「学び合いの会-海外ニュース」 305号
† 主の平和
1. 教皇、国際援助の手法を非難。子供の数の制限示唆(NCR)
ジョシュア・マッケルウィー 2015年1月19日 NCR
訳注:ジェンダー理論: ジェンダー(性別)が社会の構成概念の一つであるとする考え方。前教皇ベネディクト16世は、2008年12月、バチカンで聖職者向けに行った年末の演説で、ジェンダー理論に触れ、男性と女性との区別をあいまいにするとして批判した。この批判には、同性愛者や性転換者の権利が拡大していることへの懸念がある。神が各人に与えた性や性交渉のあり方を歪曲することは、自然破壊と同様であり、結局は人間の「自己破壊」に繋がるという見解である。教皇によるジェンダー理論の批判対象は、同理論の、性が(神の生まれつき与えたものではなく)社会的に構成されるという主張に限られている。
訳注:ホモロジー(homology) 異種の生物間に成り立つ形態的に等しい構造関係。例として、鳥の翼とコウモリの翼手があげられる。相同。相同性。
教皇フランシスコはこの日、9月のアメリカ訪問旅行のより具体的な計画も明らかにし、フィラデルフィア、ニューヨーク、ワシントンを訪問する予定だという報道を正式に確認したが、西海岸やメキシコ国境まで旅行出来る可能性は低いと述べた。 (以下略)
“Francis lambasts international aid, suggests Catholics should limit children”
by Joshua J. McElwee|Jan. 19, 2015 NCR
Abroad the papal plane from Manila:
Pope Francis has obliquely but sharply criticized how financially stable nations lend aid to developing countries, saying they sometimes require concessions that strike echoes of 20th century dictatorships.
The pontiff has also made what appears to be an unprecedented statement that Catholics may have a moral responsibility to limit the number of their children, while reaffirming Pope Paul VI’s ban on artificial means of birth control.
Francis’ statement about development aid was a clarification of an earlier warning against what he called an "ideological colonization" of family life, made during a meeting with families in the Philippines last week. Speaking to media Monday, Francis recounted a story of a public education minister he knew who was offered money to construct new schools for the poor.
To receive the money, said Francis, the minister had to agree to use a course book with students that taught what the pontiff called "gender theory."
"This is the ideological colonization," said the pope. "It colonizes the people with an idea that changes, or wants to change, a mentality or a structure."
"It is not new, this," he continued. "The same was done by the dictators of the last century. They came with their own doctrine -- think of the Balilla [youth groups of Fascist Italy], think of the Hitler Youth."
"They colonized the people," he continued. "How much suffering -- peoples must not lose liberty."
"Every people has its own culture," said Francis. "But when imposed conditions come from the imperial colonizers, they seek to make [peoples] lose their own identity and make an homogeny."
Francis was speaking Monday in a nearly hour-long press conference aboard the papal plane traveling back to Rome from the Philippines. He was answering a question about remarks he made last Friday, in which he warned against such colonization in an apparent reference to efforts to legalize same-sex marriage and to use of contraception.
Reaffirms prohibition on birth control
Francis said Pope Paul VI, whose 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae outlined the contraceptive ban, was warning against a "Neo-Malthusianism, " a reference to a theories that suggested in the 1960s and ’70s that exponential global population growth would lead to an irreversible world food crisis.
Citing the low rates of birth specifically in Italy and Spain, Francis said such Neo-Malthusianism "seeks to control humanity."
At the same time, however, Francis made a statement that seems without precedent for a pope, suggesting that parents may have a responsibility to limit the number of their children, saying: "This does not signify that the Christian must make children in series."
Telling the story of a woman he met in a parish in Rome several months ago who had given birth to seven children via Cesarean section and was pregnant with an eighth, Francis asked: "Does she want to leave the seven orphans?"
"This is to tempt God," he said, adding later: "That is an irresponsibility." Catholics, the pope said, should speak of "responsible parenthood."
"How do we do this?" Francis asked. "With dialogue. Each person with his pastor seeks how to do that responsible parenthood."
"God gives you methods to be responsible," he continued. "Some think that -- excuse the word -- that in order to be good Catholics we have to be like rabbits. No."
"This is clear and that is why in the church there are marriage groups, there are experts in this matter, there are pastors," Francis said. Using the term for a practice that follows church law, he continued: "I know so many, many licit ways that have helped this."
Francis was speaking about birth control in response to a question from a Filipino journalist. Use of contraception in the Philippines is a contentious issue, as the Philippine government only recently approved contraceptive access against forceful opposition from Catholic bishops.
The pope's responses regarding birth control and ideological colonization were part of a wide-ranging conference that touched on a number of other subjects, including: Corruption in church structures, the place of women in church leadership, and global mistreatment of the poor that the pontiff said could be likened to a new form of "state-sponsored terrorism."
‘Ideological colonization’
Continuing to clarify his concept of "ideological colonization," Francis said he heard concerns about the matter from African bishops during last fall's Synod, who told him they often face difficult choices when presented with conditions of acceptance on much needed financial aid.
"I say to many that I have seen this," said the pope.
Francis compared such colonization to criticisms he has frequently made about the process of globalization -- saying that the homogenizing of peoples is "the globalization of the sphere -- [where] all the points are equidistant from the center."
"It is important to globalize but not like the sphere -- like the polyhedron," he continued. "Namely, that every people, every part, conserves its own identity without being ideologically colonized."
Francis on Monday also revealed more concrete plans for his trip to the U.S. in September, confirming reports that he is planning to visit Philadelphia, New York, and Washington but saying it is unlikely he will able to travel to the West Coast or to the U.S./Mexico border.