「学び合いの会-海外ニュース」 368号(161005)
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1. 教会の避妊全面禁止にカトリック学者らが異議 (NCR)
ジェイミー・マンソン 2016/9/21 NCR
20,000語からなるこの学術的な報告書は、オーストラリア、コロンビア、ヨーロッパ、インド、フィリピン、南アフリカ、アメリカ合衆国のカトリック学者ら22人の共著である。この報告書は、家族計画のために人工的な避妊を行うことの倫理性について、カトリックの伝統の内側から判断を行っている。著者の中には、アメリカの倫理学者のMichael LawlerやChristine Gudorf、またアフリカの神学者Nontando Hadebeが含まれている。
署名者の中には、アイルランド元大統領のメアリー・マッカリース(Mary McAleese)、オーストラリアのジェフリー・ロビンソン(Geoffrey Robinson)司教、それにアメリカの神学者のチャールズ・カラン神父(Fr. Charles Curran)、ピーター・ファン神父(Fr. Peter Phan)の名もある。
ワインガーズ・カトリック研究所の研究部長で、報告書作成の中心となったLuca Badini Confalonieriが、キリスト教、ユダヤ教、イスラム教、ヒンズー教の指導者、国連で働く数名の女子修道者のほか、多数の国連機関のメンバーも含めた60人の聴衆に向けてこの声明文を紹介した。
Badini Confalonieri氏の説明によれば、およそ一年かけて準備されたこの学術報告書は、「家族計画を目的とする避妊は、パウロ6世が宣言したような『本質的な悪』ではない。」と結論づけている。
「パウロ6世が人工避妊具の使用は本質的悪であると宣言したときには、教皇は、行為者の意図、状況の有り様、あるいはその行為の結果に係わらず、いかなる場合も不道徳であると述べたのです。」とBadini Confalonieri氏は続けた。「わたしたちの報告書は、人口避妊具が合法的に使用でき、道徳的にも善であり得る状況が存在すると主張しています。」
ワインガーズ報告は「教会が教える倫理的、社会的正義に根ざしています。」とBadini Confalonieriは言う。「カトリックの教えによれば、『親の責任』は道徳的義務であり、そのために夫婦は、子どもの健康と教育と成長に資する能力だけでなく、自らの『身体的、経済的、精神的、社会的条件』を考慮して、子どもの数、産む間隔、タイミングを決めることが必要なのです。」
ワインガーズ声明の発表は、国連のInteragency Task Force on Religion and Development(宗教と発展に関する庁間特別委員会)が始めたイベントの一部であった。この特別委員会は、信仰に基づく諸組織と、発展を目指す諸機関との間の対話の育成に努めている。今回のシンポジウムは、信仰共同体が発展途上国で性と生殖医療の問題に取り組もうと努力するときに出合う禁忌の問題に対処するために開催された。
特別委員会が今年のイベントにワインガーズ研究所を招聘したのは、別の2つの報告書の発表に合わせて、彼らの声明を発表してもらうためであった。他の報告書の一つは、国連人口基金とノルウェー開発協力局が共同で作成した「宗教、女性の健康と権利:その争点と着手への道筋」であり、もう一つは、世界教会協議会(The World Council of Churches)による「尊厳、自由、そして恩恵:HIV、AIDS、人権へのキリスト者の視点」である。尚、このイベントは、国連エイズ合同計画、国連ウィメン、イスラム救済(Islamic Relief USA)も共同主催している。
教皇庁を今回の対話に引き込もうとして、ワインガーズ研究所の首席報道官であるMiriam Duignanが、ニューヨークの国連本部に近い教皇庁事務所を訪れ、このイベントへの招待状と声明のコピーを手渡した。
Related: Scholars reaffirm Catholic teaching against artificial birth control (Sept. 21, 2015)
Badini Confalonieriは、声明に対するこのような反発に対してこう語った。「懸念されるであろう点は分かっています。わたしたちは、乱交や中絶、あるいは政府の人口抑制策を良しとしているのではありません。」
Badini Confalonieriは、この報告書が、カトリック教会の社会正義思想への深い共感から生まれたものであると強調した。シンポジウムに先立つNCRとの会見で、同氏は、ワインガーズ研究所がこの報告書を作成することになったそもそもの動機は、教皇フランシスコが「社会的福音、持続可能性、そして最貧困の人々への配慮」を強調している点にあると述べた。
「これらの社会正義の問題はすべて、避妊問題と関連しています」とBadini Confalonieriは言う。「わたしたちは、この分野の専門知識を持っているカトリック信者が非常に大勢いることを強く認識しています。」
「家庭に関する司教たちの集会(シノドス)が2回あったのに、避妊についての公式の討論がなかったのは驚くべきことです。」とBadini Confalonieriは言う。「そこで、わたしたちは、対話のきっかけとなる報告書を作成することを決めたのです。」
Catholic church's total ban on contraception challenged by scholars
Jamie Manson | Sep. 21, 2016 NCR
NEW YORK… Nearly 50 years since Pope Paul VI issued Humanae Vitae, the encyclical that rejected the use of artificial birth control, a group of prominent Catholic theologians, ethicists and physicians has produced a report reassessing and challenging the papal document.
The report, entitled, "Promoting Good Health and Good Conscience: The Ethics of Using Contraceptives," was commissioned by the Wijngaards Institute for Catholic Research, an independent think-tank based in London.
The 20,000-word academic report, which was co-authored by 22 Catholic scholars from Australia, Colombia, Europe, India, the Philippines, South Africa and the United States, evaluates, from within the Catholic tradition, the morality of using artificial contraceptives for family planning. The authors include U.S. ethicists Michael Lawler and Christine Gudorf and African theologian Nontando Hadebe.
A five-page statement summarizing the report's key arguments was signed by 149 Catholic scholars from around the world, including former heads of state, members of Parliaments, priests, religious, a bishop and scholars working at Catholic universities.
The statement calls for a development of the doctrine of contraception that would make it compatible with current scientific and theological knowledge. It also calls the Vatican to form a commission to reopen the discussion of the morality of using contraceptives through an independent process of consultation.
Signatories included former President of Ireland Mary McAleese, Australian Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, and U.S. theologians Fr. Charles Curran and Fr. Peter Phan.
The statement was launched during a side event of the U.N. General Assembly called "Keeping the Faith in Development: Gender, Religion and Health," a symposium that examined the intersections and areas of contention between health, human rights and lived theology.
Luca Badini Confalonieri, director of research at the Wijngaards Institute and the principal author of the report, introduced the statement to an audience of 60 participants that included members of multiple U.N. agencies, as well as Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu religious leaders, and several women religious with posts at the U.N.
Badini Confalonieri explained that the scholarly report, which took nearly a year to produce, concludes that "contraception for the purpose of family planning is not 'intrinsically evil,'" as Paul VI declared.
"On the contrary, it can be a good, to the extent that family planning is indeed a requirement of what popes call 'responsible parenthood,'" he said.
"When Paul VI declared that the use of artificial contraception is intrinsically evil, he said that it was always immoral regardless of the intentions of the agents, the circumstances of the situation or the consequences of the action," Badini Confalonieri continued. "Our report argues that there are circumstances when it can be used legitimately and it can be morally good."
The Wijngaards report is "grounded in the ethical and social justice teaching of the Church," Badini Confalonieri said. "According to Catholic teaching, 'responsible parenthood' is a moral duty and it requires that couples determine the number, spacing, and timing of their children taking into account their own 'physical, economic, psychological and social conditions,' as well as their ability to provide for the health, education and growth of the children."
Though the church's ban on contraceptives is often dismissed or ignored by Catholics in the U.S. and Europe, in the developing world the lack of access to contraceptives remains a life or death issue. An estimated 25 percent of healthcare facilities in developing countries are operated by Catholic institutions. The ban on contraceptives continues to be significant point of tension for U.N.-based aid agencies that have declared that sexual and reproductive health care is a Sustainable Development Goal.
The launch of the Wijngaards statement was part of an event initiated by the United Nations' Interagency Task Force on Religion and Development, a group that seeks to foster dialogue between faith-based organizations and development agencies. The symposium was intended to address taboo issues that faith communities encounter when seeking to address sexual and reproductive health challenges in the developing world.
The task force invited the Wijngaards Institute to present their statement in conjunction with the launch of two other reports, "Religion, Women's Health and Rights: Points of Contention, Paths of Opportunities," a paper produced jointly by the U.N. Population Fund and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. The third report, "Dignity, Freedom and Grace: Christian Perspectives on HIV, AIDS, and Human Rights," published by The World Council of Churches was also presented. The event was also co-hosted by U.N.AIDS, U.N. Women, and Islamic Relief USA.
The symposium's ten-person panel discussion offered insights from interfaith voices into the struggle for gender equality and sexual and reproductive health in the poorest regions of the globe. Many speakers emphasized the ways in which the faith-based groups can be either agents for justice or obstacles to progress in parts of the world in which girls and women suffer untold discrimination, poverty and disease.
According to the "Religion, Women's Health and Rights," report, each year there are "290,000 maternal deaths, 74 million unintended pregnancies and 3 million newborn deaths."
It is grim statistics like these that motivated the Wijngaards Institute to challenge the Vatican's ongoing ban on contraception and to contribute broader Catholic perspectives in a U.N. environment where typically the Holy See is the dominant Catholic presence.
For decades the Holy See, which has permanent observer status at the United Nations, has used its influence at the U.N. to object to declarations, charters, and sustainable goals that make reference to sexual and reproductive health, contraception and family planning.
In an attempt to engage the Holy See in dialogue, Miriam Duignan, communications director for the Wijngaards Institute, hand-delivered an invitation to the event and a copy of the statement to the Holy See's office near the United Nations in New York City.
Duignan says that she received confirmation that the Holy See received and read the materials, but no representative attended the event.
In an emailed response to NCR, the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the U.N. stated that it had no official comment on the event.
Backlash to the statement and the event, however, was noteworthy at the Catholic University of America, where several members of the faculty produced a counterstatement to the Wijngaards report and hosted a press conference, which was live-streamed on the CUA Facebook page, at the exact time of the U.N.-hosted symposium.
Related: Scholars reaffirm Catholic teaching against artificial birth control (Sept. 21, 2015)
Addressing these objections during the launch, Badini Confalonieri said, "allow me to ease some predictable concerns: we are not advocating sexual promiscuity, abortion, or population control on the part of governments."
Badini Confalonieri insisted that the report comes out of a deep commitment to the church's social justice doctrine. In an interview with NCR before the symposium, he said that it is precisely Pope Francis' "emphasis on the social gospel, sustainability, and care for poorest people" that motivated the Wijngaards Institute to develop the report.
"All of these social justice issues are linked with contraception," Badini Confalonieri said. "We had an acute awareness that there were so many Catholics with expertise in this field. The lack of debate is glaring."
The Wijngaards Institute was further emboldened by the pope's encouragement of frank dialogue during the Synod of Bishops on the family.
"It was stunning," Badini Confalonieri said, "that there were two meetings by bishops on the family and no formal discussion of contraception. We decided to commission a report to try to kick start dialogue."
[Jamie L. Manson is NCR books editor. She received her Master of Divinity degree from Yale Divinity School, where she studied Catholic theology and sexual ethics. Her email address is jmanson@ncronline.org.]