「学び合いの会-海外ニュース」 373号(161128)
† 主の平和
1. 教皇フランシスコ、バーク枢機卿の「罠」を拒否、
クリストファー・ラム 2016/11/16 Tablet
教皇フランシスコを批判する最も著名な人物の一人が賭けに出た。アメリカのレイモンド・バーク枢機卿は、National Catholic Register (訳注:1927年創刊の米カトリック紙)のインタビューに対し、教皇は、離婚して再婚した人の聖体拝領が可能であると示唆することによって「誤りを教えている」と述べ、「正式に訂正」するよう警告した。
バーク師と、他の3人の引退枢機卿たちは、教皇が公布した家庭シノドスの文書に含まれる混乱を一掃するよう求めた手紙をフランシスコ教皇に送った。彼らの主張によれば、使徒的勧告「愛のよろこび」は、カトリック信者の間に「重大な方向感覚の喪失(戸惑い)と大きな混乱」を引き起こしているという。彼らは、Dubia(ラテン語で ”疑問“)、つまり「イエス・ノー」で答えることを要求する五つの質問を教皇に突き付けた。
では、なぜ教皇は沈黙を守っているのか? 教皇フランシスコは、このグループの質問がトラップ(罠)であると考えているのだ。それ故、枢機卿たちの思うつぼにはめられそうな、そして古い規則を再度蒸し返すよう意図された論争には参加しないことを選んだのだ。教皇はまた、アルゼンチンの司教団が示した、再婚したカトリック信者に聖体を授与できる場合があるという立場を明確に承認した。すなわち教皇は、全般的には重要な決断を司教個々人の手に委ねたのだ。
16 November 2016 | by Christopher Lamb
Pope believes questions posed on divorced and remarrieds are designed to force him into debate on cardinal's terms
One of Pope Francis’ most prominent critics has upped the ante. In an interview with the National Catholic Register United State’s Cardinal Raymond Burke has said the pontiff is “teaching error” by suggesting divorced and remarried Catholics can receive communion and has threatened to make a “formal act of correction.”
He and three other retired cardinals have written to Francis calling on him clear up the confusion which are contained in the Pope’s family synod document, Amoris Laetitia which they claim is causing “grave disorientation and great confusion” among Catholics. And they have put five questions to him - known as Dubia - which demand a “yes or no” answer.
But the Pope has not responded so the group - including Joachim Meisner, retired leader of Cologne, Carlo Caffarra, retired leader of Bologna, and Walter Brandmüller, formerly in charge of the Vatican’s historical sciences committee - have gone public with their concerns.
So why is the Pope staying silent? Francis believes their questions are a trap and has opted not to engage in a debate which seems on the cardinals' terms and designed to make him restate old rules. He has also definitively endorsed the Argentinian bishops’ position which is that communion can be given to remarried Catholics in some cases - and he is leaving it up to individual bishops in general to make the call.
For the conservatives this is the crux of the problem. It is not so much “confusion” about the document but that the Pope has ruled in favour of personal conscience, discernment and power to the local churches. That is scary for them because it means throwing off the comfort blanket of clean, clear unequivocal papal teaching.
But the truth is that when it comes to marriage and divorce a “one size fits all” solution doesn’t work, and Francis knows it. He also knows that most Catholics agree and that Amoris Laetitia reflects the reality of countless numbers of parishes. And he may be sceptical of the claim that the faithful are “confused” from a group of cardinals not currently engaged in front-line pastoral work.
Anyone watching the new Netflix series “The Crown” might have been struck by the similarity between this debate and the Church of England’s refusal to allow Princess Margaret to marry Group Captain Peter Townsend, on the grounds he was a divorced man.
The proposed marriage between Margaret and Townsend, the senior bishops tell the young Queen in one scene, cannot happen as it would threaten the sacrament of marriage. Those events took place more than half a century ago and the Church of England has since changed its position on the issue.
And in the Catholics’ similar debate over communion for divorced and remarried Francis is betting that his teaching will be the one that stands the test of time.
Full Text and Explanatory Notes of Cardinals’ Questions on ‘Amoris Laetitia’entitled ‘Seeking Clarity: A Plea to Untie the Knots in Amoris Laetitia.’
See: National Catholic Register 2016/11/14