Genre, Form, Content, Values: "The Spirit the Council"

様式、形式、内容、意味 :すなわち「公会議の精神」


Through the centuries councils have made use of a range of literary genres, most of which have borrowed from the discourse of Roman antiquity. The genres in large measure were, or closely resembled, laws and judicial sentences. While ensuring correct belief in the church and enforcing appropriate behavior, especially of the clergy (fides et mores), the laws were not and could not be separated from securing public order in society at large, and for that reason secular authorities undertook their enforcement. They were "the law of the land" as well as the law of the church.


何世紀もの間、公会議は一定の(文学的)表現様式を用いてきたが、そのほとんどは古代ローマの話法からの借り物であった。その表現様式の大部分は、法律や裁判に使われる文章か、あるいはそれによく似たものであった。その法は、(本来)教会の正しい信仰を守り、特に聖職者に対して適切な行動 (fides et mores :信仰と道徳 ) を強制するものであったが、世俗社会の公共秩序を守るという目的と切り離すことが出来なかったために、法の執行は世俗の権威に任されることになった。そしてそれらは、教会の法であると同時に、「国家の法」にもなっていった。

( 訳注: fides et mores faith and morals 第1バチカン公会議のキーワードとなった言葉。  「 PIET FRANSEN'S RESEARCH ON FIDES ET MORES by DAVID STAGAMAN, S.J. 参照)


Two fundamental assumptions were in play. First, councils were judicial bodies that heard cases and rendered judgment, with anybody found guilty dilly punished. Second, they were legislative bodies that issued ordinances, to which were attached, as with any law, penalties for failure to comply. This pattern in fact antedated Nicaea , for it is found in regional councils from at least the middle of the third century.


二つの基本的前提が働いていた。第一に、公会議は事例を審理し判決を言い渡す司法機関であり、有罪となった人は法によって罰せられる。第二に、公会議は法令を発布する立法機関であり、いかなる法もそうであるように、それに従わないときの罰が定められていた。この考え方は、少なくとも 3 世紀半ば以降の地方会議にあったことがわかっているので、実際には、ニケア公会議以前に迄さかのぼることになる。


The procedural models the bishops began to adopt early on were those followed throughout the empire by local assemblies and municipal councils.

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Bishops, who were drawn principally from the local notables, fell into this pattern for their meetings as almost second nature. Although the Roman Senate was a special case, it stood in the same procedural tradition." 60


司教たちが早くから採用し始めた手続きのモデルは、地方会議や地方自治体の会議によって帝国中に広まった。司教たちは主に地元の名士の中から選ばれていたので、当然のように、彼らの集会にこの考え方を取り入れるようになった。ローマの元老院は特別なケースではあったが、やはりこの手続きの伝統に連なっていた。 60


At Nicaea the analogy with the Senate was strengthened by the presence of the emperor himself. Thus councils adopted the legislative and judicial patterns of the Roman Empire , which would persist down through the centuries. In the Latin councils in the West, the role of the emperor and other lay rulers would be much diminished, but what would remain fundamentally unchanged was the assumption that a council was, like the Roman Senate, a legislative-judicial body. It was this model

That Vatican II implicitly rejected for itself in so doing, it redefined what a council was. Although this is a change of momentous import, its implications have gone largely unexplored.

This inattention has contributed to confusion and disagreement over how to interpret the council. 61


ニケア公会議に皇帝自身が出席したことで、元老院との類似は一層強まった。このようにして、公会議はローマ帝国の立法と司法の様式を採用し、それが何世紀にもわたって継続したのである。西方のラテン公会議では、皇帝やその他の世俗の支配者たちの役割はすっかり縮小していったが、基本的に変わらずに残ったのは、公会議がローマの元老院のように立法と司法の機関であるいう考え方であった。第 2 バチカン公会議自体が言外に拒絶したのはこのモデルであり、そうすることによって、「公会議とは何か?」を再定義したのである。この変更は極めて重要な意味を持つのだが、そこに秘められた意義はほとんど明らかにされていない。この怠慢が、公会議の解釈に混乱と意見の相違をもたらすことになった。 61


Among the many literary forms used by councils through the centuries were confessions of faith, historical narratives, bulls and letters, judicial sentences against ecclesiastical criminals, constitutions, and various kinds of "decrees." Especially in the early councils the most respected and important form was the creedal statement. The genre employed most characteristically by Nicaea and by many subsequent councils, however, was the canon, usually a relatively short, prescriptive ordinance that often carried with it punishment for failure to comply. The punishment was usually an anathema, that is, a ban or an excommunication. Canon 27 of the Council of Chalcedon, in 451, illustrates the point: "The sacred synod decrees that those who carry off girls under pretext of cohabitation, or who are accomplices or cooperate with those who carry them off, are to lose their personal rank if they are clerics, and are to be anathematized if they are monks or layfolk." 62


何世紀にもわたり公会議で用いられてきた多くの表現様式には、信仰告白、歴史の記述、勅書や書簡、教会犯罪に対する判決文、会憲、様々な種類の「布告」や「教令」といったものがある。特に、初期の公会議で用いられた様式のうちでもっとも尊重され重要だったのは、使徒信条の宣言であった。しかしながら、ニケア公会議とこれに続く多くの公会議で採用された様式のうちで、もっとも際立っているのは、教会法である。これは通常、比較的短い内容で、従わないときは刑罰を伴うことの多い、規範としての布告であった。ふつう、その刑罰は破門であり、教会からの追放、除名を意味した。 451 年のカルケドン公会議の教会法 27 条にその特色がうかがえる。

「聖なる教会会議は次のように定める。同棲という口実で女性を誘拐し、あるいは女性誘拐の共犯者または協力者となるなら、聖職者の場合はその個人的身分を失い、修道士、あるいは世俗の人の場合は破門に処せられる。」 62


Although most of the other forms employed by councils betray in their context the assumption that a council is a legislative-judicial body, the canon, as the example from Chalcedon shows, directly and unmistakably manifests that assumption. The Council of Trent issued about 135 such canons relating to doctrine, to say nothing of its similar prescriptions regarding ecclesiastical discipline or "reform." Canon 1, on the Mass, is typical of Trent 's doctrinal canons: "If anyone says that a true and proper sacrifice is not offered to God in the Mass, or that the offering is nothing but the giving of Christ to us to eat, let him be anathema." 63


公会議が採用してきた他の様式の多くは、その文脈において、公会議が立法と司法の機関であるという前提を裏切っているが、カルケドン公会議の例が示すように、教会法だけは、直接的に、また間違うことなく、この前提を堅持している。トリエント公会議は、聖職者に関する規律や「改革」に関する規律などの同種の規定は言うに及ばず、教義に関係する教会法をおよそ 135 も発布した。ミサに関する教会法第 1 条は、トリエント公会議で発布された教義に関する教会法の特徴をよく示している。「もしも、ミサの中では真(まこと)の、適切な生け贄が神に捧げられていないと言う者が居れば、あるいは、その捧げ物は、キリストがわたしたちに食べるようにと与えられた以上のものではないと言う者が居れば、その者は破門に処せられる。」 63

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Even such doctrinal canons strike not at what a person might believe or think or feel but at what they "say" or "deny," that is, at some observable behavior. They are not concerned with Interiority as such. Like any good law, canons and their equivalents were formulated to be as unambiguous as possible, drawing clear lines between "who's in" and "who's out." They sometimes depict those who are "out" as full-fledged enemies, as did the decree of Lateran V, in 1512, against the cardinals who had attempted to depose Pope Julius II:

"We condemn, reject, and detest ... each and every thing done by those sons of perdition. " 64

The Council of Constance (1418) denounced John Wyclif as a "profligate enemy" of the faith and a "pseudo Christian," and it handed over his disciple Jan Hus to be burned at the stake. 65


このように、教義に関する教会法でさえも、個人が信じ、考え、感じることではなく、「口に出し」たり、「否定し」たりすること、すなわち外面的な行いに照準を合わせる。教会法は人の内面には無関心である。他の良い法律と同様に、教会法やそれに類するものは、できる限りあいまいさを避けて成文化されており、「受容」と「排斥」の間にはっきりとラインが引かれていた。それらのうちには、「排斥する」人々を、 明確に敵として表現しているものもあった。 たとえば、 1512 年の第 5 ラテラノ公会議の教令(勅令?)では、教皇ユリウス 2 世を退位させようとした枢機卿たちに対して次のような表現が用いられている。「悪魔の裔たちによって行われたありとあらゆることを、われわれは糾弾し、拒絶し、嫌悪する。」 64  また、コンスタンツ公会議( 1418 年)は、ジョン・ウィクリフを、「信仰に敵対する放蕩者」、「偽キリスト者」として告発し、彼の弟子ヤン・フスを火あぶりの刑に処した


True, these are extreme examples, but for that reason they best illustrate the point. Although allowance must be made for many differences, the councils from Nicaea to Vatican I had a characteristic style of discourse. That style was composed of two basic elements. The first was a literary genre ? the canon or its equivalent. The second was the vocabulary typical of the genre and appropriate to it. It consisted in words of threat and intimidation, words of surveillance and punishment, words of a superior speaking to an inferior?or to an enemy. It consisted in power-words. Although canons and the like deal with the exterior, insofar as they are inspired by Christian principles

they must be presumed not to be devoid of relationship to inner conversion. Even a coerced change in behavior can sometimes be the first step in a change of heart.




Moreover, strict laws and harsh punishment are sometimes required if a long-standing abuse is to be rooted out. The bishops at Trent knew they could not reform the episcopacy (that is, themselves) without strong sanctions. They acted accordingly?and to good effect. Nonetheless, their language is that of adversarial relationships. It is a language concerned with public order. The manner in which the canons expressed themselves reinforced social disciplining as an ecclesiastical style, as the way the church "did business." The language projected an image of the church as a stern master, and the image in turn promoted the reality and helped it self-fulfill.

Such language was not confined to councils. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, papal pronouncements such as Pius IX's Syllabus of Errors (1864) and Pius X's Lamentabili and Pascendi (1907) made ample use of it. But Vatican II eschewed such language. It issued no canons, no anathemas, no verdicts of "guilty as charged." In so speaking it marked a significant break with past councils.



そのような言葉が使われたのは公会議だけではない。 19 世紀と 20 世紀における、ピオ 9 世の「誤謬表」( Syllabus of Errors 1864 年)と、ピオ 10 世の教令「ラメンタビリ」( Lamentabili and Pascendi 1907 年)は、その効果を十二分に利用した文書である。しかし、第 2 バチカン公会議はそのような言葉を避けた。そこでは、教会法も発布されず、破門も行われず、「論告通り有罪」といった評決も行われなかった。そのような話法を避けることによって、第 2 バチカン公会議は、それまでの公会議からの重大な変換点となったのである。

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Another language-tradition was in play as well. From the early centuries, concepts from Greek philosophy also influenced conciliar language. Especially in the High Middle Ages, when such masters as Abelard, Peter Lombard, and Thomas Aquinas developed the great change in theological method known as Scholasticism, the dialectical and analytic aspects of the Western philosophical tradition began to play an even greater role in council pronouncements. Dialectics is the art of proving a point, of winning an argument, and of proving your opponent wrong. It expresses itself in the syllogism, in the debate, in the disputation. Even when aiming at reconciliation, it has an adversarial edge to it. It is, further, an appeal to the mind, not to the heart. Its language is abstract, impersonal, and ahistorical. It cannot succeed in its goal without a precise, technical vocabulary and the use of unambiguous definitions. In that regard it is similar to the legislative-judicial tradition. Both are intent on drawing firm lines of demarcation. Vatican II, however, largely eschewed Scholastic language. It thus moved from the dialectic of winning an argument to the dialogue of finding common ground. It moved from abstract metaphysics to interpersonal "how to be." It moved from grand conceptual schemes or summae with hundreds of logically interconnected parts to the humble acceptance of mystery. In so doing it largely abandoned the Scholastic framework that had dominated Catholic theology since the thirteenth century.


それとは別の伝統的な話法も使われた。初めの数世紀以来、ギリシャ哲学に由来する概念も公会議の話法に影響を与えてきた。特に中世のまっただ中、アベラール、ピエトロ・ロンバルド、トマス・アクィナスといった優れた神学者たちが、スコラ哲学として知られる神学的手法の大転換を行うと、西方の哲学的伝統の弁証法的、分析的側面が、公会議の出す布告で、さらに大きな役割を果たし始めた。弁証法は、論点を証明し、議論に勝ち、論敵の誤りを証明する技術である。それは、論証、議論、論争の場面に登場する。弁証法は、和解を目指しているときでさえも相手には容赦しない。さらにそれは、心にではなく頭に訴えかけるものである。弁証法に用いられる言葉は抽象的で、人間味がなく、伝統に無関心である。弁証法は、正確で専門的な用語と、曖昧さのない定義を用いることなくして、その目的を遂げることはできない。その点において立法と司法の伝統に類似している。どちらも、不動の境界線を引くことに熱心である。しかしながら、第 2 バチカン公会議は、全体的に見てスコラ哲学の話法を用いることを避けた。そして論争に勝つための弁証法から、共通の土俵を見いだす対話へと移行したのである。形而上学的抽象論から、人と人との間の「どうあるべき」論への移行である。何百もの論理的に絡み合った部分を統合した膨大な概念体系、または「 神学大全 」の世界から、慎ましい、神秘の受容の世界へと移行したのであった。こうして、第 2 バチカン公会議は、 13 世紀以来カトリック神学を支配してきたスコラ哲学の枠組みの大部分を放棄したのであった。


The shift in language did not go unnoticed or unchallenged in the council, as we shall see,

but neither its advocates nor its adversaries ever articulated clearly the implications of this change

to a more "pastoral" language (as it was generally described). The shift affected not one or two documents of the council but, with varying degrees of consistency, all of them. It modified the existing value system. It implicitly said, for instance, that it is more valuable to work together as neighbors than to fight over differences, as we have up to now been doing.




The style of discourse the council adopted was, like that of previous councils, also made up of two essential elements, a genre and a vocabulary appropriate to it. That style, while operative to a greater or lesser extent in all the documents, is best exemplified in the four constitutions. Even in those most authoritative documents, however, the new style suffers interruptions, deviations, and admixtures.

Long sections are simply expository. Nonetheless, this style is different from that of previous councils.



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The genre can be precisely identified. It has been known and practiced in many cultures from time immemorial, but it was clearly analyzed and carefully codified by classical authors like Aristotle, Cicero, and Quintilian. 66 It is what the Roman authors called the ars laudandi, the panegyric, and its home is in what is traditionally known as humanistic culture. Panegyric is the painting of an idealized portrait in order to excite admiration and appropriation. It was an old genre in religious discourse, used extensively by the Fathers of the Church, revived in the Renaissance, and revisited in the twentieth century by the proponents of "la nouvelle theologie." It was a literary rather than a philosophical or legal genre, and hence it had altogether different aims and rested on different presuppositions.

Panegyric was, in the technical sense, a humanistic genre because it was cultivated in the humanistic or literary tradition. 67


その様式は明確に識別することができる。それは遙か昔から多くの文化の中で認知され、実践されてきたものだが、アリストテレス、キケロ、クインティリアヌスといった古典作家たちの手で、明快な分析と入念な体系化がおこなわれた。 66  それは、ローマの作家たちが賞賛術( ars laudandi )、賞賛の辞( panegyric と呼んだものであり、伝統的に人文主義文化と言われるものの中から生まれた様式である。パネジリックは、賞賛と帰依の念を呼び起こすために、理想化した人物像を描き出す話法である。これは宗教の話法にある古い様式であり、教父たちによって広く用いられ、ルネッサンス期に復活し、 20 世紀になって、「新神学」の支持者たちによって再び採り上げられた。またこれは、哲学あるいは法律の様式と言うよりは、文学様式であり、それ故、全く異なった目的を持ち、異なった前提に基づくものであった。パネジリックは、厳密な意味では人文主義の様式である。なぜなら、それが、人文主義の、あるいは文学の伝統で育まれたものだからである。 67


The purpose of the epideictic genre, the technical name for panegyric in classical treatises on rhetoric, is not so much to clarify concepts as to heighten appreciation for a person, an event, or an institution

and to excite emulation of an ideal. Its goal is the winning of internal assent, not the imposition of conformity from outside. It teaches, but not so much by way of magisterial pronouncement as by suggestion, insinuation, and example. Its instrument is persuasion, not coercion. If most Fourth of July speeches are secular examples of the genre at its worst, Lincoln 's Gettysburg Address and his Second Inaugural are examples of it at its best. Lincoln tried simply to hold up for appreciation what was at stake in the war. By implication he praised it as noble and worthy of the great cost, and then invited the nation to move on. By depicting the attractiveness of certain ideals and values, he hoped to inspire his audience to strive to achieve them. He employed a rhetoric of invitation. 68


「エピダイクティック( epideictic =褒め言葉)様式」とは、修辞法に関する古典的な論文の中で、「パネジリック( panegyric =賞賛)様式」と同じ意味に使われる技術的名称であるが、その様式の目的は、思想を語るというよりも、ある人物、何かの出来事、あるいは団体に対する感謝の念を強め、優れた手本に学ぶ心を呼び起こすことにある。その目指すところは、心からの賛同を勝ちとることであり、外側からの服従の押しつけではない。それは権威ある布告という手段よりも、示唆、ほのめかし、そして模範によって教え導く。その道具となるものは説得であって無理強いではない。仮に、 7 4 日の独立記念日に行われる演説のほとんどが、長年にわたり、この様式の最悪の例であるとしたら、リンカーンのゲティスバーグの演説と2期目の大統領就任演説は、その最良の例である。リンカーンは、なぜ南北戦争が起きたのかを端的に述べて人々に理解を求めた。彼は暗に、それが気高いことであり、大きな犠牲に値するものであったと賞賛し、国民を前進へと招いたのである。リンカーンは、確かな理想と価値観の魅力を語ることによって聴衆を奮い立たせ、その成就に向かって必死に努力するよう望んだ。彼は「招き」の修辞法を用いたのだ。 68


Although the documents of the council are far from being literary masterpieces and, as committee documents, are not stylistically consistent, in their general orientation they fit the epideictic mold. That is a critical element in their style. They hold up ideals, then draw conclusions from them and often spell out practical consequences. This is a soft style compared with the hard-hitting style of canons and dialectical discourse. 69 It is rightly described as "pastoral" because it was meant to make Christian ideals appealing. Yet in the context of the council, "pastoral" is itself a soft word, a euphemism that obscures the significant shift in values and in the styles of relationships that the documents promoted.


公会議の文書は文学的に優れた文章とはとても言えず、会議の文書としては文体に一貫性がないが、全体の方向性は、エピダイクティックの典型である。それが公会議文書のスタイルの決定的な要素になっている。そこでは、先ず理想を掲げ、そこから結論を導き出し、しばしば実際的な結果を生み出す。これは、教会法や、弁証法的論考の力強いスタイルに比べると柔らかいスタイルと言える。 69  これを「司牧的」と評価するのは正しい。なぜならそれは、キリスト教の理想を魅力的にするよう意図されたものだからである。とはいえ、公会議の状況下では、「司牧的」という言葉はそれ自体が柔らかい表現であり、婉曲的な表現であるが故に、公会議文書が意図した、「価値観」と「関係性のスタイル」の重要な転換をわかりにくくする結果を招いた。

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As expressions of a rhetoric of invitation and dialogue, the documents encourage conversion, an interior change that is induced by and then expressed by a new way of speaking and behaving. The shift in style entails a shift in value-system. New way of speaking? The implications are profound. To learn a new language so as genuinely to live within it entails an inner transformation. Much more is at stake than learning new words for one's old concepts. To properly speak a new language means to enter fully into the values and sensibilities of a culture different from one's own and to appropriate them. One gestures, shrugs, bears oneself differently, and responds differently to situations to the point of, to some extent, becoming another person.


「招き」と「対話」の修辞的な表現を使って、公会議文書は、新しい話法と行為から生まれ、顕在化する「回心」、すなわち内的変化を人々に求める。スタイルの変化は、価値観(価値体系)の変化を引き起こす。新しい話法とは何か? そこに含まれる意味は深い。新しい言葉を、その言葉通りに完全に生きるために学ぶことはわたしたちに内的な転換をもたらす。自分の古い概念にとどまっていることは、新しい言葉を学ぶことよりも危うい。新しい言葉を適切に話すことは、自身の文化とは異なる文化の価値と感受性を完全に受け入れ、それらを自分のものにすることを意味する。人は、状況に合わせて身振り手振りをし、肩をすくめ、さまざまに行動し、さまざまに対応し、時には別人のように見えることさえある。


As a form of the art of persuasion, the panegyric-epideictic genre looks to reconciliation. While it raises appreciation, it creates or fosters among those it addresses a realization that they all share (or should share) the same ideals and need to work together to achieve them. To engage in persuasion is to some extent to put oneself on the same level as those being persuaded. Persuaders do not command from on high. Otherwise, they would not be persuading but dictating. Persuasion works from the inside out. To be successful, persuaders need to establish an identity between themselves and their audience and make clear that they share the same concerns and even the same sentiments, such as hope, joy, and sadness. The genre, moreover, wants to lift its audience to big issues. Implicit in it, therefore, is an invitation to rise above all pettiness and to strive for an expansive vision and a generous spirit.




These traits are characteristic of the style of discourse of Vatican II. The fathers of the council did not set out to "talk epideictic," but they wanted to adopt a style different from that of theological textbooks and most ecclesiastical pronouncements, a style more consonant with the style of the Fathers of the Church, as they often insisted during the council. However we might explain it, the documents of the council fit the epideictic pattern and therefore need to be interpreted accordingly. They must be analyzed according to their genre, their literary form.


これらの特性が、第 2 バチカン公会議の議論のスタイルを性格付けている。公会議の司祭たちは、「エピダイクティック(賞賛の話法)様式で話そう」と試みた訳ではなかった。ただ、彼らが採り入れたかったのは、神学の教科書や教会の布告にありがちのスタイルとは別のもの―公会議の期間中彼らがこだわっていたスタイル―すなわち、もっと教父たちのスタイルに一致するものであったのだ。



The most concrete manifestation of the character of the new genre is the vocabulary it adopted. In fact, nowhere is the contrast between Vatican II and the preceding councils more obvious than in its vocabulary ? in the words it most characteristically employed and in the words it eschewed. What kind of words are absent? Words of alienation, exclusion, enmity, words of threat and intimidation, words of surveillance and punishment.


この新しい様式の特徴をもっとも具体的に表しているのは、そこに使われている語彙である。実際のところ、公文書に使われた語彙ほどに、第 2 バチカン公会議とそれに先立つ公会議の間の相違が目立つものは他にない。もっとも特徴的に用いられた言葉、そして使用を避けた言葉、そこには、明確なコントラストがある。それでは、どんな種類の言葉が無くなっているのだろうか。たとえば「疎外」「排除」「敵意」。あるいは「脅し」「威嚇」。また、「監視」「処罰」の言葉も見られない。


Although in the documents of Vatican II the hierarchical character of the 48 頁〜 49

church is repeatedly stressed and the prerogatives of the pope reiterated almost obsessively,

the church is never described as a monarchy or the members of the church as subjects?a significant departure from previous practice. Definition (or, more technically, "determination") is the goal of the dialectical process that is at the heart of the Scholastic method. Vatican II issued no doctrinal definitions, even though that was what people expected because that was what councils had always done.


2 バチカン公会議の文書は、教会の位階的性格を繰り返して強調し、教皇の大権も執拗に反復しているが、教会を君主制と形容したり、教会員を臣下と形容したりするようなことは一度もない。これはそれまでの慣習からの意義深い脱却といえる。定義づけ(あるいはより専門的には「決定」)は、スコラ哲学の方法論の核心にある弁証的プロセスの到達点である。しかし、第 2 バチカン公会議は、教義の決定は行わなかった。それは過去の公会議が必ず行ってきたことたが、人々の予想は裏切られたのである。


What kind of words are present? Words untypical of the vocabulary of councils. They cannot be considered casual asides or simple window-dressing ― "mere rhetoric." They are used far too insistently and too characteristically for that. They do not occur here and there but are an across-the-board phenomenon. Genre and vocabulary together provide us with the lenses that bring the picture of Vatican II into sharp focus. They allow us to determine patterns that provide a horizon of interpretation.


では、どんな言葉が使われたのか。従来の公会議の言葉づかいとは違う言葉が使われたのである。それを、本題から外れたお喋りとか、単なる飾り言葉、「言葉のあや」にすぎないものとして片付けることはできない。それらの言葉は、執拗なまでに繰り返され、また特徴的な表現として使われている。それらは部分的に存在するのではなく、全体に見られる現象である。様式と語彙が一体となって、第 2 バチカン公会議の全体像をくっきりと映し出すレンズの役目を果たしている。それらによってわたしたちは、公会議を理解するための思考様式を決めることが出来る。


Taken together, moreover, they constitute a style of discourse that reveals the inner values of the person speaking: "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." In this instance the mouth speaking is that of the council. The council is speaking for the church and thus manifests what it holds to be the church's inner reality. It thereby indicates how the church will, ideally, behave and "do business." The council is speaking about the very identity of the church. It teaches by means of its style.


さらに、様式と語彙が一体となることによって、語り手の隠された真価を露わにする会話のスタイルを生み出す。「心から溢れ出るものが言葉になる」のである。これが第 2 バチカン公会議の話し方である。公会議は教会のために語り、それによって、公会議が、教会の内奥の実体として保持しているものを明らかにする。そして、教会がどのように行動し、「仕事をする」のが望ましいかを示すのである。公会議は、まさに教会のアイデンティティについて語る。公会議は、その(語り方の)スタイルを使って、わたしたちに教えるのである。


I divide the new words into categories, but the categories are imperfectly distinct from one another. They overlap and crisscross, making the same or related points.

One category consists of horizontal-words, or even equality-words. The most widely invoked of such expressions and the one that remains the best known, despite its problematic implications, is "people of God." Others are "brothers and sisters" and "the priesthood of all believers." The most bitterly contested of such words during the council was "collegiality." These expressions contrast with the exclusively vertical or top-down words of previous councils; when the latter appear in Vatican II, as they often do, the horizontal-words provide a balance and a counterpoint.



一つのカテゴリーを形成するのは、水平な言葉であり、同質な言葉でさえある。そのような表現の中で、最も広く引用され、今でも最もよく知られているのは、含まれている意味に問題はあるが、「神の民」という言葉である。その他にも、「兄弟姉妹」とか、「全ての信者の祭司職」といった言葉がある。中でも、公会議の間、最も激しい議論の的になった言葉は、「協働性」( collegiality )であった。これらの表現は、それまでの公会議の、もっぱら垂直な、すなわちトップダウン的な言葉とは対照的な言葉である。第 2 バチカン公会議においても、後者、すなわちトップダウンの言葉がしばしば現れるが、その場合には「水平の言葉」が、バランスや対比のために挿入されている。


Collegiality is especially important. Although it can be taken, as here, as an image expressing a general orientation, in the council it also had specific content. It well exemplifies the illegitimacy of separating style from content. Style is the ultimate expression of meaning. It does not adorn meaning but is meaning. It is a hermeneutical key par excellence. No one doubts that a poem must be interpreted differently from a scientific treatise.



49 頁〜 50

Then there are words of reciprocity, such as "cooperation," "partnership," and "collaboration. " Striking in the constitution On the Church in the Modern World is the bold statement that just as the world learns from the church, the church learns from the world?in a relationship of mutuality. The words "dialogue" and "conversation" abound. Dialogue manifests a radical shift from the prophetic I-say-unto-you style that earlier prevailed and indicates something other than unilateral decision-making. Collegiality, too, belongs in this category.


そして、「協力( cooperation )」とか「共同( partnership )」とか「協調( collaboration )」といった相互関係を表す言葉がある。現代世界憲章で目を引くのは、世界が教会から学ぶように、相互関係において、教会もまた世界から学ぶという大胆な声明である。「対話」と「会話」という言葉も頻繁に現れる。対話は、それまで広く使われてきた、「はっきり言っておく」のような預言者的言い回しからの、抜本的な転換を宣言し、一方的な意思決定ではないことを示している。「協働」もまた、このカテゴリーに属する。


Humility-words recur, beginning with the description of the church as a pilgrim. The council silently effected the redefinition of the triad prophet-priest-king by seeing prophet not only as a proclaimer of the truth of the Gospel but also as a partner in dialogue. It did so by affirming the priesthood of all believers while retaining a special identity for the "presbyter," and by insisting that, while those entrusted with authority cannot shirk it, they are in the last analysis servants. "Servant" is not a power-word.





Even though the word "change" scarcely appears as such in the council documents, other words that imply historical movement of one kind or another show up almost for the first time in Vatican II words like "development," "progress," and even "evolution." The most familiar change word associated with Vatican II is John XXIII's aggiornamento. By admitting the change-principle, the council implicitly admitted the open-ended character of its own pronouncements. Related to the dynamism and openended modality implied in the change-words are the empowerment-words or statements, as when the constitution On the Sacred Liturgy insists that the fundamental principle to be observed and promoted is "the full and active participation by all the people." The decree On the Apostolate of the Laity is a call to action.


「転換」という言葉それ自体は、公会議文書には稀にしか登場しないが、その他に、いくつかの歴史的な動きを暗示する言葉が、第 2 バチカン公会議でほぼ初めて登場している。

それは、「発展( development )」、「進歩( progress )」などで、「進化」( evolution )という言葉さえも登場している。第 2 バチカン公会議に関連する言葉のうちで、もっとも有名な変化を示す言葉は、アジョルナメントである。転換という原則を導入することによって、公会議は、暗黙のうちに、自身の決定に自由な性格を付与する余地を残したのだ。変化を示す言葉が暗示する、ダイナミズムと自由な性質に関係するのは、力を与える言葉や宣言である。それは典礼憲章が、護り育てるべき基本的な原則として「すべての信者の全面的、積極的な参加」を強調していることにも現れている。また信徒使徒職に関する教令は、行動への招きである。


The final category is interiority-words. Among these are "charism" as well as "joy and hope, grief and anguish," the opening words of the constitution On the Church in the Modern World. The constitution continues: for the followers of Christ all that is human finds an echo in their hearts.

Most impressive among interiority words is "conscience": "Deep within their consciences individuals discover a law that they do not make for themselves but that they are bound to obey, whose voice, ever summoning them to love and to do what is good and avoid what is evil, rings in their hearts." 70 Vatican II was about the inward journey.


最後のカテゴリーは、内面を表す言葉である。それらの中には、「喜びと希望、悲しみと苦しみ」のほかに、「カリスマ」(霊の呼びかけ)という言葉もある。これらは、現代世界憲章の冒頭の言葉になっている。それは次のように続く。「( 現代人の喜びと希望、悲しみと苦しみ、特に、貧しい人々とすべて苦しんでいる人々のものは、キリストの弟子たちの喜びと希望、関し身と苦しみでもある。 )真に人間的な事がらで、キリストの弟子たちの心に反響を呼び起こさないものは一つもない。」 (訳注:南山大学監修、第 2 バチカン公会議公文書全集より:以下同じ)  内面を表す言葉のうちでもっとも印象的なのは「良心」である。「人間は良心の奥底に法を見いだす。この法は人間がみずからに課したものではなく、人間が従わなければならないものである。この法の声は、常に善を愛して行い、悪を避けるよう勧め、必要に際しては『これを行え、あれを避けよ』と心の耳に告げる。」 70  第 2 バチカン公会議は、内面へと向かう旅にも関わっていた。

50 頁〜 51

Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of Lumen Gentium is chapter five, "The Call to Holiness."

Lumen Gentium thus set the agenda, leading the way for the call to holiness to become one of the great themes running through the council. The documents of Vatican II are thus religious documents in a way notably different from those of previous councils.


おそらく、教会憲章のもっとも注目すべき点は、第 5 章の 「聖性への召命(教会における聖性への普遍的召命について)」にあるのではなかろうか。教会憲章は、このように課題を設定し、聖性への召命が、公会議を通して語られる大きなテーマの一つになる道を開いた。そして、第 2 バチカン公会議の文書は、それまでの公会議の文書とは著しく異なるかたちの宗教的な文書になった。


Holiness, the council thus said, is what the church is all about. This is an old truth, of course, and in itself is not remarkable. Yet no previous council had ever explicitly asserted this idea and certainly never developed it so repeatedly and at length. The genres and vocabularies of those councils, the assumption that they were judicial-legislative bodies, precluded such a theme. The call to holiness is something more than external conformity to enforceable codes of conduct. It is a call that, though it must have external form, relates more directly to the higher impulses of the human spirit, which in the council often got specified in commitment to the service of others in the world.




When both genre and vocabulary are taken into account they convey a remarkably consistent message. The message is that a model-shift has occurred or, better, is struggling to occur. Genre together with its appropriate vocabulary also imbues Vatican II with a coherence lacking in previous councils. The enactments of councils before Vatican II have been a collection of discrete units, a collection of enactments, which on the surface have little connection with one another. Under the surface a connection can sometimes be discerned. It is possible, for instance, to construct a picture of the "ideal bishop" according to the decrees of the Council of Trent, but that ideal must indeed be constructed from a mass of enactments that do not immediately reveal the pastoral ideal that lies behind them .71 The decree on bishops of Vatican II, on the contrary, sets out ideals for bishops to strive for. Moreover, those ideals correspond to ideals set out in other documents of the council.


議題の項目と用語リストの両方を考慮に入れると、極めて一貫性のあるメッセージが浮かび上がる。それは、規範の転換が起きた、あるいは、より正確に言えば、起こそうともがいているというメッセージである。適切な用語と議題項目とが相俟って、それまでの公会議に欠けていた一貫性を第 2 バチカン公会議に付与した。第 2 バチカン公会議以前の公会議の法の制定は、関連のない事柄の集積、個別の法律の集積であって、表面上は互いにほとんど繋がりがない。水面下では、時に繋がりが認識できることもある。たとえば、トリエント公会議の布告に従って「理想的な司教」の像を構築することは可能であるが、その理想は、実際には無数の法に基づいて構築されることになり、法の背後にある「司牧の理想」を直接明らかにすることはない。 71  それとは逆に、第 2 バチカン公会議の司教に関する教令は、司教たちが追い求めるべき理想を設定した。さらに言えば、それらの理想は、公会議の他の文書に設定された理想とも一致するのである。


The documents of Vatican II thus have a coherence, sometimes interrupted by elements from outside the guiding vision, that is ground-breaking for ecclesiastical assemblies up to that point. The council shaped and reshaped the documents to make them consistent with one another ? on the level of style, yes, but also on the level of principle, to which the style gave expression.


このように、第 2 バチカン公会議の文書には一貫性がある。この一貫性は、時に主導的なビジョンから外れた要因に邪魔されることもあったが、それは従来の教会会議からみれば革新的なことである。第 2 バチカン公会議は、互いに一貫性が保たれるように文書を何度も推敲した。文書のスタイルのレベルはもちろん、基本思想のレベルでも同様の作業を行った。基本思想の表現にスタイルが力を添えたのである。


The intertextual character of the documents is pervasive and deliberate. It is no accident, for instance, that the fundamental principle of the constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium is "the full participation"

51 頁〜 52

of everyone in the congregation in the liturgical action and that the most memorable description of the church in the constitution Lumen Gentium is "the people of God."

This coherence was immediately recognized by commentators on the council and was often expressed in the vague term "spirit of the council." "Spirit" here meant an overriding vision that transcended the particulars of the documents and had to be taken into account in interpreting the council.

The vagueness of "spirit" is brought down to earth and made verifiable when we pay attention to the style of the council, to its unique literary form and vocabulary, and draw out their implications. Through an examination of "the letter" (form and vocabulary) it is possible to arrive at "the spirit."





第1章終わり(原本 52 頁)  (次回からは第 2 The Long Nineteenth Century



訳注:  Aggiornamento に関する参考項目ほか による)


Aggiornamento , literally meaning "bringing up to date," was one of the key words used during the Second Vatican Council both by bishops and clergy attending the sessions, and by the media and Vaticanologists covering it. It was used to mean a spirit of change and open-mindedness. It was the name given to the pontifical program of John XXIII in a speech he gave on January 25, 1959.
Code of Canon law Originally, the word referred merely to an adjournment of the Code of Canon law, as John XXIII said himself in his 1959 speech. However, the Code of canon law was only completed in 1983, after a long delay of 18 years after the end of the Council. The Canon law project was soon broadened into a larger process of Church reform.
Gaudium et Spes The conciliar document most often associated with the aggiornamento is Gaudium et Spes. The document was not drafted before the council met, but arose from the floor of the council and was one of the last to be promulgated.
Yves Congar French theologian Yves Congar was a lead reformist during the Council, which he even described as an October Revolution in the Church.[2] Congar, who had previously been condemned by the Holy Office, was invited to the Council, where he played a significant role in the discussions between the Curial minority and the Episcopal majority.
Ressourcement: The rival term used was ressourcement which meant a return to earlier sources, traditions and symbols of the early Church. Many clergy could be categorised as belonging to either camp. Aggiornamentos were seen as looking to the future in a post-Tridentine Church, while ressourcement members were seen as attempting to look back to the church before Trent for a simpler liturgy and less Rome-orientated leadership style. Neither was satisfied with the Church as it stood immediately before the Council. Both however sought inspiration for the expected new style conciliar church in different eras.
Paul VI: Paul VI went on to adopt Pope John's motto for himself, as he stated in Ecclesiam Suam : We cannot forget Pope John XXIII's word aggiornamento which We have adopted as expressing the aim and object of Our own pontificate. Besides ratifying it and confirming it as the guiding principle of the Ecumenical Council, We want to bring it to the notice of the whole Church. It should prove a stimulus to the Church to increase its ever growing vitality and its ability to take stock of itself and give careful consideration to the signs of the times, always and everywhere "proving all things and holding fast that which is good" with the enthusiasm of youth.
Conservative reaction: Some conservatives had warned about excessive progressivism and had repeated the final sentence of the 1861 Syllabus of Errors : The Roman Pontiff can, and ought to, reconcile himself, and come to terms with progress, liberalism and modern civilization.
Cardinal Francis Spellman, who had been nominated by Pius XII, was reportedly cautious of aggiornamento and, before departing to Rome , declared, "No change will get past the Statue of Liberty." The Cardinal believed that predominantly liberal clergymen were being appointed to the Council's commissions, and opposed the introduction of vernacular into the Mass, saying, "The Latin language, which is truly the Catholic language, is unchangeable, is not vulgar, and has for many centuries been the guardian of the unity of the Western Church ."
Paul VI, although he had vowed to continue Pope John's program, was nevertheless opposed to much of his era's clerical radicalism, as he indicated in the encyclical Humanae Vitae.
John Paul II: Aggiornamentos were particularly associated with the much repeated phrase in the Church in the 1960s the sign of the times, meaning an attempt to learn from the world and read the 'signs of the times'.
The theological method of Pope John Paul II represented an attempt to wed the two concepts by drawing upon the ancient deposit of faith to address contemporary issues in an engaging way.


[At Vatican I fides et mores were key terms, ordinarily translated as “faith and morals” and understood as separable terms. Were they always so distinguished? Did mores traditionally mean “morals”?
Piet Fransen traced their origin to a letter of St. Augustine and followed their use through the Middle Ages to the Council of Trent. Afterwards, the meaning of mores changed from ecclesiastical customs to morals; fides became a concept rather than the lived faith of the Church.]




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