「学び合いの会-海外ニュース」 360号(160722)
† 主の平和
1. 世界は女性リーダーの時代…ローマは何時?(NCR)
モーリーン・フィールダー 2016/7/15 NCR Today
つまり女性たちが … そう!女性が … 2017年1月の時点で、西欧世界の主要三カ国のリーダーになるということだ。これは前例のないことだ。もちろんヒラリーが勝てばの話だが。
ああ、しかし! このロンドン、ベルリン、ワシントンのリストにローマが加わるのは一体いつのことだろう。わたしはイタリアの首相の話をしているのではない。女性がイタリアの首相になるのが見られたらそれも素晴らしいことだろうが…。(19世紀半ば以来のイタリア史をざっと見たところでは、まだ一人も居ない。)
1. 信徒評議会
2. キリスト教一致推進評議会
3. 家庭評議会
4. 正義と平和評議会
5. 移住・移動者司牧評議会
6. 保健従事者評議会
7. 諸宗教対話評議会
8. 文化評議会
9. 広報評議会
わたしが言いたいのは単純なことだ。女性たちが、西欧世界の主要国において政治のリーダーの役割を担う時は、バチカンもこれを聖霊のしるしととらえ、同じ方向に動き出す時なのではないだろうか? すなわち、多くの国々がやってきたように、「閣僚のポスト」を女性に解放することで一歩を踏み出すのだ。
これは、改めて行こうではないか。教皇フランシスコによって始められた女性助祭の検討を迅速に進めて、女性の司祭・司教の検討に発展させ、男女平等の理想の早急な実現を図らなければならない。これは希望であり、不可能ではないと思うのだが、位階制の組織が廃止され、よく知られている 「平等な弟子の身分」(discipleship of equals)が実現するかも知れないのだ。もしそれが実現するとしたら、わたしたちはいま、教会刷新の始まりについて話していることになる。
Women rising … but when in Rome?
Maureen Fiedler | Jul. 15, 2016 NCR Today
This week, Theresa May became the Prime Minister of Great Britain. Angela Merkel is already the Chancellor of Germany, and has been since 2005. And if the United States elects Hillary Clinton in November, she will be inaugurated in January as the president of the United States, the first woman president in American history.
That means that women -- yes, women! -- will be the leaders of the three major powers of the Western world as of January 2017. Unprecedented … as long as Hillary makes it.
But alas! When will we be able to add Rome to the list of London, Berlin and Washington? I'm not talking about a woman becoming the prime minister of Italy, although it would be great to see a woman in that office too. (From my brief look at Italian history since the mid-19th century, there has never been one.)
I'm talking about Vatican City.
Now, I'm not so naïve as to think that a woman could become pope in the next … say … 10-20 years, unless, of course, God intervenes directly. But how about some women leading major pontifical councils (something like cabinet offices) in a revamped Vatican structure?
There are lots of possibilities:
1. The Pontifical Council for the Laity
2. The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
3. The Pontifical Council for the Family
4. The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace
5. The Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerants
6. The Pontifical Council for Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers
7. The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue
8. The Pontifical Council for Culture
9. The Pontifical Council for Social Communications
Then, there is the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, or the Congregation for Education, or Divine Worship -- many significant posts to be filled.
And the first appointments to such "cabinet" posts -- not just one, but three or more for starters -- need to be done at the same time, so that the women chosen do not feel isolated in a largely male-dominated set of structures. And these women should be free to re-structure their respective department(s) to achieve greater relevance for the modern world.
My point is simple: at a time when women are assuming top leadership roles in the political life of major nations in the Western World, isn't it time that the Vatican take this as a sign of the Spirit and begin moving in the same direction? Begin by doing what many countries have done: open "cabinet posts" to women.
The lack of progress in the direction of gender equality in the Catholic church is frankly embarrassing, and has been for a long time.
So, let's be on with it. That study of women deacons started by Pope Francis should move swiftly and develop into a study of women as priests and bishops, followed by swift implementation of a vision of gender equality. We might -- and I suspect we would -- discover that hierarchical structures need to be eliminated, and that the famous "discipleship of equals" needs to be implemented. If that happens, we're talking about the beginning of a renewed church.
Some day, we may see Theresa May, Angela Merkel, and Hillary Clinton as signs of the future.