2013/3/30 アレッサンドロ・スペシエレ Religion News Service
バチカン市 (RNS) : バチカンは 3 月 29 日(金)、教皇フランシスコが、ローマの少年院での聖木曜日のミサの間に二人の女性の足を洗う判断をしたことについて、批判を退けるコメントを発表した。
批判の動きは、カトリック伝統主義者たちの間から起きた。伝統主義者たちによれば、洗足式はイエスがその死を前に 12 人の弟子たちの足を洗ったことの再現なのだから、その相手は男性に限られるべきであるという。これまでの慣習では、教皇たちは、ローマの聖ヨハネ・ラテラノ大聖堂の荘厳ミサで 12 人の司祭の足を洗ってきた。
バチカンの 典礼秘跡省は 1988 年の書簡で、洗足式に受け入れられるのは「選ばれた男性」だけであると宣言している。
しかし、洗足式に女性を受け入れることは、アメリカ合衆国やその他の地域で広く行われていることである。 ホルヘ・マリオ・ベルゴリオ(教皇フランシスコ)は、 ブエノスアイレスの大司教の時も、また枢機卿としても、 これまで洗足式に女性を受け入れていた。
教皇フランシスコがミサを行った カサル・デル・マルモ少年院 には若い男女が共に収監されており、「少女たちが除外されたとしたら、かえっておかしなことではないか。」
「この共同体の若者たちは、単純ではあるが本質的なことを理解することになった。彼らは典礼学者ではないのだ。」 ロンバルディは続ける。
3 月 13 日に教皇に選ばれて以来、教皇フランシスコは、教皇職へのアプローチとして単純さと謙虚さを大切にする姿勢を示してきた。彼は、前任者の教皇ベネディクト 16 世が復活させていた大袈裟な典礼や祭服を簡素なものに戻した。
保守的なブログを持つ ジョン・ゾールスドーフ 神父は次のように述べている。
「教皇フランシスコの動きは、ベネディクト 16 世と、その前のヨハネ・パウロ 2 世の、共に保守的な教皇ののもとで、ますます片隅に追いやられていたカトリック・リベラル派が、いまや天下晴れて思うままに行動しているものと解釈出来るかもしれない。」
「リベラル派は、保守派を尻目に、教皇フランシスコの行動はリベラルなことがらを是認するものであると主張するだろう。」 彼は 3 月 28 日のブログにそう書いている。
たとえば、聖木曜日の洗足式に女性を受け入れたことは、教皇フランシスコが女性司祭を認めるのではないかという期待につながる可能性がある、と ゾールスドーフ は言う。「リベラル派は女性の洗足だけに関心がある。つまり彼らの望みは、女性が足を洗う側になることなのだ。」
しかし、 ベルゴリオ(教皇フランシスコ)は、 2011 年の著書の中で、女性は司祭職に就くことはできないと述べている。なぜなら、「司祭職の頂点はイエスであり、イエスは男性だからである。」
Vatican Defends Pope Francis' Washing Of Women's Feet
Posted: 03/30/2013 5:13 pm EDT
By Alessandro Speciale
Religion News Service
VATICAN CITY (RNS) The Vatican on Friday (March 29) dismissed criticism of Pope Francis' decision to wash the feet of two women during a Maundy Thursday Mass at a Rome youth prison.
The move has come under fire from Catholic traditionalists who say that the rite is a re-enactment of Jesus washing the feet of the 12 apostles before his death, and thus should be limited only to men.
Traditionally, popes have washed the feet of 12 priests during a solemn Mass in Rome 's St. John Lateran Basilica.
Edward Peters, a blogger and expert in church law at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit , wrote on his blog that Francis was setting a "questionable example." A 1988 letter from the Vatican 's Congregation for Divine Worship states that only "chosen men" can be admitted to the foot-washing ceremony.
But including women in the rite is a widespread practice in the United States and elsewhere. As archbishop of Buenos Aires , then-Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio regularly included women in the rite.
The Vatican 's chief spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said the pope's decision was "absolutely licit" for a rite that is not a church sacrament. Francis also took into account "the real situation, the community where one celebrates," Lombardi added.
The Casal del Marmo prison where Francis celebrated houses both young men and women, "and it would have been strange if girls had been excluded," Lombardi said.
"This community understands simple and essential things; they were not liturgy scholars," Lombardi said. "Washing feet was important to present the Lord's spirit of service and love."
A document issued by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops says that the inclusion of women in the foot-washing rite is an "understandable way of accentuating the evangelical command of the Lord, ‘ who came to serve and not to be served,' that all members of the church must serve one another in love."
The bishops' document continues, "It has become customary in many places to invite both men and women to be participants in this rite in recognition of the service that should be given by all the faithful to the church and to the world."
Since his election on March 13, Francis has shown a preference for a simple, humble approach to the papacy. He's scaled back the elaborate rites and liturgical vestments his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, had reintroduced.
The moves have worried some conservatives.
The Rev. John Zuhlsdorf, a conservative blogger, said that Francis' moves might be interpreted as a vindication of Catholic liberals that have been increasingly marginalized during the conservative papacies of Benedict and John Paul II.
(By Wikipedia) John Todd Zuhlsdorf (b. October 28, 1959) is an unassigned American Catholic priest of the Diocese of Velletri-Segni[1] and a Catholic Internet personality, often known as "Father Z". For some time he was a weekly columnist for the Catholic newspaper The Wanderer,[2] and has appeared on EWTN and the Fox News Channel. He is best known for his blog What Does the Prayer Really Say?, in which he advocates for reverent celebration of both the Ordinary Form and the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite liturgy of the Mass and the revival of the Sacrament of Penance. He routinely publishes recipes and photos of his bird houses near his Wisconsin home. "The Staggers", the blog of the British magazine New Statesman, listed Fr. Zuhlsdorf's site as one of the top ten Christian blogs in the world.[3] Formerly a Lutheran, his conversion to Catholicism 30 years ago was set into motion after hearing a piece of sacred polyphony on the radio. He was ordained as a priest in 1991 by Pope John Paul II.
"Liberals will find it far easier than conservatives to claim that Francis' actions are endorsements of their liberal thing," he wrote on his blog on March 28.
The inclusion of women in the Maundy Thursday rite, for example, could raise hopes that Francis will endorse women priests, Zulhsdorf wrote. "Liberals," he said, "only care about the washing of the feet of women, because ultimately they want women to do the washing."
But Bergoglio wrote in a 2011 book that women cannot accede to the priesthood because "the maximum of the priesthood is Jesus, a male."
"According to tradition," wrote the future pope, "all that pertains to the priesthood must happen through man."
Copyright Vatican Publishing House