◆2013-11-05付 ZENIT



バルディッセーリ大司教は、また、臨時総会の招集は、司教会議規則(Ordo Synodi Episcoporum) (4条2項参照)により、「普遍教会にとっての利益」にも「迅速な定義づけの要求」にも配慮するテーマに応じていると指摘もしている。大司教は、次のように述べた。「今日の世界の社会的、霊的危機は、家族生活に影響を及ぼし、真正な司牧が緊急に求められる事態を作り出しています。そして、これが、総会の招集の正当な理由なのです。」


準備文書に、更に細目を加えたのは、ヨーロッパ司教協議会会長のPeter Erdoだった。彼は、この文書は、「明らかに、全体の問題に関して、教義上の側面と司牧的側面に言及している。」



彼は、次のように続ける。「たとえば、いわゆる『液状化社会(liquid modernity)』(ジグムント・バウマン)のような状況、証明され得る価値は何もなく、家族制度の価値は、全くなくなってはいないにしても、たびたび異議が唱えられているような文脈の中で、家族に対するキリスト教的提言の、深く人間味溢れる特性をはっきりと示すことは、特別に意義あることになるのだ。それに反対するものは誰もおらず、それどころか、あらゆる人に対して、そして社会全体にとっての利益に対して、常に、そして専ら完全な人間のいのちの尊厳と美しさを支持するものとなる。








註: なお、カトリック中央協議会の「バチカン(The Holy See)組織 Roman Curia」の図も、評議会と事務局の間にシノドス事務総局が入り、改訂されている。 http://www.cbcj.catholic.jp/jpn/vatican/curia.htm 参照
○シノドス(世界代表司教会議)事務総局:General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops
○事務総長ロレンツォ・バルディッセーリ大司教:Secretary General: Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri

◆2013-11-05 NCR(National Catholic Reporter) 記事
「バチカンのシノドス質問状の意味付けにコンセンサス欠く」  ジョシュア・J・マッケルウィー

訳注:教会会議(synodもしくはcouncil)とは、教会の会議。通常はキリスト教教会が、教義や管理上の問題を話し合うために催す会議を指す。公会議(Ecumenical council)は、教会全体の会議であるため(あるいはより正確には、会議の参加者たちを教会全体であるとみなす者が集めた会議であるため)にそう呼ばれる。教会会議を示す英単語Synodは、ギリシャ語で集まりを意味するsynodosから来ており、ラテン語のconciliumと同義である。教会会議という言葉は、元は司教・主教の会議を意味しており、現在でもカトリック教会と正教会ではその意味で用いられる。





一つ疑問なのは、この大司教とバチカン当局は、世界の司教たちが、このアンケート用紙を用いて、その教区民たちに調査を実施すると本気で思っているかどうかということである。アメリカ合衆国の司教協議会は、国内の各司教たちに、そのような広範な諮問に取り組むことは要請せずに、バルディッセーリの書簡に添えて送られてきた10月30日のメモで、司教たちに、司教たち自身の見解を提出するようにとだけ命じている。米国司教協議会の関係者はNCRにその背景について語り、10月18日付 バルディッセーリ書簡と10月30日付ロニー・ジェンキンス米司教協議会事務総長メモは矛盾する、と語った。関係者は、この2文書の間では司教たちがなすべき協議の内容が不明確である、という。

1977年から1997年まで、合衆国の家族、信徒、青年のための司教事務局(the U.S. bishops' Secretariat for Family, Laity, Women and Youth)の指導をしていたドロレス・レッキーは、あるインタビューで、彼女が司教事務局で働いていたときには、バチカンから同様の要請を求められたことはなかったと述べている。レッキーが言うには、彼女が職に就いていたときの司教事務局は、1987年の信徒に関するシノドスのための2年間の諮問課程に取り組んだが、その課程は、合衆国の司教団のイニシアティブで始まったのであって、バチカンの要請によるものではなかったということである。
2014年のシノドスの米国代表に選出された司教たちは、“信徒たちが語るべきことを(バチカンから)聞きたい” と決意していたとレッキーは語った。
訳注:Dolores R. Leckey is a Senior Research Fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center, Georgetown University. She is the former Executive Director of the Secretariat for Family, Laity, Women and Youth at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), where she served for twenty years.
訳注:Pope John Paul II opened a Synod of Bishops in St. Peter's Basilica on October 02, 1987 by asking the prelates to address ''the proper and specific tasks'' assigned to ordinary lay people.



10月18日付 バルディッセーリ書簡の質問の中には、時に米国のカトリック教会を厳しい分裂に追い込んできた問題がある。たとえば、人口避妊を禁止する教理、離婚カトリック信者の再婚とその聖体拝領の問題、婚前の同棲などである。バルディッセーリは、事務局が、集まった資料を、2月に予定されている集会で使えるように、1月の末までに答えを送ってくれるようにと司教協議会に依頼していると、火曜日に述べている。                                        (End)


NCR(National Catholic Reporter) 記事英文

“No consensus on meaning of Vatican synod questionnaire”  by Joshua J. McElwee

Nearly a week after news that the Vatican has asked for the world's bishops to distribute among Catholics a questionnaire on issues like contraception, same-sex marriage and divorce "immediately" and "as widely as possible," there is no consensus on what that direction means.
Moreover, comparing notes from recent Vatican statements, it is hard to decipher whether the call for consultation is unprecedented or something that's happened for decades.

The Vatican's chief spokesman said in an interview over the weekend that the Vatican's request for the world's bishops to survey Catholics on how certain topics affect their lives was part of a habitual "praxis."
Yet the official who sent the questionnaire said Tuesday it is part of a wide-ranging project to reform how the Vatican reaches out to bishops and faithful around the world. The questionnaire was sent Oct. 18 by the Vatican's Synod of Bishops, which is preparing a global meeting of prelates for next October. Called by Pope Francis last month, the Oct. 5-19, 2014, meeting is to focus on the theme "Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization."

Francis and his Council of Cardinals, a group of eight cardinals who are advising Francis on reforms of the Vatican's central bureaucracy, discussed the synod on the family at their Oct. 1-3 meeting. Sources at the Vatican told NCR following that meeting that the synod on the family would not be business as usual. The upcoming synod, those sources said, would provide for substantial consultation at the local level, involving dioceses and parishes. NCR was told in early October that Vatican officials had discussed using the Internet to allow rank-and-file Catholics to offer ideas and reactions along the way. It would seem that the bishops of England and Wales had this idea; they put the Vatican's Oct. 18 questionnaire online. But when Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri was asked at the Vatican press briefing Tuesday if that action was something other bishops' conferences should emulate, he said the "question answers itself" and was "not worth considering."

Baldisseri, the secretary general of the Vatican's Synod of Bishops, was the author of the Oct. 18 letter. The letter, first reported by NCR, asks the conferences to quiz their populations on the sometimes-controversial topics in advance of a Vatican synod on the family next October. A synod is a global meeting of Catholic bishops, usually devoted to a particular theme. Baldisseri, who was appointed to his Vatican role Sept. 21, spoke publicly for the first time about the synod and his request to the bishops' conferences at Tuesday's press briefing along with two other senior prelates. Mentioning that his office is expected to undergo revision with the reforms of the Vatican bureaucracy being undertaken by Francis, he said the pope wanted to strengthen his office to better promote collegiality and consultation between the pontiff and the world's bishops.

The document regarding next year's synod, he said, was sent "to initiate the process of consultation." The document was sent to dioceses around the world "with the aim of obtaining concrete and real data on the synodal theme," he said. Jesuit Fr. Federico Lombardi, however, said in an interview with the Catholic News Agency on Saturday that the questions will only be used by the synod in an advisory way. Lombardi is the director of the Holy See Press Office. In the letter he sent to the bishops' conferences in October, Baldisseri directed the prelates to distribute the questionnaire "immediately as widely as possible to deaneries and parishes so that input from local sources can be received."

One question is whether the archbishop and the Vatican meant for the world's bishops to conduct a survey of their populations using the questionnaire. The U.S. bishops' conference did not request the U.S. episcopate to undertake that wide of a consultation, telling the bishops in an Oct. 30 memo sent with Baldisseri's letter only to provide their own observations. Speaking on background to NCR over the last week, several U.S. bishops and former bishops' conference staffers said they found the instructions in Baldisseri's Oct. 18 letter and Jenkins' Oct. 30 memo to be conflicting. Between the two documents, the bishops and staffers said, it was unclear what kind of consultation the bishops are expected to do.

Dolores Leckey, who led the U.S. bishops' Secretariat for Family, Laity, Women and Youth from 1977 to 1997, said in an interview she had not seen a similar request from the Vatican during her time with the U.S. bishops. Leckey said her bishops' office had undertaken a two-year consultative process for the 1987 Synod on the Laity, but that process came as an initiative of the U.S. bishops and not at the Vatican's request. The bishops elected to attend that synod from the U.S. decided they "wanted to hear what the people had to say," Leckey said.

While the Vatican had not initially made the Oct. 18 document available, it was posted Tuesday at the Synod of Bishops' website and was distributed through the Vatican press office. Baldisseri said pastors were expected to provide summaries of the views and experiences of parishioners and that their findings would be "channeled" in turn through national bishops' conferences for ultimate consideration by the synod. Individual Catholics are welcome to communicate their views directly to the synod's offices at the Vatican, Baldisseri said. His staff is preparing the synod's working document, which should be published in May.

Archbishop Bruno Forte, an Italian who is to serve as the secretary for the upcoming synod, said at Tuesday's Vatican briefing that the process for this synod is a "broad and deep process of listening to the life of the church and of the most pressing challenges posed to her." Forte said he wanted to emphasize the "pastoral slant" of the theme as "a perspective through which the Holy Father invites us to look upon the value of the family and the challenges it faces today." "It is not, therefore, a matter of debating doctrinal questions," Forte said. "But rather how to understand how to effectively proclaim the Gospel of the family in the times we are living, characterized by a clear social and spiritual crisis."

Among questions asked by the Vatican in the Oct. 18 document are topics that sometimes have sharply divided the U.S. church, like the Catholic teaching prohibiting the use of artificial contraception, the possibility of a divorced Catholic to remarry or receive Communion, and the number of couples choosing to live together before marrying. Baldisseri said Tuesday he was asking the bishops' conferences to respond by the end of January so his secretariat could use their material in meetings expected for February.

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