「学び合いの会-海外ニュース」 344号 (160225)
† 主の平和
1. 教皇、避妊に関するカトリック教会の教えを変更か (Tablet)
教皇、避妊に関するカトリック教会の教えを変更か 2016/2/19 ローマ:クリストファー・ラム Tablet
教皇フランシスコは、避妊具の使用に対するカトリックの教えを変えたのだろうか? メキシコからローマへの帰途、機中の記者会見で教皇は、ジカウィルスの影響を防ぐことにおいて避妊法の使用は「二つの悪の中のより悪くない方」であると述べた。
そして、もしジカウィルスの影響を防ぐためにコンドームが使えるのであれば、HIVやエイズを防ぐためにも同じことが言えるのではないか? しかしながら、これまでにも他の教皇や 枢機卿たちが、この問題についての教会の教えの変更をほのめかしていることを忘れてはならない。
コーマック・マーフィー=オコーナー枢機卿 やゴッドフリード・ダニール枢機卿らは、結婚しているパートナーの一方がエイズに感染している場合はコンドームを使うことができると主張した。
しかし、エイズ、あるいはその他の病気が蔓延するのを防ぐために、一定の状況下で避妊が許されるとなれば、それは「瓶から精霊を出す」ことになってしまう。(lets the genie out of the bottle:次々と悪いことが起きる、という意味。) 今回のようなケースが当てはまる状況が他にもあるだろうか?
19 February 2016 | by Christopher Lamb in Rome
Francis remarks on flight home from Mexico that condoms are 'lesser of two evils' in fight against Zika virus
Has the Pope changed the Catholic Church's teaching on the use of contraception?
Has Pope Francis just shifted Church teaching against the use of contraception? In remarks during an in-flight press conference from Mexico to Rome, the Pope suggested that using contraception was the "lesser of two evils" in stopping the spread of the Zika virus.
"Avoiding pregnancy isn't an absolute evil," Francis said. With this phrase the Pope appears to have developed church teaching as, crucially, it calls into question Church teaching that the use of contraception is wrong in every circumstance.
And if condoms can be used to stop the spread of the Zika virus, can the same be said for preventing HIV and Aids? It should not be forgotten, however, that other popes and cardinals have hinted at shifts to Church teaching in this area.
According to Francis, Paul VI said nuns in the Congo could use contraception to avoid pregnancy due to rape. And in an interview Benedict XVI suggested a male prostitute with HIV could use a condom. The Vatican then clarified his remarks to say he in no way meant that contraception could be used to prevent pregnancy.
Cardinals, including Cormac Murphy-O’Connor and Godfried Danneels, argued that condoms could be used if one partner in a married couple had Aids.
Church teaching states that every sexual act must always be open to life. Hardliners say this prohibits the use of contraception in any circumstance: if a husband or wife has aids then the only option is abstinence.
Yet if contraception is permitted in certain circumstances - to prevent the spread of aids or other diseases - then this lets the genie out of the bottle, somewhat. Will there be other circumstances where the case can be made?
Church prohibition on contraception is, according to research, pretty much universally ignored by Catholics in the western world.
It may be that the Pope has opened up a door for developing that teaching and bridging the huge gulf that exists between what the Church says about sex and what happens in practice.