「学び合いの会-海外ニュース」 295号
臨時シノドスは2週目に入り、欧米のメディアは連日、会議の推移を伝えています。今回は80年の歴史を持ち、カトリック、プロテスタント、ユダヤ教などを広くカバーするアメリカベースの宗教誌 Religion News Service の記事の翻訳をお届けします。
1. 司教たちの議論のゆくえ…教義の議論はどこで終り、司牧の実践の議論はどこから始まるのか?(RNS)
デヴィッド・ギブソン Religion News Service 2014/10/10
このことは、このような最高レベルの会議(シノドス)が始まったばかりだというのに、真の改革への希望は早くもDOA状態(病院用語で「到着時死亡」Dead on arrival)にあるということなのだろうか? 改革派の人々はそうではないと言う。教会は教義の「司牧的応用(pastoral application of doctrines)」の仕方を変えることによって、重要な適応が可能であると主張する。すなわち、信者の現実の生活現場で機能するように、教義の司牧的応用を行うことができると言うのだ。
引退したドイツの神学者で、教皇フランシスコ の信頼厚いヴァルター・カスパー枢機卿は、そのアプローチを支持している。「結婚の非解消性を否定する者はだれもいない。わたしも否定しないしそれを否定する司教も知らない。」彼はイエズス会の週刊誌”America”にそう語っている。「しかし、戒律(discipline)は変えられるだろう。」「戒律は具体的な状況に応じた教義の適用が必要だ。それは固定的ではなく、変更可能なものだ。」と付言する。
事実、1960年代に開かれた第2バチカン公会議は、今回のシノドスよりも大規模で、権威があり、世界の有力者が集まって4年を要した会議であったが、教会の教義と司牧の実践に多くの変化、あるいは「進歩」をもたらした。しかし、200人近い今回のシノドス参加者は、ヴュール枢機卿やカスパー枢機卿たちが提示する「教義と司牧実践の分離」に激しく反対している。彼らによれば、それは単に「差異を欠く区別(distinction without a difference)」に過ぎない。そしてそれは、確立された教義に事実上の変化を導入するためのトロイの馬であると主張する。
教義と実践の対立議論は、これまでも司教たちを際限のない議論に引き込んできた「解決困難な神学上の問題(arcane point of theology)」であるかのように聞こえるかもしれない。
騒がしい議論を生んでいる別の考え方は、カトリック思想の中の積年のアイディアである「漸進性の法則」("law of graduality")である。信者は聖性に向かってゆっくりと進み、教会の教えをいつも理解するとは限らず、また一挙に受入れるわけでもないという視点だ。
The Boston Globe紙との記者会見で、ドナルド・ヴュール枢機卿は、「代表司教たちは『自分たちの心のうちを語って』いる。そして、教皇フランシスコが求めるように、教義を『信者の生活の場で具体的に秩序正しく機能するようにすること』が議論の焦点となっている。
「教皇はこう言われる。『わたしたちは知っているし、わたしたちは信じている。これがわたしたちの教義の核心にあるものなのだと。しかし、あなた方はどのようにして人々の居場所に出向くのか? どのようにして彼らが必要とする全てを提供するのか? そして、どのようにして人々が(神に、教会に、)近づくのを助けるのだろうか?』と。」 (了)
デヴィッド・ギブソンはジャーナリスト、作家、映像制作者。Religion News Service の寄稿者。
近著に教皇ベネディクト16世の伝記があり、NCR 誌に “What's it like to have Pope Francis
as your boss? Depends where you work” を寄稿(2014/3/13)。
“Bishops debate: Where does doctrine end and pastoral practice begin?”
by David Gibson , Religion News Service Oct. 10, 2014
Senior Catholic leaders meeting at the Vatican are deep into passionate debates about how the church can respond to the realities of modern family life, yet at the same time they have repeatedly stressed that they are not going to alter long-standing doctrines, such as the teaching on divorce and remarriage. Does that mean the hopes for real changes are DOA just a few days into the high-level summit? Those who are pushing for reforms say no. They argue that the church can in fact make important adaptations by changing the "pastoral application" of doctrines -- how teachings function on the ground.
The pastoral practice generating the most attention is the banning of divorced Catholics who have remarried outside the church from receiving Communion.
"The reception of Communion is not a doctrinal position. It's a pastoral application of the doctrine of the church," said Washington Cardinal Donald Wuerl, a delegate at the two-week synod and an influential voice pushing for a new approach. "We have to repeat the doctrine, but the pastoral practice is what we are talking about. That's why we are having a synod," he said in an interview with Catholic News Service. "Just to repeat the practice of the past" without trying to "find a new direction today" is no longer tenable, Wuerl suggested.
Cardinal Walter Kasper, a retired German theologian and confidant of Pope Francis, has also endorsed that approach. "Nobody denies the indissolubility of marriage. I do not, nor do I know any bishop who denies it," Kasper told the Jesuit weekly America. "But discipline can be changed." "Discipline wants to apply a doctrine to concrete situations, which are contingent and can change," he added.
In fact, the Second Vatican Council of the 1960s -- a much larger and more authoritative four-year gathering of the world's hierarchy -- introduced a number of changes, or "developments," in church doctrine and in pastoral practice. But a sizable contingent of the nearly 200 churchmen at the current synod have forcefully rejected the separation of doctrine and practice outlined by Wuerl, Kasper and others. They say it's simply a distinction without a difference, and a Trojan horse that could introduce de facto changes in settled doctrine.
"There can't be in the church a discipline which is not at the service of doctrine," Cardinal Raymond Burke, a former archbishop of St. Louis who now heads the Vatican's court system, told reporters on the eve of the synod. Burke, a canon lawyer and a leader of the camp opposing changes, said the reformers were saying: "Oh, we're not questioning the indissolubility of marriage at all. We're just going to make it easy for people to receive a declaration of nullity of marriage so that they can receive the sacraments." But that, Burke said, "is a very deceptive line of argument which I've been hearing more now in this whole debate."
If that line prevails, he said, Catholics will see those who are divorced and remarried (without an annulment) taking Communion and will assume that the teaching on marriage has changed or they will conclude that the church is hypocritical. Burke's opinion here is not insignificant -- his court is the body ultimately responsible for processing annulment requests from Catholics around the world.
The doctrine-versus-disciple argument can sound like an arcane point of theology that could occupy bishops for years, and it often has. But in the context of the current meeting, the concept has emerged as one of the chief ways that the bishops are able to talk about making changes in a church that -- whatever the historical record -- likes to say that it never changes.
Other ideas to accomplish the same goal are also drawing some support, and they include tempering the church's often absolutist language and attitude toward those in "irregular" situations -- such as gay and unmarried couples "living in sin" -- and streamlining the annulment process to invalidate an earlier marriage that ended in divorce.
Another concept that has generated buzz is the "law of graduality," a long-standing idea in Catholic thought that recognizes that people gradually move toward holiness and don't always understand or accept every church teaching at once. Advocates of change say it is important to welcome such people because the sacraments are a way to help them toward holiness; denying the sacraments has the opposite effect, they say.
As the bishops break into small groups next week to continue their discussions, the ideas could become more focused, and the debates more heated.
In an interview with The Boston Globe published Thursday, Wuerl said that the delegates have been "speaking their mind" and that the importance of getting doctrine "to work in the concrete order where people live" has become a central focus, just as Pope Francis wanted. Still, Wuerl stressed that this meeting is the first stage in a long process; there will be subsequent discussions and debates in the coming months, and another synod next October with a larger and more diverse groups of bishops, who may have the final vote on any changes.
"That's going to be the challenge, and I think that's what the Holy Father is calling us to do,"
Wuerl said. "He's saying, We know this, we believe this, this is what is at the heart of our teaching. But how do you meet people where they are? And bring them as much of that as they can take, and help them get closer?"
訳注:Donald William Wuerl (born November 12, 1940) is an American cardinal of the Catholic Church. He is the sixth and current Archbishop of Washington, serving since 2006. He previously served as Auxiliary Bishop of Seattle (1986–87) and Bishop of Pittsburgh (1988–2006). He was elevated to the cardinalate by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010.