Some Distinguishing Characteristics of Vatican II 第2バチカン公会議の幾つかの特徴
Councils thus differed among themselves and in their relationships to the papacy,
with the first eight a striking contrast to those that followed. Even when the
differences among some of them, like the first three Lateran councils (held in
Rome in 1123, 1139, and 1179), do not seem so great, every council had distinctive
characteristics. Those of Vatican II are so extraordinary, however, that they
set the council apart from its predecessors almost as a different kind of entity.
The most obvious of these characteristics is of course the council's massive proportions,
its remarkable international breadth, and the scope and variety of the issues
it addressed. That is, however, only the tip of the iceberg.
The decision to admit non-Catholic observers as an integral body was not only
unique in the annals of ecumenical councils but also allowed the deliberations
of the council to be reviewed by scholars and churchmen who did not share many
of the basic assumptions upon which Catholic doctrine and practice were based.
As events proved, this decision stimulated a more searching scrutiny of the deliberations
and decisions, and it was important for not allowing the attention of the council
to focus on issues of concern only to Roman Catholics ? or only to Roman Catholic
prelates. The number of observers or guests actually present at the council rose
to 182 at the end.42
Moreover, the media took an aggressive interest in the council. Until Trent, 1545-1563,
the deliberations of the councils were almost the exclusive concern of those who
participated in them. How many people knew or cared what happened, for instance,
at Lateran III, in 1179? True, the Council of Constance, 1414-1418, which resolved
the Schism that resulted when three men claimed to be the legitimate pope, directly
affected some segments of the general population, but it was the invention of
the printing press later in that century that changed the public's relationship
to the councils. Trent and especially Vatican I had to contend with a general
and rapid dissemination of information and propaganda, much of it unfavorable.
Even so, at this point only a small percentage of the world's population was informed
of the proceedings.
By the time of Vatican II, however, radio and television transmitted news around
the globe at the very moment any important event occurred. The mere spectacle
of Vatican II made it newsworthy even apart from anything else that happened.
The extraordinary popularity of Pope John XXIII among Catholics and non-Catholics
alike excited interest in "Pope John's council." Time magazine named
John "man of the year" for 1962, the year the council opened, and his
picture appeared on the cover.
Once the council got under way, the media and the public were captivated by two
phenomena in particular: the ill-kept secret of the sometimes acrid debates and
confrontations in the council; and the emerging possibility of changes in posture
and practice that just a few months earlier had seemed set in stone. The Catholic
Church had presented itself internally and to the world at large as the church
that did not change. It took great care, as well, to show a united front on all
issues and to deal swiftly and discreetly with any occurrences within the church
that might seem to suggest otherwise. Yet despite efforts to hide or disguise
them, the debates and disagreements in the council entered the public forum. They
shocked some, delighted others, and made clear to all that Catholicism was not
the monolith they thought they knew. All at once the church had a new image.
The actions of the council thus came to be discussed and debated in the media,
and newspapers like the New York Times, the Washington Post, and their counterparts
in other countries gave them consistent and generally sympathetic coverage.43
Henri Fesquet's reports in Le Monde (Paris), later published as a book, were notably
judicious and well informed.44 In the English-speaking world, the "Letters
from Vatican City," written by Francis Xavier Murphy under the pseudonym
Xavier Rynne and published in The New Yorker, provided a gossipy but engrossing
account of what was Going on.
後に単行本として出版されたルモンド(パリ)のアンリ・フェスケのレポートは、とりわけ思慮深く、広い見識を持つ内容であった。44 英語圏では、ゼイビアー・リンのペンネームでフランシス・ゼイビアー・マーフィーが書き、ニューヨーカーに連載した「バチカン市からの手紙」(“Letters
from Vatican City”)が、公会議の出来事について、ゴシップ風ではあるが興味深い記述をしている。
Although blatantly biased and composed in haste under tight deadlines, the "Letters"
got the basic story straight. They were read avidly by a wide public during the
four years the council was in session and were extremely influential in the interpretation
they provided.
There is no doubt that the attempt to satisfy some of the expectations, objections,
and problems raised by the media affected the direction of the council and gave
encouragement to its progressive wing. Even before the council opened, Hans Kung,
a young Swiss theologian, published The Council, Reform, and Reunion (1960). The
book, translated into eight languages, was the most influential among the publications
in the preparatory years that tried to move people's imagination into larger issues
the council might address and open possibilities beyond a mere tinkering with
the status quo, which most bishops seemed to have in mind.
Council, Reform, and Reunion)」(1960)を出版していた。公会議の準備期間には、会議が採り上げる広汎な問題へと人々の関心を呼び起こし、単なる現状の手直し以上の可能性を開こうとして幾つかの出版物が出された。それは多くの司教たちの思いでもあったのだが、中でもキュングの本は8カ国語に翻訳され、この時期に出版された中では最も大きな影響を及ぼした。
With the new ease of communication, Vatican II's decisions could be implemented
with a speed and directness no previous council could come close to mustering,
even if it had wanted to. As it turned out, some of the decisions had an immediate
impact on the life of the ordinary believer. This was, again, something special
to Vatican II. When believers entered their church for Mass on November 29, 1964,
the first Sunday of Advent, they encountered something very different from what
they had experienced all their lives up to the previous Sunday. With Vatican II
still in session, the council managed to begin implementing unmistakable changes
in the Mass, such as use of the vernacular in many of its parts.
For centuries Catholics had been warned against reading the Bible.45 Although
that caution had diminished in the years immediately before Vatican II, it now
disappeared completely as Catholics were urged to read and study the Bible, even
in company with their Protestant neighbors. Forbidden since the sixteenth century
to attend even funerals and weddings in Protestant churches, Catholics were now
urged to join hands with those of different faiths in various causes. They were
exhorted to join in "dialogue" or conversation with their non-Catholic
neighbors, even about religious matters.
何世紀もの間、カトリック信者は聖書を読むことを厳しく戒められてきた。45 第2バチカン公会議の直前の数年間は、その戒めが和らいでいたが、公会議後はそれが完全に消滅し、カトリック信者は聖書を読み、学ぶようにと奨励されるようになった。しかも、それをプロテスタントの隣人たちと共に行うよう勧められた。16世紀以来、プロテスタントの教会の葬儀や結婚式にさえ出席することを禁じられていたカトリック信者は、今や、様々な状況の中で、異なる信仰を持つ人々と力を合わせるようにと促されることになった。彼らは、非カトリックの隣人たちと、宗教的な問題についてさえも「対話」、又は会話を心掛けるよう強く勧められたのだった。
The decisions of previous councils were directed almost exclusively to the clergy;
even when they had some import for the lives of ordinary Christians, they were
implemented so slowly and often so haphazardly as to be virtually imperceptible.
The very opposite was true for Vatican II, and the rush "to implement the
council" was keenly felt in Catholic communities.
No other council could compare with it for direct impact on the life of every
Catholic and with the sometimes considerable adjustments in religious practice
and general attitude that the changes required.
Moreover, for many Catholics the adjustments they were asked to make seemed to
carry the message that old rules no longer applied. But which ones and to what
extent ? These questions, shocking in themselves to many Catholics schooled in
the idea that the church did not change, were debated not only in classrooms and
rectories but at the dinner tables of working-class families. Whereas "reform"
was traditionally a code for a stricter or at least more precise discipline, Vatican
II seemed to aim at loosening what had become too tight.
さらに、多くのカトリック信者にとって、自分たちに求められている修正には、古い規則はもはや適用されないというメッセージがこめられているように思われた。しかし、一体古い規則のどれが、どの程度まで適用されないというのだろうか? これらの疑問は、教会は変わらないものと教育されてきた多くのカトリック信者に衝撃を与え、教室や司祭館においてばかりでなく、労働者階級の家族の夕食時にも議論されるところとなった。伝統的に、「改革」とは、より厳しい、あるいは少なくともより正確な規律のための規範であったのに対して、第2バチカン公会議は、厳し過ぎたものを緩めることを目指しているように思われた。
These factors, plus the originally indeterminate aims of the council, contributed
to another of Vatican II's most important and distinguishing characteristics:
the great scope of its concerns. The council wished to "speak to all men
and women," as the constitution on the Church in the Modern World succinctly
stated. Vatican II took greater note of the world around it than had any previous
council, and it assumed as one of its principal tasks dialogue or conversation
with that world. The council's concerns were thus further broadened beyond the
confines of the Catholic Church, in a manner unprecedented among previous councils.
Aggiornamento, Ressourcement, and Development of Doctrine
訳注:Ressourcement: 第2二バチカン公会議におけるAggiornamento(現代化)の競合用語であり、初代教会の伝統及びシンボルへの回帰を意味した。聖職者の多くは、いずれかの陣営と分類され得る。Aggiornamentos派は、トリエント公会議以後の将来に注目するのに対し、Ressourcement派は、トリエント公会議以前の単純な典礼への復帰、ローマ方式の指導スタイルからの脱皮を指向したが、何れもこの公会議当時の姿では満足なものではなかった。
Whence the impulse acknowledging that change was legitimate and even good? The
mentality with which many of the most influential bishops and theologians approached
their task at Vatican II was more historical than at any previous council. The
prevalence of this mentality is another of Vatican II's distinguishing characteristics.
Marie-Dominique Chenu, a Dominican who, though not a peritus, would be influential
at the council, described the principles that underlay the theological ferment
in the middle years of the twentieth century at the Dominicans' house of studies,
Le Saulchoir in Etiolles, near Paris. He succinctly expressed the great shift
taking place much more broadly in Catholic theology: "Since Christianity
draws its reality from history and not from some metaphysics, the theologian must
have as his primary concern … to know this history and to train himself in it.”46
変化は正しいことであり、善いことでさえあると感じる衝動は、一体どこから来るのだろうか? 第2バチカン公会議で、有力な司教たちや神学者の多くが仕事に取り組んだときのメンタリティー(物の捉え方)は、過去のどの公会議よりも歴史を重視するものであった。このメンタリティーの浸透が第2バチカン公会議のもう一つの際だった特徴であった。ドミニコ会士のマリー・ドミニク・シュニュは、専門家ではなかったが、公会議で大きな影響力を持つ人物であった。彼は、パリの近郊のエトワールにあるドミニコ会の研究所、ソールシュワル学院で、20世紀中葉の神学上の混乱の底流となった基本理念について解説した。その中で彼は、カトリック神学において遙か広範囲に起きている大転換を、簡潔に表現した。
In certain circles this mentality, the result of the great impetus to historical
studies that began in the nineteenth century and never abated, deeply affected
the study of every aspect of church life and doctrine.
The leading voices at the council were much more aware of the profound changes
that had taken place in the long history of the church than were their counterparts
in earlier councils. They were persuaded that at least some of these changes could
be explained as expressions of a given culture and thus were not irreversible.
Moreover, it was now more obvious than ever that some doctrines taught by the
church in the twentieth century, such as the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin
Mary, were unknown as such in the church of the apostolic or patristic periods.
This keener sense of history was operative in at least three important ways at
the council, which can be captured by three words current at the time ? aggiornamento
(Italian for updating or modernizing), development (an unfolding, in context sometimes
the equivalent of progress or evolution), and ressourcement (French for return
to the sources). One basic, crucial assumption underlay all three as they were
understood in the council: the Catholic tradition is richer, broader, and more
malleable than the way in which it had often, especially since the nineteenth
century, been interpreted.
The bishops who had appropriated that assumption not as an abstract truth but
as a license to reexamine the status quo emerged at Vatican II as leaders of the
majority. They reacted against interpretations of Catholicism that in their view
reduced it to simplistic and ahistorical formulas.
The three words overlap in their meanings, but in general they look, respectively,
to the present (aggiornamento), the future (development), and the past (ressourcement).
They all are concerned with change and, in the context of a reluctance to admit
change, operate as soft synonyms for it and soft synonyms for reform. They signal
the abandonment of the so called classicist worldview that saw human living in
static, abstract, and immutable terms.47 R. G. Collingwood designated that mind-set
"substantialism," by which he meant a historiography "constructed
on the basis of a metaphysical system whose chief category is the category of
substance," which resulted in a mentality that saw great social entities
like the church sailing like a hermetically sealed and fully defined substance
through the sea of history without being affected by it."
R. G. コリングウッドは、その考え方を「実体論」と呼んだ。彼によれば、それは「実体のあるカテゴリーを主な範疇とする形而上学的体系に基礎を置いて構築された」歴史学的方法論を意味していた。
Of the three terms, aggiornamento was the most often invoked to describe what
Vatican II was all about. Those who interpreted the council as essentially an
aggiornamento found good validation of their position in John XXIII's opening
allocution to the council, Gaudet Mater Ecclesia, when he said:
これらの三つの言葉のうち、第2バチカン公会議を表現するときに人々が一番よく思いつく言葉は、アジョルナメントであった。公会議の本質をアジョルナメント (現代化)であると解釈した人々は、ヨハネ23世の公会議への初日の訓戒
Gaudet Mater Ecclesia (「Mother Church Rejoices母なる教会は喜んでいる」のラテン語) の中で、自分の立場への励ましを見出した。
"[The church] by making appropriate changes [ opportunis inductis emendationibus]
… will lead individuals, families, and peoples to turn their minds to heavenly
And later: "the church should never depart from the sacred patrimony … But
at the same time she must ever look to the present, to the new conditions and
new forms of life introduced into the modern world that have opened up new avenues
to the Catholic apostolate."49
ヨハネ23世は、次のように述べた。「(教会は)適切な修正 [opportunis inductis emendationibu] を行うことで……人々を、家族を、諸民族を導き、その心を天なるものに向かわせることができる。」そして、続けてこう述べた。「教会は、聖なる伝承から決して離れてはならない。……しかし同時に教会は、常に現在に、新しい状況に目を向けなければならない。そして、これまでに現代世界に導入され、カトリック教会の使徒職に向かう新たな道筋を切り開いた新しい生活形態に目を向けなればならない。」
In a number of its decrees Vatican II determined that some expressions of religious
practice be changed to conform to the "new era" in which the council
was taking place. The very first sentence of the very first document the council
approved and promulgated, the constitution On the Sacred Liturgy, states: "The
council has set out … to adapt to the needs of our age those institutions that
are subject to change."
In principle this was nothing new. In 1215, for instance, Lateran IV legitimated
changes if they were undertaken for reasons of "urgent necessity or evident
utility. "50 In the twentieth century, moreover, the Vatican showed no reluctance
to make use of new inventions and conveniences. It adopted microphones and amplifiers,
for instance, before the House of Commons and typewriters before the British Foreign
Office. In 1931, when radio was still in its infancy, Pius XI inaugurated Vatican
But the aggiornamento of Vatican II moved on a different, more sensitive plane.
Four things are special about it. First, the changes made in the name of aggiornamento
sometimes touched on things ordinary Catholics considered normative, and hence
they sometimes had a startling impact. Second, no previous council had ever taken
the equivalent of aggiornamento as a leitmotif, as a broad principle rather than
as a rare exception. Previous councils had, rather, insisted on the unchangeable
character of religious practice and doctrinal formulations and on the necessity
of eradicating any "novelty." For certain, neither John XXIII nor the
bishops at Vatican II invested aggiornamento with a radical meaning, yet by applying
it in such an unprecedentedly broad way, the council gave it a special character
and imbued it with a special force.
Third, aggiornamento made clear that Catholicism was adaptive even to "the
modern world," not simply by making use of modern inventions like the radio
but by appropriating certain cultural assumptions and values. This was a shift
from the integralism that marked most Catholic thinking from the early nineteenth
century well into the twentieth and saw almost everything stemming from the Enlightenment
and the French Revolution as incompatible with the church. It was a sign of the
end of the long nineteenth century.
How and why this shift took place is difficult to explain except in the most general
terms, but it was well under way in a few circles as early as the 1920s. In 1922
Jacques Maritain, the Catholic philosopher, published his Antimoderne, which despite
the title was both a symptom of change in attitude and a catalyst for it. According
to Maritain, Catholicism possessed "bold ability to adapt itself to the new
conditions erupting suddenly in the life of the world."51 Aggiornamento was
a practical expression of that bold ability. It turned out to be, moreover, the
best known of the euphemisms employed to win assent to some of the council's decisions
and to lessen their shock.
この転換がもたらされた経緯と理由を説明するには、きわめて全体的な言い方しかできないが、早くも1920年代には、いくつかの集団でこの転換がかなり進んでいたのである。1922年、カトリック哲学者であるジャック・マリタンが、その著書、アンチモダン(Antimoderne)を出版した。その題名にもかかわらず、この本は、姿勢の変化のしるしであり、また変化へのきっかけともなった。マリタンによると、カトリックの教義は「この世の生活に突然起こる新しい状況に自分自身を適合させる力強い能力」を持っている。51 アジョルナメントは、その力強い能力の実践的な表現なのであった。さらに、このアジョルナメントは、公会議の決定のいくつかに同意を得るために、そしてその際のショックを和らげるために使われた婉曲表現の中で最もよく知られる言葉になった。
Fourth, this broad adoption of a principle of deliberate reconciliation between
the church and certain changes taking place outside it provided an entry point
into a more dynamic approach to church life and teaching. It implied a continuation
after Vatican II of the dynamism that characterized the council itself, which
meant that the documents were not an end point but a starting point.
This dynamism was even more relevant to the concept of "development."
In fact, "development of doctrine" was "the issue under all issues"
at Vatican II, according to John Courtney Murray.52
It was certainly the key issue in the bitter battle on the floor of the council
over the church-state issue, Murray's specialty, but it was crucial for other
issues as well, including the behind-the-scenes drama over designating the Virgin
Mary "Mother of the Church." By the time of Vatican II, almost all theologians
admitted that some form of "development" had taken place in the teaching
of the church through the centuries.
John Henry Newman's Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine (1846) was
the classic statement on the subject. Received with suspicion in Catholic circles
when first published, it was by 1962 widely accepted as close to the definitive
book on the subject.
このダイナミズムは、「発展」の概念に一層結びつくものだった。ジョン・コートニー・マレーによれば、実際、第2バチカン公会議において、「教義の発展」は「全ての問題のベースに存在する問題」であった。52 確かにそれは、公会議の議場での、マレーの専門分野である「教会と国家」をめぐる激絶な戦いの主要な争点となったが、同様に、処女マリアを「教会の母」と呼ぶことをめぐる舞台裏のドラマを含め、他の問題についても欠かせない争点となった。これまで何世紀もの間、教会の教えの中で、何らかの形の発展が継続していたことは、第2バチカン公会議の時点でほとんどの神学者が認めている。
ジョン・ヘンリー・ニューマンの「キリスト教教義の発展についての小論(Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrin、1846年) は、このテーマに関する優れた所見である。これが最初に出版されたときは、カトリック内部で疑念を持って迎えられたのだが、1962年には、この主題に関する最も信頼の置ける本として広く受け入れられるようになっていた。
Development was usually understood as movement further along a given path, as
with the definition of the Assumption of Mary (1950) following the earlier definition
of her Immaculate Conception (1854), leading to the hope expressed by many on
the eve of Vatican II for further Marian definitions at the council. It was thus
a cumulative process in which the tradition became ever richer ? or, from another
angle, ever heavier, with ever more to bear and to explain.
The idea was used to explain and justify the growth in papal authority from the
earliest times until its culmination in Vatican I, as from the acorn comes the
oak. It took the present as the norm for understanding the past. It searched the
past to find evidence to confirm the present ? and sometimes to "develop"
it into the future for more of the same.
Development suggested progress, especially as a further clarification or a greater
efflorescence. The council subscribed to this understanding, for instance, in
its decree on Revelation, Dei Verbum: "The Tradition that comes to us from
the apostles makes progress in the church with the help of the Holy Spirit. There
is a growth in insight into the realities and words that are being passed on."
Tradition, in this definition, is not inert but dynamic.
The problem Murray ran into in the council was that the doctrine of church-state
relationships that he and his colleagues advocated seemed to critics not a further
step along the path but an abandonment of the traditional path for a different
(and, indeed, forbidden) path. The popes had repeatedly condemned separation of
church and state, and now the council proposed it as a legitimate "development"
of Catholic?indeed, of papal ? teaching. This seemed like legerdemain ? or, worse,
backpedaling. Hence the vigorous and sustained opposition to the ideas proposed
in the declaration On Religious Liberty.
If development takes the present as its starting point and looks to the future
for even greater fulfillment, ressourcement is skeptical of the present because
of what it has discovered in the past.
It entails a return to the sources with a view not to confirming the present but
to making changes in it to conform it to a more authentic or more appropriate
past, to what advocates of ressourcement considered a more profound tradition. The
word was a neologism coined by the poet Charles Peguy early in the twentieth century.
Several decades later, Yves Congar gave it a certain currency, and by the mid-twentieth
century, scholars in France associated with a phenomenon known as the new theology,
"la nouvelle theologie," had claimed it as their own.53
"la nouvelle theologie" として知られる現象に連なるフランスの学者たちが、この言葉が自分たちのものであると主張した。53
Unlike development, a theory that was first straightforwardly proposed only in
the nineteenth century, ressourcement had enjoyed avant la lettre a truly venerable
history in the Western church beginning with the Gregorian Reform of the eleventh
century. At the midpoint of that century a series of reforming popes spearheaded
a vigorous campaign of change in the name of restoring a more ancient canonical
As the dust began to settle after the bitter and bloody battles that the campaign
ignited, the principle, even though not explicitly invoked, undergirded the important
legislation of Lateran councils I and II regarding especially the election of
bishops and clerical celibacy. The reformers understood their position on these
two matters as reassertions of the normative practice of an earlier era, which
implied a mandate to reinstate the older practice.
Ressourcement was in its Latin form the motto of the great humanist movement of
the Renaissance − ad fontes, "to the sources!" The Renaissance return
to the sources, especially to the Bible and the Fathers of the Church, was what
inspired humanists like Erasmus because they believed it would lead to a reform
of theology, piety, and education. Return to the sources is what drove the Protestant
Reformers, as they sought to restore the authentic Gospel that in their opinion
the papal church had obscured and perverted. In Catholicism in the nineteenth
century it lay behind Leo XIII's encyclical Aeterni Patris (1879), initiating
the revival of the study of Thomas Aquinas, and it lay behind the conservative
origins of the Liturgical Movement with Prosper Gueranger in the monastery of
Solemnes. In brief, some form of ressourcement lay behind every reform movement
in Western Christianity ? and behind every reform movement in Western culture?at
least up to the Enlightenment.
リソースメントは、ラテン語表現では、ルネッサンスの偉大な人文主義運動のモットーであるアド・フォンテス(ad fontes)「源泉へ」である。ルネッサンスにおける源泉への回帰、特に聖書と教父たちへの回帰は、エラスムスのような人文主義者を鼓舞することになる。それは人文主義者たちが、源泉回帰は神学、信仰心、教育の改革につながると信じたからである。源泉回帰は、宗教改革者たちをも駆り立てたてることになった。彼らは、ローマ・カトリック教会が曖昧にし、歪曲化した真の福音を取り戻そうとしていた。19世紀のカトリックでは、レオ13世の回勅「アエテルニ・パートリス」(1879年)の背後に「源泉回帰」があり、それがトマス・アクィナス研究を復活させるきっかけになった。また、ソレムの修道院のプロスペール・ゲランジェによる典礼運動の、保守的な由来の背後にも、源泉回帰が存在していた。要するに、少なくとも啓蒙運動以前は、西方キリスト教のすべての改革運動――そして西方文化のすべての改革運動――の背後には、何らかの形のリソースメント(源泉復帰)が存在していたのである。
On the eve of Vatican II, the call to return to the sources, now explicitly tinder
the name ressourcement, drove much of the theological ferment in France that caused
grave concern in Rome and elicited from the Holy Office silencings and condemnations.
Stigmatized by its opponents as "la nouvelle theologie" and therefore
a "novelty," it was viewed by its proponents as just the opposite, as
a recovery of an older theology, which to a large extent was the theology of the
Bible and the Fathers of the Church.54 "La nouvelle theologie" replayed
in remarkably similar terms the concerns and themes that had preoccupied Erasmus
and other humanists in the sixteenth century.
nouvelle theologie"、すなわち「新奇(な神学)」というレッテルを貼られたが、支持者の側は全く反対に、これは古い神学、すなわち、聖書の神学、教父の神学の復活に他ならないと考えた。54 「新神学」は、16世紀のエラスムスとその他の人文主義者たちをとりこにした関心事とテーマを、非常に似通った形で再現するものであった。
Just as Erasmus had wanted to displace medieval Scholasticism with a biblical/patristic
theology, the twentieth-century ressourcement wanted to do essentially the same.
It contravened the earlier Thomistic and, more broadly, Neo-Scholastic ressourcement
that originated with Leo XIII in 1879 and that now was considered normative in
Catholic theological discourse.55 In his 1950 encyclical Humani Generis, Pius
XII expressed his displeasure at those who criticized Thomism and wanted "to
bring about a return in the explanation of Catholic doctrine to the way of speaking
used in Holy Scripture and the Fathers of the Church. "
He challenged the principle of ressourcement by affirming that the task of theology
was to discover how the present teachings of the church's Magisterium are found
in the past, which is precisely opposite of what ressourcement implied.56 Within
a short time proponents of the "new" theology were being removed from
their teaching posts.57
教皇は、「神学の役割は、教会の教導権の現在の教えを、過去に求める手段を発見することである」と断言することによって、リソースメントの原則に異議を申し立てたのである。それは、リソースメントの意味するところとは正反対であった。56 短い間に、「新」神学の支持者たちは、教職のポストを追われていった。57
The critics of "la nouvelle theologie" had a point, for ressourcement
implied something potentially more radical than development. Development took
the present as a lens to understand the past, and thus was in danger of falling
into the historical fallacy of presentism, reading the present into the past.
Ressourcement, on the contrary, took the past as a norm for judging the present.
Whereas development was conceived as movement along the same path, ressourcement
looked to the past for norms or practices or mind-sets to be used in changing,
correcting, or at least qualifying the direction things were moving in the present.
The Gregorian reformers of the eleventh century, for instance, were convinced
that the church had been on the wrong path by letting lay men choose bishops.
They plowed ancient canonical sources and discovered the principle of the free
election of bishops, which they saw as the remedy for the present.58
「新神学」に批判的な人々の側にも一理はあった。リソースメントの裏には、発展(Development)よりももっと過激な何かが潜んでいるように思われたからである。発展は、現在を、過去を理解するためのレンズと考える。そのために、過去に現在を移入するプレゼンティズム*のような歴史的過誤に陥る危険がある。 (訳注
Presentism: 現在の基準や道徳律で過去の人物や出来事を評価する考え方。)
Development and ressourcement are both about corporate memory, the memory constitutive
of identity. What is true for individuals is true for a social body. What such
bodies choose to remember from their past makes them what they are. The great
battles in the council were battles over the identity of the church, not over
its fundamental dogmas but over other aspects of its tradition, especially its
more recent tradition. The great questions were: How malleable is the tradition
of the church? What are the patterns of change related to it? What are the legitimate
limits of those patterns? The way to dodge such troubling questions, of course,
is to deny change.59 An underlying assumption of those trying to deal with change
at Vatican II was that appropriate change meant not losing or changing one's identity
but enhancing it or even salvaging it from ossification. Such change entailed
a process of redefinition that was both continuous and discontinuous with the
デベロップメント(発展)とリソースメントはどちらも、一体化した記憶、アイデンティティを構成する記憶に関わっている。個人にとって真実であることは、社会共同体にとっても真実である。そのような共同体が、過去の中から記憶に留めると選択したものが、現在の共同体の状態をつくりだす。公会議での、教会のアイデンティティ(独自性)をめぐる大論争は、基本的な教義に関してではなく、伝統の他の側面、とくにもっと最近の伝統についてであった。論争の大きな問題点は――教会の伝統はどれぐらい融通が利くものなのか? 伝統に関わる変化にはどんなパターンがあるのか? それらのパターンは、どこまでが適切と言えるのか?――そのようなやっかいな問題をかわす方法は、勿論変化を否定することである。59 第2バチカン公会議で変化の問題に取り組もうとした人々の基本的な考えによれば、適切な変化とは、本来のアイデンティティを失くしたり変えたりせずに、それを高めることであり、さらには固定化から救い出すことでもあった。そのような変化は再定義の過程を伴い、その過程は、過去と連続性のあるものと無いものの両方がある。
The theologies of "la nouvelle theologie" like Henri de Lubac and Yves
Congar were rehabilitated at Vatican II. Partly because of them the principle
of ressourcement became operative in the council. In different forms, however,
it was before the council even more widely operative in Catholic theology, well
beyond "la nouvelle theologie," and it found expression in the council
in a variety of ways. In its document on religious life, for instance, the council
urged members of religious orders to return to their origins and draw from them
principles and energy to make changes in the present. Ressourcement was the principle
that validated collegiality. But ressourcement influenced the council in a more
pervasive way that transcended all particular instances of "returning to
the sources." This was evident in Vatican II's adoption of a style of discourse
more closely resembling the style of the Fathers than the style used by previous
councils. If we are looking for special characteristics of Vatican II, this has
to rank high, maybe even first, among them.
(Chapter1 つづく)