「学び合いの会-海外ニュース」 334号
† 主の平和
1. 教皇フランシスコ、モリー司教と“二重”の秘密会談
ミカエル・リーチ 2015/11/3 NCR
(二人によると、その日)教皇フランシスコは、右にチャールズ・シュープー大司教、左にモンセニョール・マーク・マイルズ(Crux News誌が「"cute" translator」というニックネームをつけた人物)、そして後ろに黒衣の男二人を従え、イエズス会レジデンスの廊下をチャペルに向かって歩いていた。すると、突然ドアの一つが開き、マロイ神父が飛び出してきた。
訳注: cute translator はオンラインで利用できる無料の翻訳ソフト名。英・仏・独など7から12の
教皇はマロイ神父にほほえみかけ、頷いた。「はい、いいですとも(Sí, cómo no)。」
教皇フランシスコはモンセニョールに合図し、モンセニョールは黒衣の男たちに視線を送り、男たちは部屋をチェックして戻って来た。「問題ありません(È chiaro)。」
「マウリス!」と教皇は言った。「いったい、なにをする気ですか?(Por dios, que haces?)」教皇は、自分のカソック(司祭平服、長袖のチュニック)の裾を掴んでぐいと引き離した。モリー司教がベッドの下から這い出して、マロイ神父に助けられて立ち上がった。
「こんなことをするには年を取りすぎましたよ。」とモリー司教は言った。「でも、わたしはあなたに会わねばならなかった。皆であなたに罠をかけたのですよ、ゴーリー! 皆で仕組んだことなのです。」
実は数十年前、若きモリー神父は、メリノール会の協力司祭として2年間、アルゼンチンのブエノスアイレスで奉仕活動をしていた当時、年下の司教ホルヘ・ベルゴリオ(現教皇)と共に、ビジャ・ミセリア(villas miserias)、つまりスラム地区で働いていたことがあった。
「ゴーリー(ゴールキーパー)」とモリー司教は呼びかけた。「あの女性、あのキム・デ-ビスにワシントンでお会いになったでしょう? あれも、前もって仕組まれていたことですね。彼女は同性愛恐怖症の守護の聖人です! もしもこのことが明るみに出たら、あなたは彼女を殉教者にするでしょう。」
訳注: 【CJC通信=東京】 教皇フランシスコが米国訪問中に、同性カップルへの結婚許可証発行を拒否したケンタッキー州ローワン郡のキム・デービス書記官と非公開で面会していた。
米紙ニューヨーク・タイムズ9月30日報道として、AFP通信が伝えた。 デービス書記官の弁護士のマシュー・ステーバー氏は同紙に対し、書記官が24日、ワシントンのバチカン(ローマ教皇庁)大使館に内密に呼ばれ、約15分間教皇と面会したことを明らかにした。 ステーバー氏は「教皇は彼女の勇気に感謝し、『強くあり続けなさい』と語りかけた」と述べている。
教皇フランシスコは不思議そうにマロイ神父を見て、「どうしたのですか? ( Cómo?)」と(スペイン語で)尋ねた。マロイ神父は説明した。
「どうか落ち着いてください(Cálmate)。」と教皇は言った。「わたしは、今回のことは何も分かりません。(訳注:デービスとの面会を指す?) 教皇は誰とでも会いますよ (El papa sees todo el mundo)。それなのに、あなたはどうしてベッドの下から現れなければならなったのですか?」
「それは、わたしの兄弟のとんがり帽子の司教が、どの式典にも招待してくれなかったからですよ。わたしが好ましからざる司教(obispo non grata)だからです。おわかりでしょう。
わたしは裏のベランダからパリの町を見ることができますが、兄弟の司教たちは決してそのような見方はしません。でも……ああ、気にしないでください。あまり時間がありません。(non habemus much tiempo) ただ、あなたに警告しておきたかっただけです。どうか気をつけてください。」
教皇フランシスコは微笑んでモリーを抱擁した。「ありがとう、善き友よ(Gracias, mi buen amigo)。今度はわたしから言います。教皇はあなたのために何をしてあげられますか?」
教皇フランシスコはモリーを抱きしめ、背中を何度もたたいた。「わかっていますよ。」と教皇は言った。「わかりました(Comprendo)。できるだけのことをします。約束しますよ( Te lo prometo)。」
「そうならなかったら、それは罪です(Sería un pecado si esto no sucediera.)。もしそうなったら天使たちは歌声を挙げるでしょう。神様は、生贄ではなく憐れみを望まれます(Dios desea la misericordia, y no sacrificio.)。 今、小さな一歩を踏み出せば、次はそれが大きな一歩になります。きっとそうなります。そして、天国にいるルシールおばさん(Your tía en el cielo )もそれを見ることでしょう。」
教皇は、言葉を失ったままのマロイ神父に向き直った。「さて、教皇はあなたのために何をしてあげられますか? わたしを陰謀に引き込んだお方?(mi conspirador?)」
Pope Francis holds a double-secret meeting with Bishop Morrie
Michael Leach | Nov. 3, 2015 NCR
I have no reason to doubt him. My classmate Morrie, the bishop of Paris, Kan., has never lied to me. His partner in the caper, Fr. Rick Malloy, a Jesuit chaplain, confirmed it. This is what they told me transpired at St. Joseph University in Philadelphia on Sept. 26.
Pope Francis, with Archbishop Charles Chaput on his right, Msgr. Mark Miles (dubbed the "cute" translator by Crux News) on his left, and two men in black behind them, was walking down the Jesuit residence hallway toward the chapel. Suddenly a door opens and Malloy jumps out. "Your Holiness," he says, "please hear my confession."
The archbishop says, "Malloy? Are you still here?"
Malloy says, "Please, Your Holiness. It must be you that hears my confession."
The archbishop says, "Holy Father, I know this man. You don't have three hours."
The pope smiles at Malloy, and nods. "Sí, cómo no."
Francis makes a gesture to the monsignor who gives a look to the men in black who check the room and come back. "È chiaro," they report.
Malloy and the pope are in the room with the door closed. A hand, as if from a horror movie, reaches out from the bottom of the bed and grabs the pope's ankle.
"Maurice!" says the pope. "Por dios, que haces?" He grabs his cassock and whips it away. Bishop Morrie crawls out from under the bed and Malloy helps him to his feet.
"I'm too old for this," Morrie says. "But I had to see you. They're trapping you, Goalie! They're setting you up."
It turns out that, decades ago, the younger Fr. Morrie volunteered for two years as a Maryknoll priest associate in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and he and the younger Bishop Jorge Bergoglio worked together in the villas miserias, or slums. Bergoglio's English was terrible. Morrie's Spanish was worse. They became fast friends. On Sundays, they played soccer with the neighborhood men in a cleared-out section of a garbage dump. Bergoglio had only one lung, so he played goalie.
"Goalie," Morrie says, "that woman, that woman Kim Davis you met in D.C.? It was a setup. She's the patron saint of homophobia! If this gets out, you'll have made her a mártir!"
Francis looks at Malloy? "Cómo?"
Malloy explains.
"Cálmate," says the pope. "I know nothing about this. El papa sees todo el mundo. Beside, why you have to see me from under a bed?"
"Because my brother pointy hats didn't invite me to any of the ceremonies, that's why. I'm obispo non grata, you know that. I can see Paris from my back porch and they never will but you'd think ... oh, never mind, non habemus much tiempo. I just wanted to warn you. Be careful."
Francis smiles and hugs Morrie. "Gracias, mi buen amigo. Now tell me, what can the pope do for you?"
"Make sure the synod allows married and divorced folks to receive Communion, that's all. That's all I want. You know that."
Francis nods. Morrie and Bergoglio have had this conversation many times before. It pained them in their ministry. For Morrie, it went deeper. When he was a child, Morrie often lived with his Aunt Lucille and Uncle Sal. He has told me about them many times also.
Aunt Lucille's first husband used to get drunk and beat her savagely. When she was pregnant, he told her to get an abortion. She wouldn't. He threw her down the stairs so she would lose the baby. Morrie's cousin Marie was born healthy and Aunt Lucille protected her until one day her husband got so mad at the crying baby that he threw her against a wall. Aunt Lucille threw herself over the baby and took his kicks to shield her.
Lucille tried to get an annulment. The church wouldn't grant it. She got a divorce to protect her child.
Years later, Lucille married Sal. "He was my father, my real father," Marie used to say. "The most loving man you'll ever know. There was no better Catholic marriage."
As a seminarian, Morrie tried to persuade his Aunt Lucille that God wanted her to receive Jesus in the sacrament, but she just couldn't. She and Sal went to Mass every Sunday but never received because the church said so. When Morrie became a priest, he thought she'd listen to him, but she just couldn't. The church had spoken.
"I couldn't persuade her. I couldn't persuade her," Morrie now tells Francis. He is sobbing. "No matter how hard I tried ... it was the rule ... she helped raise me ... I couldn't persuade her to let Jesus enter her heart where he already was ... Papa."
Francis embraces Morrie and pats his back many times. "I know," he says. "Comprendo. I will do everything in my power. Te lo prometo."
Morrie wipes his eyes with the back of his hand. "Do you think it will happen?"
"Sería un pecado si esto no sucediera. If it does, the angels will sing. Dios desea la misericordia, y no sacrificio. If baby steps taken, next time will be giant step. You'll see. Your tía en el cielo will see to it."
There's a knock at the door.
"Gracias, Papa," Morrie says. "Courage."
"Peace, Maurice."
The pope turns to look at Malloy, who is speechless. "And what can the Holy Father do you for you, mi conspirador?"
Malloy gulps. This is what he manages to say: "Pray for me, Holy Father. Don't forget."
[Michael Leach shepherds the Soul Seeing columns for NCR and is editor at large of Orbis Books.]
This story appeared in the Nov 6-19, 2015 print issue under the headline: Pope Francis holds a double-secret meeting with Bishop Morrie .