「学び合いの会-海外ニュース」 294号
† 主の平和
昨日に続き、NCRのJ. マッケルウィーによる10/9のシノドス報告です。
(岡田大司教も発言されたようですが、内容は不明です。) 14.10.10 Y.H.
参照:Bishops rethinking development of theology, annulment process at synod
by Joshua J. McElwee on Oct. 9, 2014
バチカンのブリーフィングには、3人の報道官の他にカナダQuebec州Gatineau教区大司教のPaul-André Durocher枢機卿と教皇庁法文評議会議長のFrancesco Coccopalmerio枢機卿が出席し、婚姻無効宣告と離婚者の聖体拝領の問題についての説明があり、「このシノドスは長時間かかる議論のための基礎を設けることに意味があり、我々は、その議論の実りを来年(のシノドスで)見ることになろう。」との付言があった。
◇ Durocher枢機卿の話:
過去のシノドスとは違って、司教たちは神学の考察、検討に当たり、今日の家庭の現実に照らして、帰納的推論(inductive reasoning)を用い始めている。(Unlike in the past, bishops are using inductive reasoning to instead examine theology in the reality of families today)
司教たちは信者の本当の状況から始めて、そこに起こっていることを把握しようと努め出した。(we're seeing a more inductive way of reflecting, starting from the true situation of people and trying to figure out what's going on here)
そして、生きてきた人々の経験が神学の源泉であることを見出しつつあり(finding that the lived experience of people is also a theological source )、そしてある意味では教会の指導者としてこれをどのように扱うかを学び始めたばかりなのである(And we're only, in a sense, starting to learn how to do this as church leaders)
訳注;Paul-André Durocher was born in Windsor, Ontario on May 28, 1954. He was ordained a priest on July 2, 1982 for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Timmins, Ontario. Pope John Paul II appointed Durocher Auxiliary Bishop of Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario on January 20, 1997 and designated him as the titular bishop of Ausuaga. Durocher's episcopal consecration took place on March 14, 1997, with Bishop Jean-Louis Plouffe as the principal consecrator. On April 27, 2002, Durocher was appointed Bishop of Alexandria-Cornwall, Ontario. On October 12, 2011, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Durocher as Archbishop of Gatineau, Quebec. Archbishop Durocher was installed on November 30, 2011
◆ 筆者McElweeの感想:
(His reflections, which came at the end of the 70-minute briefing, may suggest a change in how bishops develop theological thought, which in the past has typically followed deductive methods of authors such as Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas over inductive methods used in systems like pastoral, or even liberation, theology.)
◇ Coccopalmerio枢機卿の話:
訳注:Francesco Coccopalmerio (6 March 1938) is the current president of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts since his appointment by Pope Benedict XVI on 15 February 2007. He is a member of a new commission established by Pope Francis last month to study possible changes in the church's processes and laws surrounding the sacrament of marriage spoke on “possible changes to the church's prohibition on giving Communion to divorced and remarried people who do not or cannot obtain annulments of their first marriages.” Describing the code he said: "it is not just a collection of norms created by the will of ecclesiastical legislators," it "indicates the duties and rights inherent to the faithful and to the structure of the Church as instituted by Christ."
("What we're trying to do is find what is the will of God, and that will is a will of justice and of mercy")
・pre-written addresses:(予定された発言者)
Hungarian Cardinal Péter Erdő, general relator of the synod;
Japanese Archbishop Peter Okada; (岡田大司教)
Kazakhstani Archbishop Tomash Peta;
Archbishop Gabriel Mbilingi, president of the bishops' conferences of Africa and Madagascar;
Brazilian Cardinal Raymundo Assis;
U.S. Cardinal Raymond Burke; and
Indian Cardinal George Alencherry of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church.
・"free" remarks: (自由発言)
Müller; (枢機卿、教理省長官)
U.S. Cardinal Timothy Dolan;
English Cardinal Vincent Nichols;
U.S. Archbishop Joseph Kurtz;
Irish Archbishop Diarmuid Martin;
German Cardinal Walter Kasper; and
South African Cardinal Wilfrid Napier.
2014/10 臨時シノドスの様子(ネットから)