは皆に向かって言った。「わたしはあなたたちに水で洗礼を授けるが、わたしよりも優れた方が来られる。わたしは、その方の履物のひもを解く値打ちもない。その方は、聖霊と火であなたたちに洗礼をお授けになる。民衆が皆洗礼を受け、イエスも洗礼を受けて祈っておられると、天が開け、聖霊が鳩のように目に見える姿でイエスの上に降って来た。すると、「あなたはわたしの愛する子、わたしの心に適う者」という声が、天から聞こえた。




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