「学び合いの会-海外ニュース」 297号 ー1

† 主の平和









 Five Things the Synod Just Did  (NCR)





ジェームズ・マーティン(イエズス会士)2014/10/18 NCR (The National Catholic Review)













たとえば、カナダのPaul-André Durocher大司教は、今日の自身のブログに次のように書き込んでいる。「どうして、教会で一般に受け入れられている教えを繰り返しただけの文言を承認しない選択をした司教が居たのだろうか。わたしの印象では、多くの司教たちはもっとオープンで前向きな文言を望んでいるように思えたのだが。彼らは、そのような(オープンで前向きな)文言が無かったために、賛成する気にならなかったのかもしれない。しかし、それも(含めて)既に発表されたのだから、検討を続けていかなければならない。」

訳注とお詫び 10/10付け海外ニュース294号でもPaul-André Durocher大司教の発言を紹介しています。なお、294号の記事ではPaul-André Durocher枢機卿となっていますが、正しくは大司教です。















訳注: 「洗者ヨハネ」モデルと「ナザレのイエス」モデル: 筆者ジェームズ・マーチン師のfacebook (10/18付下記URL参照) によれば、洗者ヨハネ・モデルとは「先ず回心の後に受け入れる」やり方を指し、一方の、ナザレのイエス・モデルは「先ず迎え入れた後に回心」(例えばザアカイ物語…ルカ191-10)を意味する。 https://www.facebook.com/OLGCViennaVA/posts/709432499135293



時には高位聖職者さえもが、バチカンの問題に関わる際のたしなみとされる、ローマ人的上品さ(bella figura)の範囲を超えてしまうことがあった。その一方で、これは開放性(率直さ)を求める教皇が招いた事態とも言える。あるいは教皇はこうなることを予測していたのかもしれない。






LGBTメディアがもっとも大きくとりあげた話題の一つは、今回のシノドスでLGBT 問題が話し合われたことである。これはシノドスの開会まで決まっていなかった。ということは、シノドスの参加者たちはその話題を避けることもできたのだ。しかし、会議の中で或る夫婦が、ゲイの息子を持つ知人夫婦と共に経験したことを話した日を境に、それは議題になった。わたしの考えでは、今週の始めに発表されたこれらの問題を含む中間報告書「relatio」のトーンの変化にメディアが焦点を当てたのは当然のことであった。中間報告書は、ゲイとレズビアンに関する言葉が盛り込まれた、新しい、劇的に新しい最初の「報告書(relatio」であった。(「歓迎」「賜物と資質」、相互支援、「尊厳」「パートナー」等々の表現)これに加えて、ショーンボーン枢機卿のように、知り合いの「模範的な」カップルについて語り、わざわざゲイとレズビアンの人たちを称える司教たちも居た。これは確かにニュースと言える。


最終報告書は(繰り返すが、この中には承認されていない項目が入っており、それらは今後の議論のテーマになるだろう)(最終報告書は、中間報告書の)そのような言葉を排除し、結果的にはカテキズムに戻っている。すなわち、カテキズムはゲイやレズビアンの人たちに、「尊敬と思いやりと共感」をもって接するようにと求めている。(奇妙なことに、「最終報告書」は「尊敬と思いやり(rispetto e delicatezza」について述べているが、「共感」は割愛している。)



始まり:今回の2週間の会議は、実は(この後に続く議論の)「第一部(始まり)」に過ぎないということがシノドスのいくつかの議論の中で忘れ去られていた。この後司教と参加者たちは自分の教区に戻り、世界の教会は201510月の次期シノドスまでこれらの議事録を検討することになる。その間、家庭問題世界会議(World Meeting of Families)」が、フィラデルフィアで開かれ(おそらくは教皇フランシスコも出席)、同様のテーマを巡る話し合い、討議、説教などが行われる予定だ。こうして、さらに踏み込んだ考察が行われることだろう。




毎日の記者会見に没頭しすぎるようなとき、わたしは時々自分にこう言い聞かせてきた。「こうした議論は大切で、ある問題に関する教会の熱意を表しているが、結局は、使徒的勧告が最も重要な文書になるのだ」と。例えば、第2バチカン公会議の文書に接したとき、わたしは当時のオッタビアーニ枢機卿やビー枢機卿が何を考えていたかに関心はなかったし、最終的な結果についても同様であった。公会議中のある場面で、ある枢機卿がどんな「意見」を述べたかなどよりも、わたしが関心を持ったのは「教会憲章(Lumen Gentium」であり、「現代世界憲章(Gaudium et Spes」であった。









Five Things the Synod Just Did

James Martin, SJ | Oct 18 2014 - 7:05pm | America: The National Catholic Review


What does the final report of the Synod on the Family mean for the church?


Essentially, the relatio (or report) published today, at the close of the Synod, will serve as a starting point for future discussion.  It was also presented with great transparency, including even sections that did not win the necessary votes for complete approval.  


Before we look at five things the synod did, its important to understand the unique form of this unusual final document.  Pope Francis asked to have all of the paragraphs presented in the final report, even those that failed to win the majority needed for full passage (a two-thirds majority).  Two of those three dealt with LGBT Catholics, and one addressed divorced and remarried Catholics.  Whats more, the Pope asked that the voting results be shown alongside all the paragraphs, which were voted on separately.  Gerard O'Connell called this a break with 49 years of tradition. 


In other words, if the final document was published with only the fully approved texts, those three paragraphs would not appear.


Why might the Pope have chosen to do this?


One the one hand, this could be seen as a smart move by Pope Francis, who by insisting on not only retaining those paragraphs but also showing the vote tallies, ensures two things.  First, that those topicsLGBT issues and the reception of Communion for divorce and remarried Catholicswill be discussed at the next session of the Synod.  Second, that the church will know that these votes, both of which he himself has addressed, were close. This may give encouragement to those in favor of more openness on these issues to rally support and fight more vigorously next time.  (Conversely, it may perhaps strengthen the resolve of those bishops opposed to greater openness.)


Some said that the reason that the three paragraphs on those hot-button issues did not pass was not that the some bishops did not like them, but because they did not go far enough for others.  In other words, those three paragraphs were seen as too timid, so some bishops chose not to vote for them.  For example, Archbishop Paul-André Durocher, a Canadian bishop, on his blog today writes, Why did some Bishops choose not to approve a text which only repeated the Church's received teaching? I have the impression many would have preferred a more open, positive language. Not finding it in this paragraph, they might have chosen to indicate their disapproval of it. However, it has also been published, and the reflection will have to continue.


Archbishop Durocher believes that the overall tone of the relatio was more pastoral than could have been expected.  So it represents a win for the church.  I agree.  Also, finally talking about some things that had been largely taboonew approaches to gays and lesbians, divorced and remarried Catholics, cohabitationis another win.  (As an aside, a bishop is writing his reflections on his blog the day of the close of the synod should also be seen as something new.)


So what might be the takeaway from the Synod?


Here are five things the Synod did:


Dialogue: The synod was an authentic synod, as Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn said the other day, in that it included actual dialogue.  No one can doubt that.  For many years Vaticanologists had speculated that such synods had been overly managed, that is, participants knew what they could and could not talk about, what they could and could not vote on, and more or less what the final outcome would be.  This was clearly not the case at Synod on the Family.  In his opening address to the participants, Pope Francis specifically asked the participants to speak freely, and prayed for the gift of parresia (a Greek term meaning, roughly, openness).  Dialogue is now a part of the church, at the very highest levels, and this is to the good.


To me, this seems a rather Jesuit model of decision-making.  Jesuit superiors know, and explicitly say, that the Holy Spirit can work through everyoneboth the superior and those men in his care.  It is not simply a "top-down" method of governance.  So in Jesuit decision-making there is always great deal of discussion and dialogue, which can often continue for a considerable length of time.  At times, its uncomfortable.


Pope Francis mentioned this kind of discernment explicitly today in his final talk to the Synod, and referred to his Jesuit ideals:  Personally I would be very worried and saddened if it were not for these temptations and these animated discussions; this movement of the spirits, as St Ignatius called it (Spiritual Exercises, 6), if all were in a state of agreement, or silent in a false and quietist peace. Instead, I have seen and I have heard with joy and appreciation speeches and interventions full of faith, of pastoral and doctrinal zeal, of wisdom, of frankness and of courage: and of parresia [openness]


Division: There are fairly clear divisions in the church on many of issues related to the family (and sexuality), between what one cardinal termed those who focus on doctrine and those who focus on mercy.  Of course one could say that our doctrine is merciful and that mercy is part of our doctrine.  But you know what I mean: certain bishops favor a firmer application of laws already in existence (or a clearer explanation of them), and others prefer the medicine of mercy, as John XXIII had said at the opening of Vatican II.  (I also wrote earlier this week of two different models of welcoming people into the church: The John the Baptist model of conversion and then communion, and the Jesus of Nazareth model of communion and then conversion.  These are complementary, not competing models, but they give rise to disagreement over how the church will best live out its mission.)


These divisions spilled into the public forum, and then those divisions were taken up by various Catholics worldwide.  Frankly, I was shocked at how vitriolic things became, particularly on social media.  (For my part, Ive never received more hate tweets than in the last two weeks.)  At times even prelates moved beyond the usual politesse of the Roman bella figura that one associates with Vatican affairs.  On the other hand, this is what the Pope invited, and probably expected, when he called for openness.


Transparency.  This synod brought us the following: lively daily press briefings with vigorous questioning from reporters, extremely candid comments from many bishops (Remember Cardinal Wilfrid Napiers terming the interim report as irredeemable, and Cardinal Reinhard Marx noting that obviously church practice could change), an interim document that was made public, as well published notes from the working groups, and a final document published almost immediately after the votingwith the votes attached.


All this shows the Popes desire for transparency.  And all this is good.   It helps to clear the air of the scent of secrecy that attends many of these gatherings, increases the sense of accountability, and, also shows that the church is less afraid of openness.


LGBT:  One of the biggest issues in the medias coverage was the emergence of LGBT issues at the Synodwhich was, in the run-up to the synod, anything but a sure thing.  That is, the synod participants could have avoided it.  But from the day that a married couple spoke of their experience with another couple they knew who had a gay son, it was on the table.  And to my mind, the medias focus on the change in tone in the interim relatio, on these and other topics, released earlier this week, was entirely justified.  The first relatio included language about gays and lesbians that was newdramatically new.  (Welcoming, gifts and qualities, mutual support, precious partners, etc.)  In addition, some bishops, like Cardinal Schoenborn, who spoke of an exemplary couple he knew, went out of their way to praise gays and lesbians.  So it was indeed newsworthy.


The final document (in paragraphs that, again, werent fully approved, but will remain topics of discussion) removed those words and, in essence, went back to the Catechism, which asks us to treat gays and lesbians with respect, sensitivity and compassion. (Oddly, the relatio speaks of respect and sensitivity, rispetto e delicatezza, but omits compassion.)


Some will see that as a loss and may be disappointed.  Its easy to understand why: the interim relatio, which garnered so much attention earlier in the week, and which moved me deeply, spoke of Welcoming Homosexual Persons. Just the word "welcome" was refreshing.  (By the middle of the week, the new English translation had "Providing for.")  Now the synod speaks of Pastoral Care of the Homosexual Person.  That is quite different.  (Would you rather be welcomed or cared for?)  Moreover, there is no mention of any gifts or qualities at all. But again, the topic of LGBT Catholics is now part of the discussion, and by insisting that those paragraphs were retained (even though they were not approved) Pope Francis is keeping them on the table.


Beginning.  Lost in some discussions of the Synod was that the last two weeks represented only Part One.  After this, the bishops and participants will return to their home dioceses and the worldwide church will reflect on these proceedings until the next session, in October 2015.  In the interim, the World Meeting of Families will take place in Philadelphia (with Pope Francis most likely attending) with similar topics being raised in talks, articles, homilies and the like.  So there will be further reflection.


Next October, the synod will meet again in Rome.  (With some different bishops, by the way, for example, Archbishop Cupich, now of Chicago.)  And, finally, Pope Francis will issue his apostolic exhortation on the Synod, a document which enjoys a high level of teaching authority.  Thus, while the synod is an important consultative body and Francis is very much in favor of synodality, his is the final word on all these issues.


At times, when I was getting too involved in the daily press conferences, I reminded myself that, while these discussions are important and show the temperature of the church on certain issues, the apostolic exhortation will be the most important document.  When I read the documents of the Second Vatican Council, for example, Im not that concerned about what Cardinals Ottaviani and Bea thought at the time, as much as I am with the final product.  Im more interested in Lumen Gentium and Gaudium et Spes than one cardinals particular intervention during one session of the Council.


All in all, the last two weeks have proven a very Jesuit way of proceeding, as St. Ignatius Loyola would say.  Its what we call discernment, which includes prayer, as well as much discussion, some division and even some debates.


But in the end one person makes the decisions, and in this case its the Pope.  At one point during his concluding speech to the bishops he said, playfully, I am here and Im the pope!


Or as we say in the Jesuits, when it comes to the superior its: You discern, we discern, but I decide.