
2011/5/2 シンディ・ウッデン Catholic News Service NCR National Catholic Reporter


教皇ベネディクト 16 世は、オーストラリア、トゥーンバのウィリアム・ M ・モリス司教を罷免した。これは、同司教が、かりに教会の規則が変わり、そのようなことが可能になれば、自分は、女性や既婚男性を積極的に叙階すると表明する司牧的書簡を書いて 5 年が過ぎてのことである。


5 1 日に公開された、教区内のカトリック信者に宛てた公開書簡の中で、モリス司教は、 2006 年の書簡は、教区内の少数の人々によって「間違えて読まれ、意図的に誤った解釈をされていると信じる。」と述べている。


5 2 日にバチカンは、短い声明を出し、「ローマ教皇ベネディクト 16 世は、モンシニョール・ウィリアム・ M ・モリス司教を、トゥーンバ教区の司牧責任の職から解いた。」とだけ述べた。













                                 訳注: 2006 年の司牧的書簡でモリス司教は、近い将来の司祭不足を予測したうえで、共同                           体にとって最も大切な聖体拝領ができなくなる事態を避けるために、世界的に、全国的に、                                  また地域的に議論されている以下の事柄について、より寛容な姿勢が必要だと述べた。

•  既婚、やもめの男性で小教区から推薦された人の叙階。
•  やめた司祭の復帰。
•  女性司祭(既婚、未婚)の叙階。
•  英国国教会やルーテル派の叙階を有効とする。

参照: http://vexilla-regis.blogspot.com/2011/05/toowoomba-diocese-pastoral-letter.html



Pope removes bishop who expressed openness to ordaining women

May. 02, 2011

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service NCR



VATICAN CITY -- Pope Benedict XVI has removed Australian Bishop William M. Morris of Toowoomba from office five years after he wrote a pastoral letter indicating he would be open to ordaining women and married men if church rules changed to allow such a possibility.


In an open letter to Catholics in his diocese released May 1, Bishop Morris said the 2006 letter "has been misread and, I believe, deliberately misinterpreted" by a small group within the diocese.


In a brief statement May 2, the Vatican said, "The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, has relieved His Excellency Msgr. William M. Morris of the pastoral care of the Diocese of Toowoomba."

The formulation indicated that Bishop Morris had not offered his letter of resignation.


The Vatican did not explain the pope's decision, but in the past has made it clear that the Catholic Church considers it a matter of faith that Jesus chose only men to be his apostles and, therefore, the church is not free to ordain women. In addition, it has affirmed that while exceptional cases exist, celibacy is the norm for priests in the Latin rite.


In his open letter, Bishop Morris said misunderstandings about his pastoral letter on the diocese's serious priest shortage led Pope Benedict to appoint U.S. Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Denver to conduct an apostolic visitation of the Toowoomba diocese.


"I have never seen the report prepared by the apostolic visitor," Bishop Morris said, and "without due process it has been impossible to resolve these matters, denying me natural justice without any possibility of appropriate defense and advocacy on my behalf."


The bishop said the fact that there would be no further hearing on the matter was confirmed by a letter he received from the pope, which stated: "Canon law does not make provision for a process regarding bishops, whom the successor of Peter nominates and may remove from office."


Bishop Morris said he did not offer to resign as "a matter of conscience" because "my resignation would mean that I accept the assessment of myself as breaking 'communio,' which I absolutely refute and reject."


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